## Config for a multi-server/network bot.
## The 'Main' context is configured in cobalt.conf.
## New networks can be configured here under the Networks: directive.
## (If you specify any NickServ or Server passwords here, you may want
## to consider a permissions adjustment for this file.)
## You'll also need channels specified in your channels.conf for any
## configured network contexts.
## Super-users will also need a per-context Auth config in auth.conf.
Enabled: 0
Nickname: "cobalt2"
Username: "cobalt2"
Realname: "underconfigured cobalt2 instance"
ServerAddr: "irc.cobaltirc.org"
IPv6: 0
ServerPort: 6667
ServerPass: ~
UseSSL: 0
BindAddr: ~
NickServPass: ~
Umodes: ~