$App::vaporcalc::FormatString::VERSION = '0.002002';
our @EXPORT = our @EXPORT_OK = 'format_str';
sub format_str {
my $string = shift;
return '' unless defined $string and length $string;
my %vars = @_ > 1 ? @_
: ref $_[0] && reftype $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]}
: ();
my $rpl = sub {
my ($orig, $match) = @_;
if (defined $vars{$match}) {
return ref $vars{$match} eq 'CODE' ?
$vars{$match}->($match, $orig, $vars{$match})
: $vars{$match}
state $re = qr/(%([^\s%]+)%?)/;
$string =~ s/$re/$rpl->($1, $2)/ge;
=head1 NAME
App::vaporcalc::FormatString - Templated string formatter
my $things = "some very special";
my $formatted = format_str( "My %string% with %this% var",
this => $things,
string => "cool string",
); ## -> My cool string with some very special var
A tiny string formatter.
Exports a single function: L</format_str>
=head2 format_str
Takes a string and a hash (or hash reference) mapping template variables to
replacement strings.
The replacement variables can be coderefs returning a string:
format_str( "My string with %code",
code => sub {
my ($match, $orig, $callback) = @_;
. . .
return "Some string replacing variable $match"
The code reference will receive the matching variable ("code"), the original matched
string ("%code" in the above example), and itself as its respective arguments.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>