@_p_Scheme_Env::ISA = __PACKAGE__;
use vars '%Objects';
use strict;
use constant S => 'Language::MzScheme';
my $SIGILS = '!?$~+.@^%&';
my @SIGILS = split(//, $SIGILS);
=head1 NAME
Language::MzScheme::Env - MzScheme runtime environment
use Language::MzScheme;
my $env = Language::MzScheme->new;
# ...
None at this moment.
=head1 METHODS
All methods below, except C<new>, returns an B<Language::MzScheme::Object>
=head2 new
Constructs and returns a new environment object. Calling this method is
identical to C<Language::MzScheme-E<gt>new>.
sub new {
my $env = S->basic_env;
return $env;
=head2 lookup($name)
Given a global MzScheme variable name C<$name>, returns the current value.
sub lookup {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return $name if UNIVERSAL::isa($name, S.'::Object') and $name->isa('CODE');
my $sym = S->intern_symbol($name);
my $obj = S->lookup_global($sym, $self);
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self;
return $obj;
=head2 define($name, $code, $sigil)
Defines a new MzScheme primitive C<$name> from C<$code>, with the
calling context C<$sigil>, and returns it.
If C<$sigil> is omitted, look at the end of C<$name> for a sigil
character; if not found, uses the auto context. See L</CONTEXTS>
for a list of sigils and their meanings.
If C<$code> is omitted, defines a package with the name C<$name>
and import all its symbols. Otherwise, pass it and the sigil to
the C<lambda> method, and bind the returned lambda to C<$name>.
sub define {
my ($self, $name, $code, $sigil) = @_;
$sigil ||= substr($name, -1) if $name =~ /[$SIGILS]$/o;
if (!defined($code)) {
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $sym (grep !/^[^a-z]|\W/, sort keys %{"$name\::"}) {
my $code = *{${"$name\::"}{$sym}}{CODE} or next;
$sym =~ tr/_/-/;
$self->define("$name\::$sym", $code);
$code = $name;
elsif (ref($code) eq 'CODE') {
foreach my $s (@SIGILS) {
my $obj = $self->lambda($code, $sigil);
S->add_global($name.$s, $obj, $self);
my $obj = $self->lambda($code, $sigil);
S->add_global($name, $obj, $self);
return $self->lookup($name);
=head2 lambda($code, $sigil)
Builds and returns a MzScheme procedure, as a wrapper for C<$code>.
If C<$code> is a Perl code reference, returns a lambda that takes any
number of parameters, under the context specified by C<$sigil>:
(func ...) ; ==> $code->(...)
Otherwise, treat C<$code> as a class name or an object, and returns a
lambda that takes a mandatory I<method> argument, followed by any
number of parameters.
(obj 'method ...) ; ==> $obj->$method(...)
Generally, you should only set C<$sigil> for code references, and let
the user specity the context with the method name:
(obj 'set! ...) ; void context
(obj 'isa? ...) ; boolean context
sub lambda {
my ($self, $code, $sigil) = @_;
my $name = "$code";
$name .= ":$sigil" if $sigil;
my $obj = (ref($code) eq 'CODE')
? S->make_perl_prim_w_arity($code, "$name", 0, -1, $sigil)
: S->make_perl_object_w_arity($code, "$name", 1, -1, $sigil);
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self;
return $obj;
=head2 eval($expr)
Evaluates a MzScheme expression, passed as an object or a string,
and returns the result.
sub eval {
my $self = shift;
my $obj = do {
UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "Language::MzScheme::Object")
? Language::MzScheme::mzscheme_do_eval($_[0], $self)
: Language::MzScheme::mzscheme_do_eval_string_all($_[0], $self, 1);
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self if ref($obj);
return $obj;
=head2 apply($name, @args)
Applies a MzScheme procedure, passed as an object or a global name,
to C<@args>, and returns the result.
sub apply {
my ($self, $name) = splice(@_, 0, 2);
@_ = map S->from_perl_scalar($_), @_;
my $obj = S->do_apply($self->lookup($name), 0+@_, \@_);
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self if ref($obj);
return $obj;
=head2 val($scalar)
Return a MzScheme object that represents the content of C<$scalar>,
which may be a simple scalar or a reference.
