%# [GET FeedURI]
%# Search for objects within an container.
%# Possible query parameters: rows, page, query.
%# 200: Success. Body is the result, serialized as an AtomFeed.
%# 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
%# 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="<% $BaseURI %>/NoAuth/feed.css"?>
<feed version="0.3" xmlns="http://purl.org/atom/ns#" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title><&|/l&>Query</&>: <% loc($Type) %></title>
<name><% $RT::Organization %></name>
<url><% $RT::WebURL %></url>
<tagline mode="escaped">
% if ($TotalFound) {
<&|/l, $page, int(($TotalFound-1)/$rows)+1&>Page [_1] of [_2]</&>
(<&|/l, $TotalFound&>[_1] Total</&>)
% }
<& $ShowLink, Relation => "service.feed", URI => $BaseURI, Id => '_up', Title => "Up" &>
<& $ShowLink, Relation => "service.post", URI => $FeedURI, Id => '!add', Title => $Type &>
% # XXX - The URI below is incorrect; should point to collection URL
<& $ShowLink, Type => 'text/html', URI => $RT::WebURL, Title => $Type &>
<modified><% $Now->W3CDTF %></modified>
<generator url="http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/" version="<% $RT::VERSION %>"></generator>
% foreach my $obj (@$List) {
<& $ShowEntry, %ARGS, Object => $obj, IsChild => 1 &>
% }
% if ($page > 1) {
<& $ShowLink, URI => $prev->as_string, Text => loc("Previous Page"), Relation => 'prev', &>
% }
% if (($page * $rows) < $TotalFound) {
<& $ShowLink, URI => $next->as_string, Text => loc("Next Page"), Relation => 'next', &>
% }
my $List = $Collection;
if (defined($rows) and $List->isa('RT::Tickets')) {
$List->FromSQL( $query || "Type = 'ticket'" );
my $TotalFound = $List->Count;
$List->RowsPerPage($rows) if $rows > 0;
$List->GotoPage($page - 1) if $page > 0;
$List = $List->ItemsArrayRef || [];
$rows = $TotalFound if $rows <= 0;
$page = 1 if $page <= 0;
if ($TotalFound) {
$r->headers_out->{'Content-Location'} = "$BaseURI/$Path/".join(',', map $_->Id, @$List);
return if $r->method eq 'HEAD';
my %query;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %ARGS) {
$query{$k} = $v if $k eq lc($k) and $k ne 'page';
my $prev = URI->new($FeedURI);
$prev->query_form( %query, page => ($page-1) );
my $next = URI->new($FeedURI);
$next->query_form( %query, page => ($page+1) );
$rows => 10
$page => 1
$query => undef