package Data::MEID;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Digest::SHA qw( sha1_hex );
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
# base class Exporter
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
=head1 NAME
Data::MEID - Convert, check, and inspect mobile MEID values.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.06
our $VERSION = '0.06';
Quick summary of what the module does.
use Data::MEID qw(
# convert Decimal MEID to Hex
my $hex_meid = meid_to_hex( '270113177609606898' );
# convert Hex MEID to Decimal
my $decimal_meid = meid_to_dec( 'A10000009296F2' );
# check to see if a MEID is a valid in Hex or Decimal form
return 1 if meid_is_valid( 'A10000009296F2' );
# check to see if a MEID is in proper Hex form
print "Hex MEID Detected" if meid_is_hex( 'A10000009296F2' );
# check to see if a MEID is in proper Decimal form
print "Decimal MEID Detected" if meid_is_dec( '270113177609606898' );
# calculate the MEID check digit using 3GPP2 X.S0008-0 v3.0
my $hex_cd = meid_check_digit( 'A10000009296F2' );
my $dec_cd = meid_check_digit( '270113177609606898' );
# calculate Pseudo ESN
my $pseudo_esn = meid_to_pesn( 'A10000009296F2' );
# get Decimal manufacturers code
my $manufacturer_code = manu_code_dec( 'A10000009296F2' );
# get Hex manufacturers code
my $manufacturers_code = manu_code_hex( 'A10000009296F2' );
# get Decimal serial number
my $serial_number = serial_num_dec( 'A10000009296F2' );
# get Hex serial number
my $serial_number = serial_num_hex( 'A10000009296F2' );
=head1 EXPORT
=head2 meid_to_hex
Convert a Decimal MEID to Hex. If an invalid Decimal MEID is used, it will throw
a warning and return 0.
sub meid_to_hex {
my $meid = shift;
unless ( meid_is_dec($meid) ) {
$meid = 'undef' if not defined $meid;
carp "invalid MEID ($meid) used for decimal to hex conversion 'meid_to_hex";
return 0;
# take first 10 digits, convert to hex. Take next 8 digits and convert to hex
$meid =~ m/^(.{10})(.{8})$/;
my $manufacturer = sprintf("%08x", $1);
my $serial = sprintf("%06x", $2);
return $manufacturer . $serial;
=head2 meid_to_dec
Convert a Hex MEID to Decimal. If an invalid Hex MEID is used, it will throw
a warning and return 0.
sub meid_to_dec {
my $meid = shift;
unless ( meid_is_hex($meid) ) {
$meid = 'undef' if not defined $meid;
carp "invalid MEID ($meid) used for decimal to hex conversion 'meid_to_dec";
return 0;
# take first 8 digits, convert to hex, then next 6
$meid =~ m/^(.{8})(.{6})$/;
my $n = Math::BigInt->new("0x$1");
my $manufacturer = sprintf("%010s", $n->bstr );
my $serial = sprintf("%08d" , hex $2);
return $manufacturer . $serial;
=head2 meid_is_valid
Check to see if a MEID is valid, either Decimal or Hex. If it
looks like a Decimal MEID, it returns "dec". If it looks like a Hex ESN it
returns "hex". If it doesn't match either it returns 0
sub meid_is_valid {
my $meid = shift;
return 'hex' if meid_is_hex($meid);
return 'dec' if meid_is_dec($meid);
return 0;
=head2 meid_is_hex
Return 1 if MEID looks like valid HEX MEID: RRXXXXXXZZZZZZ. Otherwise return 0.
RR = A0 ~ FF, XXXXXX = 000000 ~ FFFFFF, ZZZZZZ = 000000 ~ FFFFFF
sub meid_is_hex {
my $meid = shift;
if ( defined $meid and $meid =~ /^[0-9a-f]{14}$/i ) {
# get RR code, first two digits and make sure they're A0 thru FF
$meid =~ m/^([0-9a-f]{2})/i;
my $rr_code = $1;
# we're obviously not above FF, but make sure we're not bleow A0
return 0 if hex($rr_code) < hex('A0');
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
=head2 meid_is_dec
Return 1 if MEID looks like valid Decimal MEID. Otherwise return 0.
sub meid_is_dec {
my $meid = shift;
if ( defined $meid and $meid =~ /^\d{18}$/ ) {
# get Manufacturer code, first 10 digits
# get Serial Number, last 8 digits
$meid =~ m/^(\d{10})(\d{8})$/;
my $reserved_plus_manu_code = $1;
my $serial = $2;
# make sure manu code is in this range 2_684_354_560 ~ 2_952_790_015
return 0 if not (
$reserved_plus_manu_code >= 2_684_354_560
and $reserved_plus_manu_code <= 2_952_790_015
# make sure serial number is in this range 00_000_000 ~ 16_777_215
return 0 if not ( $serial >= 0 and $serial <= 16_777_215 );
# if we get here, we're all good
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
=head2 meid_check_digit
Calculates the MEID check digit value as described in 3GPP2 X.S0008-0 v3.0.
For testing purposes, per the spec, AF 01 23 45 0A BC DE has a check digit of 'C'.
MEID 293608736500703710 has a check digit of '0'.
If a Hex MEID is passed, a Hex check digit is returned.
