title = 'Browse by Tester' ;
IF letter ;
crumb3_name = 'Authors' ;
crumb3_href = '/' ;
crumb2_name = 'Browse by Tester' ;
crumb2_href = '/authors/testers' ;
crumb1_name = letter ;
crumb2_name = 'Author' ;
crumb2_href = '/' ;
crumb1_name = 'Browse by Tester' ;
box_help = 1 ;
box_prefs = 1 ;
javascript = 1 ;
<a href="/author/testers/9">9</a>
[% FOREACH char = ['A' .. 'Z'] %]
<a href="/author/testers/[% char %]">[% char %]</a>
[% END %]
<p>Select the tester to view reports.</p>
[% IF data.testers %]
[% FOREACH d = data.testers %]
<li><a href="/author/tester/[% d.testerid %]"">[% d.name %][% IF d.pause %] ([% d.pause %])[% END %]</a></li>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>Sorry, no testers found.</p>
[% END %]