#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib 't';
# check we can load the module
eval "use DateTime";
if($@) {
plan skip_all => "DateTime not installed.";
plan tests => 15;
# name: 21list-dt.t
# desc: Dates for calendar_list function using DateTime
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The tests
# 1. testing the returned array
foreach my $test (1..4,9,10,11,13,14,15) {
my @args;
push @args, $tests{$test}->{f1} if $tests{$test}->{f1};
push @args, $tests{$test}->{f2} if $tests{$test}->{f2};
push @args, $tests{$test}->{hash} if $tests{$test}->{hash};
my @array = calendar_list(@args);
if($tests{$test}->{hash}) {
is_deeply(\@array,$expected02{$test},".. matches $test index");
} else {
is(scalar(@array),scalar(@{$expected02{$test}}),".. matches $test count");
# 2. testing the returned hash
foreach my $test (5..8,12) {
my @args = ();
push @args, $tests{$test}->{f1} if $tests{$test}->{f1};
push @args, $tests{$test}->{f2} if $tests{$test}->{f2};
push @args, $tests{$test}->{hash} if $tests{$test}->{hash};
my %hash = calendar_list(@args);
if($tests{$test}->{hash}) {
is_deeply(\%hash,$expected02{$test},".. matches $test index");
} else {
is(scalar(keys %hash),scalar(keys %{$expected02{$test}}),".. matches $test count");