#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Hijk;
unless ($ENV{TEST_LIVE}) {
plan skip_all => "Enable live testing by setting env: TEST_LIVE=1";
my $pid = fork;
die "Fail to fork then start a plack server" unless defined $pid;
if ($pid == 0) {
require Plack::Runner;
my $runner = Plack::Runner->new;
$runner->parse_options("--port", "5002", "$FindBin::Bin/bin/head-request.psgi");
sleep 5; # hopfully this is enough to launch that psgi.
my %args = (
timeout => 1,
host => "localhost",
port => "5002",
method => "HEAD",
subtest "expect HEAD response with a Content-Length" => sub {
my $res = Hijk::request({%args, query_string => "gimme_content_length=1"});
ok !exists $res->{error}, '$res->{error} should not exist because this request should have been successful';
cmp_ok $res->{head}->{"Content-Length"}, "==", 11, "Got a Content-Length";
cmp_ok $res->{body}, "eq", "", "Got no body even though we had a Content-Length";
subtest "expect HEAD response without a Content-Length" => sub {
my $res = Hijk::request({%args, query_string => "gimme_content_length="});
ok !exists $res->{error}, '$res->{error} should not exist because this request should have been successful';
local $TODO = "I can't figure out how to get plackup(1) not to implicitly add Content-Length";
ok !exists $res->{head}->{"Content-Length"}, "We should get no Content-Length";
cmp_ok $res->{body}, "eq", "", "Got no body wit the HEAD response, also have no Content-Length";
END { kill INT => $pid if $pid }