use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use lib 't/inc';
BEGIN { use_ok('POE::Filter::IRCv3') }
my $show = shift @ARGV;
our $filter = new_ok( 'POE::Filter::IRCv3' => [ colonify => 1 ] );
# clone
{ my $clone = $filter->clone;
isa_ok $clone, ref $filter, 'cloned obj';
ok $clone->colonify,
'cloned obj preserved colonify => 1';
# get_one_start/get_one
{ my $line = ':test foo';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
$filter->get_one_start([ $line ]);
my $ev = $filter->get_one;
is_deeply( $ev,
prefix => 'test',
command => 'FOO',
raw_line => $line,
'get_one_start/get_one ok'
$filter->get_one_start([ $line ]);
my $pending = $filter->get_pending;
ok ref $pending eq 'ARRAY', 'get_pending ok';
ok @$pending == 1, 'get pending returned one item';
ok $pending->[0] eq $line, 'get pending item ok';
# clear buf:
# Simple prefix + command
{ my $line = ':test foo';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'FOO',
prefix => 'test',
'simple prefix and cmd get() looks ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line =>
+{ command => 'foo', prefix => 'test' },
'simple prefix and cmd put() looks ok' ;
# Simple prefix + command with trailing spaces
{ my $line = ':test foo ';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'FOO',
prefix => 'test',
'simple prefix and cmd get() with trailing space ok' ;
put_ok $filter, ":test FOO" => $ev,
'simple prefix and cmd put() with trailing space ok' ;
# Prefix, command, one middle param, trailing params
{ my $line = ':test! PRIVMSG #Test :This is a test';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
prefix => 'test!',
params => [
'This is a test'
'prefixed cmd with middle and trailing get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'prefixed cmd with middle and trailing put() ok' ;
# Commands containing tabs
{ my $line = ":test FOO\tBAR baz quux :A string";
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => "FOO\tBAR",
params => [
'baz', 'quux', 'A string',
prefix => 'test',
'command containing tabs get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'command containing tabs put() ok' ;
# Middle params containing tabs
{ my $line = ":test JOIN #foo\tbar :baz";
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'JOIN',
params => [
"#foo\tbar", 'baz'
prefix => 'test',
'middle params containing tabs get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'middle params containing tabs put() ok' ;
# Middle params containing colons w/ prefix
{ my $line = ':test PRIVMSG #fo:oo :This is a test';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
params => [
'#fo:oo', 'This is a test'
prefix => 'test',
'middle params containing colons with prefix get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'middle params containing colons with prefix put() ok' ;
# Middle params containing colons without prefix
{ my $line = 'PRIVMSG #fo:oo :This is a test';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
params => [
'#fo:oo', 'This is a test'
'middle params containing colons without prefix get() ok';
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'middle params containing colons without prefix put() ok';
# No prefix, command, one middle param, trailing params
{ my $line = 'PRIVMSG #foo :No prefix test';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
params => [
'#foo', 'No prefix test'
'command with params and no prefix get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'command with params and no prefix put() ok' ;
# Prefix, command, one middle param, trailing params with extra spaces
{ my $line = ':test PRIVMSG foo :A string with spaces ';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
params => [
'foo', 'A string with spaces '
prefix => 'test',
'trailing spaces in string param get() ok' ;
put_ok $filter, $line => $ev,
'trailing spaces in string param put() ok' ;
# Extraneous spaces between prefix/command/params
{ my $line = ':test PRIVMSG foo :bar';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'PRIVMSG',
params => [
'foo', 'bar'
prefix => 'test',
'extraneous space in command/params get() ok';
put_ok $filter, ":test PRIVMSG foo :bar" => $ev,
'extraneous space in command/params put() ok';
# Extraneous spaces, no trailing
{ my $line = 'FOO bar baz quux';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
my $ev = get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'FOO',
params => [
'bar', 'baz', 'quux'
'extraneous space in commands without trailing get() ok';
put_ok $filter, "FOO bar baz :quux" => $ev,
'extraneous space in commands without trailing put() ok';
# Empty tags, no prefix
{ my $line = '@ foo bar';
get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'FOO',
params => [ 'bar' ],
'empty tags without prefix get() ok';
