#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Hijk;
unless ($ENV{TEST_LIVE}) {
plan skip_all => "Enable live testing by setting env: TEST_LIVE=1";
# find a ip and confirm it is not reachable.
my $pinger = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 2);
my $ip;
my $iter = 10;
do {
$ip = join ".", 172, (int(rand()*15+16)), int(rand()*250+1), int(rand()*255+1);
} while($iter-- > 0 && $pinger->ping($ip));
if ($iter == 0) {
plan skip_all => "Cannot randomly generate an unreachable IP."
pass "ip generated = $ip";
my ($res, $exception);
eval {
$res = Hijk::request({
host => $ip,
port => 80,
timeout => 1 # seconds
or do {
$exception = $@ || "unknown error.";
$exception =~ s/\n//g;
if ($exception) {
pass "On $^O, we have exception trying to connect to an unreachable IP: $exception";
is(scalar(keys %{$Hijk::SOCKET_CACHE}), 0, "We have nothing in the socket cache after the connect exception.");
} else {
ok exists $res->{error}, "On $^O, ".'$res->{error} exists because we expect error to happen.';
is $res->{error}, Hijk::Error::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, '$res->{error} contiain the value of Hijk::Error::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, indicating that it timed-out when establishing connection';
is(scalar(keys %{$Hijk::SOCKET_CACHE}), 0, "We have nothing in the socket cache after a timeout");