$App::vaporcalc::Role::Store::VERSION = '0.003001';
use JSON::MaybeXS 1.001 ();
requires 'TO_JSON';
method save ( (Str | Path) $path ) {
my $jseng = JSON::MaybeXS->new(
utf8 => 1,
pretty => 1,
allow_blessed => 1,
convert_blessed => 1,
my $json = $jseng->encode($self);
unless ($json) {
confess "Could not encode JSON: ".$jseng->error
method load ( (Str | Path) $path ) {
my $json = path($path)->slurp_utf8;
my $jseng = JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 1);
my $data = $jseng->decode($json);
unless ($data) {
confess "Could not decode JSON: ".$jseng->error
method _load_create_obj ($data) {
(blessed $self || $self)->new(%$data)
=head1 NAME
# See App::vaporcalc::Recipe, App::vaporcalc::RecipeResultSet
use Moo;
with 'App::vaporcalc::Role::Store';
This role provides L</save> and L</load> methods that attempt to serialize or
retrieve objects via L<JSON::MaybeXS>; this is used by
L<App::vaporcalc::Recipe> & L<App::vaporcalc::RecipeResultSet> to preserve
e-liquid recipes.
=head3 TO_JSON
Consumers are expected to implement a C<TO_JSON> method that returns a plain
C<HASH> for storage.
=head2 METHODS
=head3 save
Takes a path (as a string or a L<Path::Tiny> object) and attempts to serialize
the C<$self> object to the given path.
Objects are expected to provide their own C<TO_JSON> method; if it is not
available, an exception is thrown.
=head3 load
Takes a path (as a string or a L<Path::Tiny> object) and attempts to create a
new object by calling C<new()>.
(Usually called as a class method.)
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>