# Empty tags, prefix
{ my $line = '@ :foo bar baz quux';
get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'BAR',
params => [ 'baz', 'quux' ],
prefix => 'foo',
'empty tags with prefix get() ok';
# Empty tags, no prefix, extraneous space
{ my $line = '@ foo bar';
get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'FOO',
params => [ 'bar' ],
'empty tags with extraneous space and no prefix get() ok';
# Empty tags, prefix, extraneous space
{ my $line = '@ :foo bar baz';
get_ok $filter, $line =>
raw_line => $line,
command => 'BAR',
params => [ 'baz' ],
prefix => 'foo',
'empty tags with extraneous space and prefix get() ok';
# Tags, no prefix
{ my $line = '@foo=bar;;baz'
.' PRIVMSG #chan :A string';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
get_command_ok $filter, $line => 'PRIVMSG',
'tags without prefix command ok';
get_params_ok $filter, $line =>
'#chan', 'A string'
'tags without prefix params ok';
get_prefix_ok $filter, $line => undef,
'tags without prefix no prefix ok';
get_tags_ok $filter, $line =>
foo => 'bar',
'' => 'val',
'baz' => undef,
'tags without prefix tags ok';
my $ev = $filter->get([ $line ]);
my $raw = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/foo=bar/,
'tags without prefix put() has foo=bar ok';
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/znc\.in\/ext=val/,
'tags without prefix put() has vendor ext ok';
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/baz[; ]/,
'tags without prefix put() has valueless tag ok';
my $second = $filter->get([ @$raw ]);
delete $ev->[0]->{raw_line}; delete $second->[0]->{raw_line};
is_deeply $second, $ev, 'round-tripped tags without prefix';
# Tags with prefix
{ my $line = '@foo=bar;;baz'
.' :test PRIVMSG #chan :A string';
warn "# >> '", $line, "'\n" if $show;
get_prefix_ok $filter, $line => 'test',
'tags with prefix prefix ok';
get_command_ok $filter, $line => 'PRIVMSG',
'tags with prefix command ok';
get_params_ok $filter, $line =>
'#chan', 'A string'
'tags with prefix params ok';
get_tags_ok $filter, $line =>
foo => 'bar',
'' => 'val',
baz => undef,
'tags with prefix tags ok';
my $ev = $filter->get([ $line ]);
my $raw = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/foo=bar/,
'tags with prefix put() has foo=bar ok';
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/znc\.in\/ext=val/,
'tags with prefix put() has vendor ext ok';
cmp_ok $raw->[0], '=~', qr/baz[; ]/,
'tags with prefix put() has valueless tag ok';
my $second = $filter->get([ @$raw ]);
delete $ev->[0]->{raw_line}; delete $second->[0]->{raw_line};
is_deeply $second, $ev, 'round-tripped tags with prefix';
# Params containing arbitrary bytes
{ use bytes;
my $line = ":foo PRIVMSG #f\303\202\203\240oo\707\0";
get_prefix_ok $filter, $line => 'foo',
'arbitrary bytes prefix ok';
get_command_ok $filter, $line => 'PRIVMSG',
'arbitrary bytes command ok';
my $ev = $filter->get([ $line ])->[0];
ok @{$ev->{params}} == 1,
'arbitrary bytes param count ok';
ok $ev->{params}->[0] eq "#f\303\202\203\240oo\707\0",
'arbitrary bytes params ok';
$ev->{colonify} = 0;
ok $filter->put([ $ev ])->[0] eq $line,
'bytes round-tripped ok';
# 'colonify =>' behavior
{ local $filter = POE::Filter::IRCv3->new(colonify => 1);
my $str = ':test FOO :bar';
my $ev = $filter->get([ $str ]);
my $par = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $par->[0], 'eq', $str,
'colonify => 1 round-trip ok';
$ev->[0]->{colonify} = 0;
my $wpar = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $wpar->[0], 'eq', ':test FOO bar',
'per-event colonify => 0 ok';
ok $filter->colonify(0) == 0, 'colonify attrib change ok';
{ local $filter = POE::Filter::IRCv3->new(colonify => 0);
my $str = 'FOO bar';
my $ev = $filter->get([ $str ]);
my $par = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $par->[0], 'eq', $str,
'colonify => 0 round-trip ok';
$ev->[0]->{colonify} = 1;
my $wpar = $filter->put([ @$ev ]);
cmp_ok $wpar->[0], 'eq', 'FOO :bar',
'per-event colonify => 1 ok';
put_ok $filter, "FOO foo :A string" =>
colonify => 0,
command => 'FOO',
params => [ 'foo', 'A string' ],
'colonified string with spaces';
# Bad lines warn
{ my $line = ':foo';
my $warned;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$warned };
ok !@{$filter->get([ $line ])},
'line with prefix only returned';
ok $warned,
'line with prefix only warned';
{ my $line = '@foo :foo';
my $warned;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$warned };
ok !@{$filter->get([ $line ])},
'line with tags and prefix only returned';
ok $warned,
'line with tags and prefix only warned';
{ my $line = ': foo';
my $warned;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$warned };
my ($ev) = @{ $filter->get([ $line ]) };
ok !$ev,
'line with bad prefix returned'
or diag explain $ev;
ok $warned,
'line with bad prefix warned';