$App::vaporcalc::Role::UI::ParseCmd::VERSION = '0.003002';
requires 'subject_list';
method parse_cmd (Str $str) {
# e.g.:
# set nic base 100
# nic base set 100
my ($subj, $verb);
my $params = array;
# alternate approach to find first subj in line:
# split line into words and pairs ARRAY
# > notes add Flavor too strong
# # [ 'notes', 'notes add', 'add', 'add Flavor', 'Flavor', .. ]
# walk for first valid subj
# die if none
# remove subj and pairs from ARRAY
# # [ 'add', 'Flavor', .. ]
# remainder is $pieces
# verb is $pieces->shift
# test for same
my @subjs = array(@{ $self->subject_list })
->nsort_by(sub { length })
SUBJ: for my $maybe (@subjs) {
my $idx = index $str, $maybe;
next SUBJ if $idx == -1;
no warnings 'substr';
if ($idx > 0) {
my $prevchar = substr $str, ($idx - 1), 1;
next SUBJ unless $prevchar eq ' ';
if ( (my $pos = $idx + length($maybe)) < length $str ) {
my $nextchar = substr $str, $pos, 1;
next SUBJ unless $nextchar eq ' ';
$subj = $maybe;
substr $str, $idx, length($maybe), ' ';
my $pieces = array( split ' ', $str );
$verb = $pieces->shift;
$params = array(
Text::ParseWords::parse_line('\s+', 0, $pieces->join(' '))
last SUBJ
unless ($subj) {
message => "No subject to operate on",
subject => $subj,
verb => $verb,
params => $params
=head1 NAME
package MyCmdParser;
use Moo;
has subject_list => (
is => 'ro',
builder => sub {
[ 'nic base', 'flavor' ]
with 'App::vaporcalc::Role::UI::ParseCmd';
package main;
my $parser = MyCmdParser->new;
# Same as:
# my $result = $parser->parse_cmd("nic base set 100");
my $result = $parser->parse_cmd("set nic base 100");
my $subj = $result->subject; # 'nic base'
my $verb = $result->verb; # 'set'
my $params = $result->params; # params as a List::Objects::WithUtils::Array
A L<Moo::Role> for parsing command strings based on a list of valid subjects.
=head3 subject_list
The C<subject_list> method is expected to return an ARRAY or ARRAY-type object
containing a list of valid subjects.
=head2 METHODS
=head3 parse_cmd
Given a string, returns an inflated L<List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash>
with C<subject>, C<verb>, and C<params> accessors (see SYNOPSIS).
Used by L<App::vaporcalc::CmdEngine> to parse B<vaporcalc> commands.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>