package Crypt::ZCert;
$Crypt::ZCert::VERSION = '0.002001';
use v5.10;
use Carp;
use strictures 1;
use Types::Path::Tiny -types;
use Types::Standard -types;
use Moo; use MooX::late;
has adjust_permissions => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
builder => sub { 1 },
has ignore_existing => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
builder => sub { 0 },
has public_file => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Maybe[Path],
coerce => 1,
predicate => 1,
builder => sub { undef },
has secret_file => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Maybe[Path],
coerce => 1,
predicate => 1,
builder => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->has_public_file ?
$self->public_file . '_secret'
: undef
has public_key_z85 => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
writer => '_set_public_key_z85',
builder => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $keypair = $self->generate_keypair;
$self->_set_secret_key_z85( $keypair->secret );
has secret_key_z85 => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
writer => '_set_secret_key_z85',
builder => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $keypair = $self->generate_keypair;
$self->_set_public_key_z85( $keypair->public );
has public_key => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Defined,
builder => sub { decode_z85( shift->public_key_z85 ) },
has secret_key => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Defined,
builder => sub { decode_z85( shift->secret_key_z85 ) },
has metadata => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => HashObj,
coerce => 1,
builder => sub { +{} },
has zmq_soname => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
builder => sub {
# Early 4.x installs as ->
state $search = [ qw/
/ ];
my ($soname, $zmq_vers);
SEARCH: for my $maybe (@$search) {
try {
$zmq_vers = FFI::Raw->new(
$maybe, zmq_version =>
$soname = $maybe;
last SEARCH if defined $soname;
croak "Failed to locate a suitable libzmq in your linker's search path"
unless defined $soname;
my ($maj, $min, $pat) = map {; pack 'i!', $_ } (0, 0, 0);
map {; unpack 'L!', pack 'P', $_ } $maj, $min, $pat
($maj, $min, $pat) = map {; unpack 'i!', $_ } $maj, $min, $pat;
unless ($maj >= 4) {
my $vstr = join '.', $maj, $min, $pat;
croak "This library requires ZeroMQ 4+ but you only have $vstr"
has _zmq_errno => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Object,
builder => sub {
shift->zmq_soname, zmq_errno => FFI::Raw::int
has _zmq_strerr => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Object,
builder => sub {
shift->zmq_soname, zmq_strerror => FFI::Raw::str, FFI::Raw::int
has _zmq_curve_keypair => (
lazy => 1,
is => 'ro',
isa => Object,
builder => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->zmq_soname, zmq_curve_keypair =>
FFI::Raw::int, # <- rc
FFI::Raw::ptr, # -> pub key ptr
FFI::Raw::ptr, # -> sec key ptr
sub BUILD {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->_read_cert unless $self->ignore_existing;
sub _read_cert {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->has_secret_file or $self->has_public_file;
if (!$self->secret_file->exists) {
if ($self->public_file && $self->public_file->exists) {
# public_file exists, secret_file does not, do the safe thing and
# refuse to overwrite existing public_file:
confess "Found 'public_file' but not 'secret_file'; ",
"Check your key file paths, remove the 'public_file', ",
"or specify 'ignore_existing => 1' to overwrite"
if ($self->public_file && !$self->public_file->exists) {
warn "Found 'secret_file' but not 'public_file': ".$self->public_file,
" -- you may want to call a commit()"
if (!$self->public_file) {
warn "No 'public_file' specified; commit() will fail!"
my $secdata = decode_zpl( $self->secret_file->slurp );
$secdata->{curve} ||= +{};
my $pubkey = $secdata->{curve}->{'public-key'};
my $seckey = $secdata->{curve}->{'secret-key'};
unless ($pubkey && $seckey) {
confess "Invalid ZCert; ".
