use 5.10.1;
use strictures 2;
use Bot::Cobalt::Frontend::Utils 'ask_yesno', 'ask_question';
my($path_dest, $this_plugin);
my $path_rcfile = $ENV{HOME} ?
File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{HOME}, ".cobalt2rc" )
: ".cobalt2rc";
help => sub {
" --plugin=DIST\n\n",
" --dest=PATH\n",
" OR:\n",
" --rcfile=FILE\n",
exit 0
'plugin=s' => \$this_plugin,
'rcfile=s' => \$path_rcfile,
'dest=s' => \$path_dest,
unless ($this_plugin) {
$this_plugin = $ARGV[0] || die "No plugin specified.\n"
unless ($path_dest) {
my ($base, $etc) = rc_read($path_rcfile);
print "Current etcdir: $etc\n",
"No path was specified\n",
"Attempting to write one under etcdir\n";
$path_dest = ask_question(
prompt => "Write file (under \$etcdir/plugins/)",
$path_dest = path($path_dest);
write_conf( try_load_cf($this_plugin) );
"Config for $this_plugin\n",
"Written to: $path_dest\n",
sub try_load_cf {
my ($plugin) = @_;
my $plugincf = $plugin . '::Conf' ;
{ local $@;
eval "require $plugincf";
die "Could not load Conf module: $@\n" if $@;
die "No conf() method found for $plugincf\n"
unless $plugincf->can('conf');
or die "'conf' method for $plugincf did not return a true value"
sub write_conf {
my ($thiscf) = @_;
die "write_conf not passed a conf, is the plugin name valid?"
unless $thiscf;
if (-e $path_dest) {
print "Warning! The destination file appears to exist.\n";
print "Path: $path_dest\n";
my $overwrite = ask_yesno(
prompt => "Overwrite destination path?",
default => "n",
die "Exiting, destination exists.\n"
unless $overwrite;
## FIXME offer to try appending to plugins.conf ?
## -> copy to .bak
=head1 NAME
cobalt2-plugin-installcf - Install example plugin confs
$ cobalt2-plugin-installcf --plugin=<distname> --dest=<filename>
This is a simple tool for installing example plugin configuration files
packaged with a plugin distribution.
For example:
$ cpan Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::RSS
$ cobalt2-plugin-installcf --plugin="Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::RSS" \
Plugin authors should see L<Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins::Dist> for
details on including an example plugin configuration file.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>