rawlink = '' ;
IF article.dist ; THEN ;
backlink = '/distro/' _ article.letter _ '/' _ article.dist _ '.html?version=' _ article.version ;
crumb2_name = 'Reports' ;
crumb2_href = '/' ;
IF article.guid ; THEN ;
crumb1_name = article.guid ;
rawlink = '/cpan/report/' _ article.guid _ '?raw=1' ;
htmltitle = 'Report for ' _ article.dist _ '-' _ article.version ;
title = 'Report for ' _ link ;
crumb1_name = article.id ;
rawlink = '/cpan/report/' _ article.id _ '?raw=1' ;
htmltitle = 'Report for ' _ article.dist _ '-' _ article.version ;
title = 'Report for ' _ link ;
ELSIF article.article ; THEN ;
link = '' ;
backlink = '' ;
title = 'Report ' _ article.id ;
htmltitle = title ;
crumb2_name = 'Reports' ;
crumb2_href = '/' ;
crumb1_name = article.id ;
link = '' ;
backlink = '' ;
rawlink = '' ;
title = 'Report not found';
htmltitle = title ;
IF article.guid ; THEN ;
refresh = '300;url=/cpan/report/' _ article.guid ;
refresh = '300;url=/cpan/report/' _ article.id ;
crumb2_name = 'Reports' ;
crumb2_href = '/' ;
crumb1_name = article.id ;
[% IF article.dist %]
<!-- NNTP article -->
[% IF article.nntp %]
[% IF article.raw %]
<pre>[% article.article %]</pre>
[% ELSE %]
<div class="orange_buttons">
[% IF rawlink %]<a rel="nofollow" href="[% rawlink %]" rel="nofollow">Raw</a>[% END %]
[% IF backlink %]<a rel="nofollow" href="[% backlink %]">Back</a>[% END %]
From: <b>[% article.from %]</b>
Subject: <b>[% article.subject %]</b>
Date: <b>[% article.date %]</b>
[% article.body %]
[% END %]
<!-- Metabase article -->
[% ELSE %]
[% IF article.raw %]
From: <b>"[% article.author %]" <[% article.from %]></b>
Subject: <b>[% article.subject %]</b>
Date: <b>[% article.created %]</b>
[% article.article %]
[% ELSE %]
<div class="orange_buttons">
[% IF rawlink %]<a rel="nofollow" href="[% rawlink %]" rel="nofollow">Raw</a>[% END %]
[% IF backlink %]<a rel="nofollow" href="[% backlink %]">Back</a>[% END %]
From: <b>[% article.author %]</b>
Subject: <b>[% article.subject %]</b>
Date: <b>[% article.created %]</b>
[% article.article %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<!-- no report -->
[% ELSE %]
<p>Sorry, but that report isn't currently stored locally. If this is a very recently submitted
report, please note that replication between the metabase server and the cpantesters server
can take several minutes. Please try again in 10-15 minutes. Alternatively this page will
refresh every 5 minutes until the report is available.</p>
[% END %]