title = 'Page Edit'
crumb2_name = 'Pages' ;
crumb2_href = cgipath _ '/pages.cgi?act=arts-admin'
crumb1_name = 'Edit' ;
[% INCLUDE "public/tinymce.html" %]
[% data = article.data %]
[% IF thanks %]<p>Page saved successfully.[% END %]
<p>Fields marked * are mandatory fields and must be completed.
[% IF errmess %]
<p class="alert">There are invalid or missing fields, as noted by the ∅ symbol.
[% IF errmess == 2 %]
<p class="alert">Please note that the title must be unqiue.
[% END %]
[% END %]
<form method="post" action="[% cgipath %]/pages.cgi" id="EDIT" name="EDIT" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="arts-save" />
[% INCLUDE "articles/arts-adminblock.html" %]
[% INCLUDE "articles/arts-preview.html" %]