%# So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in
%# praise of intelligence.
%# -- Bertrand Russell
# first, look to see if something already matchs the Ticket Id.
if ( $Query =~ /^\s*#?\d+\s*$/ ) {
my $TicketObj = RT::Ticket->new($session{CurrentUser});
$TicketObj->Load( $Query );
return $m->comp(
URL => '/Foundry/Project/Tracker/Display.html?SearchType=Ticket'.
'&Queue=' . $TicketObj->Queue . '&id=' . $TicketObj->Id
) if $TicketObj->Id and $TicketObj->CustomFieldValue('Type');
# otherwise, it's a subject search
my $List = RT::Tickets->new($session{CurrentUser});
FIELD => 'Subject',
VALUE => $Query,
$List->OrderBy( FIELD => 'Id', ORDER => 'DESC' );
my $count = $List->Count or return;
# final chance -- if only one thing matches, jump to it
if ( $count == 1 ) {
return $m->comp(
URL => '/Foundry/Project/Tracker/Display.html?SearchType=Ticket' .
'&Queue=' . $List->First->QueueObj->Id .
'&id=' . $List->First->Id,
) unless $List->First->QueueObj->Disabled;
# okay, we really have a list.
$List = [ grep { ($_ and !$_->QueueObj->Disabled) } @{$List->ItemsArrayRef||[]} ];
return $List;