#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Hijk;
unless ($ENV{TEST_LIVE}) {
plan skip_all => "Enable live testing by setting env: TEST_LIVE=1";
if($ENV{http_proxy}) {
plan skip_all => "http_proxy is set. We cannot test when proxy is required to visit u.nix.is";
for my $i (1..1000) {
lives_ok {
my $res = Hijk::request({
host => 'u.nix.is',
port => 80,
connect_timeout => 3,
read_timeout => 3,
path => "/?Hijk_test_nr=$i",
head => [
"X-Request-Nr" => $i,
"Referer" => "Hijk (file:" . __FILE__ . "; iteration: $i)",
ok !exists($res->{error}), '$res->{error} does not exist, because we do not expect connect timeout to happen';
cmp_ok $res->{status}, '==', 200, "We got a 200 OK response";
if (exists $res->{head}->{Connection} and $res->{head}->{Connection} eq 'close') {
cmp_ok scalar(keys %{$Hijk::SOCKET_CACHE}), '==', 0, "We were told to close the connection. We should have no entry in the socket cache";
} else {
cmp_ok scalar(keys %{$Hijk::SOCKET_CACHE}), '==', 1, "We have an entry in the global socket cache";
} "We could make request number $i";