$IRC::Toolkit::Role::CaseMap::VERSION = '0.092002';
use strictures 2;
use Carp;
requires 'casemap';
sub lower {
my ($self, $val) = @_;
confess "lower() called without a value" unless defined $val;
lc_irc $val, $self->casemap
sub upper {
my ($self, $val) = @_;
confess "upper() called without a value" unless defined $val;
uc_irc $val, $self->casemap
sub equal {
confess 'equal() expects two values' unless @_ == 3;
my ($self, $one, $two) = @_;
my $cmap = $self->casemap;
uc_irc($one, $cmap) eq uc_irc($two, $cmap)
=head1 NAME
IRC::Toolkit::Role::CaseMap - Role for classes that track IRC casemapping
package MyIRC;
use Moo;
has casemap => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 'rfc1459' },
coerce => sub { lc $_[0] },
with 'IRC::Toolkit::Role::CaseMap';
sub mymeth {
my ($self, $nickname, $one, $two) = @_;
my $lowered = $self->lower( $nickname );
my $uppered = $self->upper( $nickname );
if ( $self->equal( $one, $two ) ) {
A L<Role::Tiny> role that provides convenient helper methods for classes that
track IRC casemapping, such as IRC client libraries.
This role C<requires> a B<casemap> attribute that returns one of 'rfc1459',
'ascii', or 'strict-rfc1459' -- see L<IRC::Toolkit::Case> for details on IRC
casemap issues.
=head2 lower
Returns the IRC-lowercased string.
=head2 upper
Returns the IRC-uppercased string.
=head2 equal
Expects two strings; returns true if they are equal per the current B<casemap>
rules. Returns empty list if the strings do not match.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>