If a Decimal MEID is passed, a Decimal check digit is returned.
sub meid_check_digit {
my $meid = shift;
my $wanted = meid_is_valid($meid);
if ( $wanted eq 'hex' ) {
# example MEID: AF 01 23 45 0A BC DE
# step 1, double the value of alternating digits beginning with the first
# right-hand digit (low order). F 1 3 5 A C E to 1E 2 6 A 14 18 1C
my ( @right_digits ) = $meid =~ /^\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)$/;
my ( @left_digits) = $meid =~ /^(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w$/;
foreach my $digit ( @right_digits ) {
$digit = sprintf( "%x", hex($digit) * 2 );
# step 2, add individual digits comprising the products obtained in step 1 to each
# of the unaffected digits in the origional number.
@right_digits = split //, ( join "", @right_digits );
my @all_digits = ( @left_digits, @right_digits);
my $digit_sum = 0;
foreach my $digit ( @all_digits ) {
$digit_sum = $digit_sum + hex($digit);
# convert sum total to hex;
$digit_sum = sprintf("%x", $digit_sum);
# calculate check digit, if last digit is zero, check digit is zero
if ( $digit_sum =~ /0$/ ) {
return 0;
} else {
my $next_higher = $digit_sum;
# increment number to next highest ending in zero
until ( $next_higher =~ /0$/ ) {
$next_higher = sprintf( "%x", hex($next_higher) + 1 );
# subtract the $digit_sum from $next_higher and return it as the check digit
return sprintf( "%x", hex($next_higher) - hex($digit_sum) );
} else {
# algorythm works just the same for decimal, just uses decimal math
my ( @right_digits ) = $meid =~ /^\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)$/;
my ( @left_digits) = $meid =~ /^(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w(\w)\w$/;
foreach my $digit ( @right_digits ) {
$digit = $digit * 2;
# step 2, add individual digits comprising the products obtained in step 1 to each
# of the unaffected digits in the origional number.
@right_digits = split //, ( join "", @right_digits );
my @all_digits = ( @left_digits, @right_digits);
my $digit_sum = 0;
foreach my $digit ( @all_digits ) {
$digit_sum = $digit_sum + $digit;
# calculate check digit, if last digit is zero, check digit is zero
if ( $digit_sum =~ /0$/ ) {
return 0;
} else {
my $next_higher = $digit_sum;
# increment number to next highest ending in zero
until ( $next_higher =~ /0$/ ) {
$next_higher = $next_higher + 1 ;
# subtract the $digit_sum from $next_higher and return it as the check digit
return ( $next_higher - $digit_sum );
=head2 meid_to_pesn
Calculate the pESN ( Pseudo ESN ) from Decimal or Hex MEID.
Output is in Hex form. Use Data::ESN if Decimal ESN's are needed.
sub meid_to_pesn {
my $meid = shift;
# dump out if we see a bad MEID
return 0 if not meid_is_valid($meid);
# convert to hex if not hex
$meid = meid_to_hex($meid) if meid_is_dec($meid);
$meid = pack('H*', $meid );
my $meid_hash = sha1_hex($meid);
# take last 6 digits of hash
$meid_hash = substr $meid_hash, -6;
# prepend 80 to 6 digit hash
return "80$meid_hash";
=head2 manu_code_dec
Return the manufacturer code in Decimal form from the MEID. If we have
a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.
sub manu_code_dec {
my $meid = shift;
# if code is hex, covnert to decimal and get the first 10 digits
if ( meid_is_hex($meid) ) {
$meid = meid_to_dec($meid);
return substr $meid, 0, 10;
# if the code is decimal, return the first 10 digits
} elsif ( meid_is_dec($meid) ) {
return substr $meid, 0, 10;
# if none if these match, we probably don't have a good MEID and return 0
} else {
return 0;
=head2 manu_code_hex
Return the manufacturer code in Hex form from the MEID. If we have
a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.
sub manu_code_hex {
my $meid = shift;
# if code is dec, covnert to hex and get 8 digits after the frist two
if ( meid_is_dec($meid) ) {
$meid = meid_to_hex($meid);
return substr $meid, 2, 6;
# if the code is decimal, return 8 digits after the frist two
} elsif ( meid_is_hex($meid) ) {
return substr $meid, 2, 6;
# if none if these match, we probably don't have a good MEID and return 0
} else {
return 0;
=head2 serial_num_dec
Return the serial number in Decimal form from the MEID. If we have
a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.
sub serial_num_dec {
my $meid = shift;
# if code is hex, covnert to decimal and get the last 8 digits
if ( meid_is_hex($meid) ) {
$meid = meid_to_dec($meid);
return substr $meid, -8;
# if the code is decimal, return last 8 digits
} elsif ( meid_is_dec($meid) ) {
return substr $meid, -8;
# if none if these match, we probably don't have a good MEID and return 0
} else {
return 0;
=head2 serial_num_hex
Return the serial number in Hex form from the MEID. If we have
a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.
sub serial_num_hex {
my $meid = shift;
# if code is decimal, covnert to hex and get the last 6 digits
if ( meid_is_dec($meid) ) {
$meid = meid_to_hex($meid);
return substr $meid, -6;
# if the code is decimal, return last 6 digits
} elsif ( meid_is_hex($meid) ) {
return substr $meid, -6;
# if none if these match, we probably don't have a good MEID and return 0
} else {
return 0;
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Wohld, C<< <adam at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-data-meid at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::MEID
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2012 Adam Wohld.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1; # End of Data::MEID