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[% body = PROCESS $content %]
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Powered by LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL &amp; Perl) technologies.
Produced by LABYRINTH, a state of the art Website Management System
available from Miss Barbell Productions.
For more information contact Barbie <barbie@missbarbell.co.uk>
[% IF request == "author-dist" AND (data.ignored == 1 OR data.ignored == 2) %]onload="toggle(1)"[% END %]
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<h1><a href="/">[% iname %]</a></h1>
<h2>[% IF loggedin ; IF user.author ; user.author | upper | html ; ELSE ; user.name | html ; END ; ELSE ; title ; END %]</h2>
[% INCLUDE "public/box-sites.html" %]
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[% IF crumb3_name %]<li><a href="[% crumb3_href %]">[% crumb3_name %]</a></li>[% END %]
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[% INCLUDE "public/navigation.html" %]
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