"expected 'curve' section containing 'public-key' & 'secret-key'"
$self->metadata->set(%{ $secdata->{metadata} }) if $secdata->{metadata};
sub generate_keypair {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($pub, $sec) = (
FFI::Raw::memptr(41), FFI::Raw::memptr(41)
if ( $self->_zmq_curve_keypair->($pub, $sec) == -1 ) {
my $errno = $self->_zmq_errno->();
my $errstr = $self->_zmq_strerr->($errno);
confess "libzmq zmq_curve_keypair failed: $errstr ($errno)"
public => $pub->tostr,
secret => $sec->tostr,
sub export_zcert {
my ($self) = @_;
my $data = +{
curve => +{
'public-key' => $self->public_key_z85,
metadata => $self->metadata,
my $public = encode_zpl $data;
$data->{curve}->{'secret-key'} = $self->secret_key_z85;
my $secret = encode_zpl $data;
public => $public,
secret => $secret,
sub commit {
my ($self) = @_;
confess "commit() called but no public_file / secret_file set"
unless $self->has_public_file
and $self->public_file
and $self->secret_file;
my $zcert = $self->export_zcert;
$self->public_file->spew( $zcert->public );
$self->secret_file->spew( $zcert->secret );
$self->secret_file->chmod(0600) if $self->adjust_permissions;
=for Pod::Coverage BUILD has_\w+_file
=head1 NAME
Crypt::ZCert - Manage ZeroMQ4+ ZCert CURVE certificates
use Crypt::ZCert;
my $zcert = Crypt::ZCert->new(
public_file => "/foo/mycert",
# Optionally specify a secret file;
# defaults to "${public_file}_secret":
secret_file => "/foo/sekrit",
# Loaded from existing 'secret_file' if present,
# generated via libzmq's zmq_curve_keypair(3) if not:
my $pubkey = $zcert->public_key;
my $seckey = $zcert->secret_key;
# ... or as the original Z85:
my $pub_z85 = $zcert->public_key_z85;
my $sec_z85 = $zcert->secret_key_z85;
# Alter metadata:
$zcert->metadata->set(foo => 'bar');
# Commit certificate to disk
# (as '/foo/mycert', '/foo/mycert_secret' pair)
# Without 'adjust_permissions => 0', _secret becomes chmod 0600:
# Retrieve a public/secret ZCert file pair without writing:
my $certdata = $zcert->export_zcert;
my $pubdata = $certdata->public;
my $secdata = $certdata->secret;
# Retrieve a newly-generated key pair (no certificate):
my $keypair = Crypt::ZCert->new->generate_keypair;
my $pub_z85 = $keypair->public;
my $sec_z85 = $keypair->secret;
A module for managing ZeroMQ "ZCert" certificates and calling
L<zmq_curve_keypair(3)> from L<libzmq|> to generate CURVE
=head2 ZCerts
ZCert files are C<ZPL> format (see L<Text::ZPL>) with two subsections,
C<curve> and C<metadata>. The C<curve> section specifies C<public-key> and
C<secret-key> names whose values are C<Z85>-encoded (see L<Convert::Z85> CURVE
On disk, the certificate is stored as two files; a L</public_file> (containing
only the public key) and a L</secret_file> (containing both keys).
=head3 public_file
The path to the public ZCert.
Coerced to a L<Path::Tiny>.
Predicate: C<has_public_file>
=head3 secret_file
The path to the secret ZCert; defaults to appending '_secret' to
Coerced to a L<Path::Tiny>.
Predicate: C<has_secret_file>
=head3 adjust_permissions
If boolean true, C<chmod> will be used to attempt to set the L</secret_file>'s
permissions to C<0600> after writing.
=head3 ignore_existing
If boolean true, any existing L</public_file> / L</secret_file> will not be
read; calling a L</commit> will cause a forcible key regeneration and rewrite
of the existing certificate files.
(Obviously, this should be used with caution.)
=head3 public_key
The public key, as a 32-bit binary string.
If none is specified at construction-time and no L</secret_file> exists, a new
key pair is generated via L<zmq_curve_keypair(3)> and L</secret_key> is set
=head3 secret_key
The secret key, as a 32-bit binary string.
If none is specified at construction-time and no L</secret_file> exists, a new
key pair is generated via L<zmq_curve_keypair(3)> and L</public_key> is set
=head3 public_key_z85
The L</public_key>, as a C<Z85>-encoded ASCII string (see L<Convert::Z85>).
=head3 secret_key_z85
The L</secret_key>, as a C<Z85>-encoded ASCII string (see L<Convert::Z85>).
=head3 metadata
# Get value:
my $foo = $zcert->metadata->get('foo');
# Iterate over metadata:
my $iter = $zcert->metadata->iter;
while ( my ($key, $val) = $iter->() ) {
print "$key -> $val\n";
# Update metadata & write to disk:
$zcert->metadata->set(foo => 'bar');
The certificate metadata, as a L<List::Objects::WithUtils::Hash>.
If the object is constructed from an existing L</public_file> /
L</secret_file>, metadata key/value pairs in the loaded file will override
key/value pairs that were previously set in a passed C<metadata> hash.
=head3 zmq_soname
The C<libzmq> dynamic library name; by default, the newest available library
is chosen.
=head2 METHODS
=head3 commit
Write L</public_file> and L</secret_file> to disk.
=head3 export_zcert
Generate and return the current ZCert; the certificate is represented as a
struct-like object with two accessors, B<public> and B<secret>, containing
ZPL-encoded ASCII text:
my $certdata = $zcert->export_zcert;
my $public_zpl = $certdata->public;
my $secret_zpl = $certdata->secret;
=head3 generate_keypair
Generate and return a new key pair via L<zmq_curve_keypair(3)>; the current
ZCert object remains unchanged.
The returned key pair is a struct-like object with two accessors, B<public>
and B<secret>:
my $keypair = $zcert->generate_keypair;
my $pub_z85 = $keypair->public;
my $sec_z85 = $keypair->secret;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <>