# File: Project/Gantt/GanttHeader.pm
# Author: Alexander Westholm
# Purpose: This object paints a calendar header on the canvas. It is
# also responsible for drawing the 'swim lanes' used to
# visually locate each task on the calendar.
# Client: CPAN
# CVS: $Id: GanttHeader.pm,v 1.6 2004/08/03 17:56:52 awestholm Exp $
use strict;
use Project::Gantt::DateUtils qw[:round :lookup];
# Method: new(%opts)
# Purpose: Constructor. Takes the following parameters: canvas,
# the root Project::Gantt object and the skin object.
sub new {
my $cls = shift;
my %ops = @_;
die "Improper construction of GanttHeader!" if(not($ops{canvas} and $ops{root}));
return bless {
canvas => $ops{canvas},
title => $ops{root}->getDescription(),
startDate => $ops{root}->getStartDate()->clone(),
endDate => $ops{root}->getEndDate(),
skin => $ops{skin},
beginY => 30,
beginX => 205,
}, $cls;
# Method: display(mode)
# Purpose: Selects and calls the apropriate header painting method,
# and if the skin wishes to display the title, the method
# responsible for doing that is called.
sub display {
my $me = shift;
my $mode= shift;
if($mode eq 'hours'){
}elsif($mode eq 'months'){
# Method: _writeHeaderDays()
# Purpose: Iterates over the the span from start to end of the chart
# by increments of one day. For each day, a square is
# written to the top of the chart containing the day's
# number within the month, and the name of the month is
# written above these squares. Also, swimlanes are put in
# after each square if the skin calls for it.
sub _writeHeaderDays {
my $me = shift;
my $start = $me->{startDate};
my $end = $me->{endDate};
my @monthsWritn = ();
my $yval = $me->{beginY};
my $xval = $me->{beginX};
$start = dayBegin($start);
while($start <= $end){
# if haven't already written the name of this month out
if(not $monthsWritn[$start->month]){
# if more than 15 days left in month, write name of month above day listings
if((($start->month_end() - $start) >= "15D") and (($end-$start)>="15D")){
$monthsWritn[$start->month] = 1;
# write each day
$me->_writeSwimLane($xval, $yval) if $me->{skin}->doSwimLanes();
$start += "1D";
$xval += $DAYSIZE;
# Method: _writeHeaderMonths()
# Purpose: For each month between the start and end of the chart,
# inclusively, a rectangle featuing that month's name is
# drawn at the top of the chart. Also, swimlanes are
# installed after each month if the skin dictates.
sub _writeHeaderMonths {
my $me = shift;
my $start = $me->{startDate};
my $end = $me->{endDate};
my @yearsWritn = ();
my $yval = $me->{beginY};
my $xval = $me->{beginX};
# transform start date to absolute beginning of month,
# so that $start+"1M" won't ever be bigger than $end
# before it should be
$start = monthBegin($start);
while($start <= $end){
# if haven't written this year
if((not $yearsWritn[$start->year]) and (($end->month-$start->month)>1)){
# if year has more than one month on chart, display year above months
if((getMonth($start->month) ne 'December') and (getMonth($end->month) ne 'January')){
$yearsWritn[$start->year] = 1;
# write each month
$me->_writeSwimLane($xval, $yval) if $me->{skin}->doSwimLanes();
$start += "1M";
$xval += $MONTHSIZE;
# Method: _writeHeaderHours()
# Purpose: Draws a box for each hour between the beginning and end
# of the chart, and optionally, a swimlane for each hour.
sub _writeHeaderHours {
my $me = shift;
my $start = $me->{startDate};
my $end = $me->{endDate};
my @daysWritn = ();
my $yval = $me->{beginY};
my $xval = $me->{beginX};
$start = hourBegin($start);
while($start <= $end){
# if day not already written
if((not $daysWritn[$start->day.$start->month]) and (($end->hour-$start->hour)>5)){
# if day has more than 6 hours on chart, list day of week
if(($start->hour <= 18) and ($end->hour >= 6)){
$daysWritn[$start->day.$start->month] = 1;
# write each hour
$me->_writeSwimLane($xval, $yval) if $me->{skin}->doSwimLanes();
$start += "1h";
$xval += $DAYSIZE;
# Method: _wrietRectangle(width, text, xval, yval)
# Purpose: Method used by the _writeHeader* methods to paint the
# square/rectangle representing each interval of time.
sub _writeRectangle {
my $me = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $xval = shift;
my $yval = shift;
my $height = 17;
my $oxval = $xval + $width;
my $oyval = $yval - $height;
my $canvas = $me->{canvas};
# draw box and inscribe text for a time unit above chart
fill => $me->{skin}->secondaryFill(),
stroke => $me->{skin}->infoStroke(),
primitive => 'rectangle',
points => "${xval}, $yval ${oxval}, $oyval");
text => $text,
font => $me->{skin}->font(),
fill => $me->{skin}->primaryText(),
pointsize => 10,
x => $xval + 2,
y => $yval - 5);
# Method: _writeText(text, xval, yval)
# Purpose: Method used to write month name/ year number/ day name
# above calendar header.
sub _writeText {
my $me = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $xval = shift;
my $yval = shift;
my $canvas = $me->{canvas};
# used to write name of month/day/year above time units
text => $text,
font => $me->{skin}->font(),
fill => $me->{skin}->primaryText(),
pointsize => 10,
x => $xval,
y => $yval);
# Method: _writeTitle()
# Purpose: Truncates the title if necesary and draws it to the
# canvas.
sub _writeTitle {
my $me = shift;
my $title = truncateStr($me->{title},200);
my $xval = 1;
my $yval = 12;
$me->_writeText($title, $xval, $yval);
# Method: _writeSwimLane(xval, yval)
# Purpose: Draws a vertical line on the chart seperating the units
# of time.
sub _writeSwimLane {
my $me = shift;
my $xval = shift;
my $yval = shift;
my $canvas = $me->{canvas};
my $endY = $canvas->Get('height')-3;
primitive => 'line',
stroke => $me->{skin}->secondaryFill(),
points => "${xval}, ".($yval+1)." ${xval}, $endY");