#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Cheap tool for merging eggdrop bseen data to a Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::Seen DB
use feature 'say';
use strictures 2;
my $ctxt = 'Main';
my $casemap = 'rfc1459';
my ($bseen_path, $target_path);
help => sub {
"Usage: $0 --from=PATH --to=PATH [ --context=Main --casemap=rfc1459 ]";
exit 0
'from=s' => \$bseen_path,
'to=s' => \$target_path,
'context=s' => \$ctxt,
'casemap=s' => \$casemap,
die "Expected 'from' and 'to' paths\n"
unless $bseen_path and $target_path;
die "No such file: $bseen_path" unless -e $bseen_path;
open my $inputfh, '<', $bseen_path
or die "Failed to open '${bseen_path}': $!";
my $seendb = Bot::Cobalt::DB->new(file => $target_path);
$seendb->dbopen or die "dbopen failure";
my ($count, $skip) = (0,0);
LINE: while (my $line = readline $inputfh) {
chomp $line;
next LINE if index($line, '#') == 0;
my ($nick, $host, $ts, $action, $chan) = split ' ', $line;
$nick = lc_irc $nick, $casemap;
my $tag = join '%', $ctxt, $nick;
if ( $seendb->get($tag) ) {
# FIXME keep whichever is most recent perhaps?
next LINE
my ($username, $hostname) = parse_user($host);
my $ref = +{
TS => $ts,
Host => $host,
Username => $username,
Channel => $chan,
Action => 'quit', # OK, cheating
$seendb->put($tag, $ref);
close $inputfh or warn "close: $!";
say "Done! (merged $count, skipped $skip)";