%# [POST PostURI] (Container)
%# Create a new object from the AtomEntry in the request's body.
%# 204: Created, but the new object has no EditURI.
%# 303: Created. The 'Location:' header is set to the new object's EditURI
%# (for subsequent Get/Update).
%# 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
%# 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
my $obj = eval {$CollectionClass->new($session{CurrentUser})->NewItem}
or return $m->comp($ShowError, Status => 404);
my %args = $m->request_args;
$args{$1} = $2 while $Path =~ m{\G.*?(\w+)s/(\d+)/(?=\w)}g;
# XXX - factor away the creation defaults
$args{Requestor} ||= $session{CurrentUser}->Id
if $CollectionClass->isa('RT::Tickets');
my $status = 400;
my @rv;
if ($Path =~ /.*\b(\w+)s/ and $Object and my $code = $Object->can("Add$1")) {
if ($1 eq 'CustomFieldValue' and my $q = eval { $Object->QueueObj->Id } and $args{Field} =~ /^(\d*\D.*)$/) {
my $name = $1;
my $cf = RT::CustomField->new($session{CurrentUser});
$cf->LoadByNameAndQueue( Queue => $q, Name => $name );
$cf->LoadByNameAndQueue( Queue => 0, Name => $name ) if !$cf->Id;
$args{Field} = $cf if $cf->Id;
@rv = $code->($Object, %args);
$status = 200 if $rv[0];
else {
@rv = $obj->Create( %args );
if (my $id = $obj->Id) {
$r->headers_out->{Location} = "$BaseURI/$Path/$id";
$status = 303;
print $rv[-1], "\n";