sub val {
my $self = shift;
my $obj = S->from_perl_scalar($_[0]);
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self if ref($obj);
return $obj;
=head2 sym($string)
Returns a MzScheme symbol object named C<$string>.
sub sym {
my $self = shift;
my $obj = S->intern_symbol("$_[0]");
$Objects{S->REFADDR($obj)} ||= $self if ref($obj);
return $obj;
There are 10 different sigils, each representing a way to interpret
values returned by a Perl function or method.
If no sigils are specified, then B<auto-context> is assumed: it will
call the perl code with Perl's list context, and look at the number
of values returned. If there is exactly one return value, receive it
as a scalar; otherwise, returns a MzScheme list that contains all
return values.
; list context calls
(perl-func "string") ; auto-context
(perl-func@ "string") ; a list
(perl-func^ "string") ; a vector
(perl-func% "string") ; a hash-table
(perl-func& "string") ; an association-list
; scalar context calls
(perl-func$ "string") ; a scalar of an appropriate type
(perl-func~ "string") ; a string
(perl-func+ "string") ; a number
(perl-func. "string") ; a character
(perl-func? "string") ; a boolean (#t or #f)
; void context calls
(perl-func! "string") ; always #<void>
foreach my $sym (qw(
perl_do perl_eval perl_require perl_use
)) {
no strict 'refs';
my $proc = $sym;
$proc =~ tr/_/-/;
*$sym = sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->apply($proc, @_);
sub _init_perl_wrappers {
my $self = shift;
my $env_pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::__eval'; #(0+$self);
no strict 'refs';
*{"$env_pkg\::mz_eval"} = sub { $self->eval(@_) };
*{"$env_pkg\::mz_apply"} = sub { $self->apply(@_) };
*{"$env_pkg\::mz_lambda"} = sub { $self->lambda(@_) };
*{"$env_pkg\::mz_define"} = sub { $self->define(@_) };
*{"$env_pkg\::mz_lookup"} = sub { $self->lookup(@_) };
# XXX current-command-line-arguments?
$self->define('perl-do', $self->_wrap_do($env_pkg));
$self->define('perl-eval', $self->_wrap_eval($env_pkg));
$self->define('perl-use', $self->_wrap_use($env_pkg));
$self->define('perl-require', $self->_wrap_require($env_pkg));
sub _wrap_require {
my ($self, $env_pkg) = @_;
return sub {
my $pkg = shift;
$pkg =~ s{::}{/}g;
$pkg .= ".pm" if index($pkg, '.') == -1;
local $@;
eval "package $env_pkg; require \$pkg;";
die $@ if $@;
$pkg =~ s{/}{::}g;
$pkg =~ s{\.pm$}{}i;
return $pkg;
sub _wrap_use {
my ($self, $env_pkg) = @_;
return sub {
no strict 'refs';
my $pkg = shift;
my %seen = map ( ( $_ => 1 ), keys %{"$env_pkg\::"} );
local $@;
my @args;
my $eval = "package $env_pkg;\nuse $pkg ".(
@_ ? do {
@args = map { $_->isa('ARRAY') ? @$_ : $_ } @_;
} : ';'
eval $eval;
die $@ if $@;
foreach my $sym (grep !/^[^a-z]|\W/, sort keys %{"$env_pkg\::"}) {
next if $seen{$sym};
my $code = *{${"$pkg\::"}{$sym}}{CODE} or next;
$self->define($sym, $code);
return $pkg;
sub _wrap_do {
my ($self, $env_pkg) = @_;
return sub {
my $file = shift;
local $@;
return eval "package $env_pkg;\ndo \$file;";
sub _wrap_eval {
my ($self, $env_pkg) = @_;
return sub {
local $@;
return eval "package $env_pkg;\n@_;";
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Language::MzScheme>, L<Language::MzScheme::Object>
=head1 AUTHORS
Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2004 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.