use strict;
our $VERSION = '3.50';
=head1 NAME
Labyrinth::Plugin::CPAN - CPAN Testers plugin for the Labyrinth framework
Labyrinth is a Website Management Framework. This distribution enables Labyrinth
to manage access to the CPAN Testers databases and data about CPAN releases and
# Libraries
# Variables
# Public Interface Functions
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( perls osnames exceptions symlinks merged ignore ));
=head1 METHODS
=head1 General Methods
=over 4
=item DBX
Creates a database connection to the cpanstats database.
=item Configure
Reads the CPAN configuration file and stores settings.
=item GetTesterProfile
Given the profile id of a tester, returns their credentials, if known.
=item FindTester
Given a tester string, determines who to record it as in the system.
=item Rename
Used by the preferences system to impersonate a user for administration
and/or purposes.
=item OSName
Given an operating system string, returns the values used in the system.
sub DBX {
my ($self,$prefix,$autocommit) = @_;
if(defined $prefix) {
return $DBX{$prefix} if(defined $DBX{$prefix});
my %hash = map {$_ => $settings{"${prefix}_$_"}} qw(dictionary driver database dbfile dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass);
$hash{$_} = $settings{$_} for(qw(logfile phrasebook));
$hash{autocommit} = $autocommit if($autocommit);
$DBX{$prefix} = Labyrinth::DBUtils->new(\%hash);
die "Unable to connect to '$prefix' database\n" unless($DBX{$prefix});
return $DBX{$prefix};
sub Configure {
my $self = shift;
my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $settings{cpan_config} );
if($cfg->SectionExists('EXCEPTIONS')) {
my @values = $cfg->val('EXCEPTIONS','LIST');
$self->exceptions( join('|',@values) );
if($cfg->SectionExists('IGNORE')) {
my @values = $cfg->val('IGNORE','LIST');
$IGNORE{$_} = 1 for(@values);
$self->ignore( \%IGNORE );
if($cfg->SectionExists('SYMLINKS')) {
$SYMLINKS{$_} = $cfg->val('SYMLINKS',$_) for($cfg->Parameters('SYMLINKS'));
$self->symlinks( \%SYMLINKS );
push @{$MERGED{$SYMLINKS{$_}}}, $_ for(keys %SYMLINKS);
push @{$MERGED{$SYMLINKS{$_}}}, $SYMLINKS{$_} for(keys %SYMLINKS);
$self->merged( \%MERGED );
my $OSNAMES = $self->osnames;
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','AllOSNames');
for my $row (@rows) {
$OSNAMES->{lc $row->{osname}} = $row->{ostitle};
# Private Interface Functions
sub GetTesterProfile {
my ($self,$guid,$addr) = @_;
return $TESTERS{$guid} if($TESTERS{$guid});
# check report mapping
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetTesterProfile',$guid);
# check previous tester mapping
if(!@rows && $addr) {
@rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindTesterProfile',$addr);
return unless(@rows);
if($rows[0]->{name}) {
$rows[0]->{display} = $rows[0]->{name};
$rows[0]->{display} .= " ($rows[0]->{pause})" if($rows[0]->{pause});
} elsif($rows[0]->{email}) {
$rows[0]->{display} = $rows[0]->{email};
} else {
$rows[0]->{display} = $rows[0]->{address};
$TESTERS{$guid} = $rows[0];
return $TESTERS{$guid};
sub FindTester {
my $str = shift;
my ($addr) = Email::Address->parse($str);
return ('','CPAN Testers Admin',-1,0) unless($addr);
my $address = $addr->address;
return ('','CPAN Testers Admin',-1,0) unless($address);
unless($TESTER{$address}) {
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindTesterIndex',$address);
return ($address,'CPAN Tester',-1,0) unless(@rows);
my @user = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetUserByID',$rows[0]->{userid});
$TESTER{$address}{userid} = $user[0]->{userid};
$TESTER{$address}{name} = $user[0]->{realname};
$TESTER{$address}{addressid} = $user[0]->{addressid} || 0;
return ($address,$TESTER{$address}{name},$TESTER{$address}{userid},$TESTER{$address}{addressid});
sub Rename {
LogDebug("Rename: user=$tvars{user}{name}");
if($tvars{user}{name} =~ /pause:(\d+)/) {
$tvars{user}{author} = uc $1;
$tvars{user}{fakename} = $tvars{user}{author};
LogDebug("Rename: author=$tvars{user}{author}, fakename=$tvars{user}{fakename}");
} elsif($tvars{user}{name} =~ /imposter:(\d+)/) {
$tvars{user}{tester} = $1;
LogDebug("Rename: tester=$tvars{user}{tester}, fakename=$tvars{user}{fakename}");
$tvars{user}{fakename} = UserName($tvars{user}{tester});
} elsif($tvars{user}{name} =~ /imposter:([A-Z]+)/i) {
$tvars{user}{author} = uc $1;
$tvars{user}{fakename} = $tvars{user}{author};
LogDebug("Rename: author=$tvars{user}{author}, fakename=$tvars{user}{fakename}");
sub OSName {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $code = lc $name;
$code =~ s/[^\w]+//g;
my $OSNAMES = $self->osnames;
return(($OSNAMES->{$code} || uc($name)), $code);
# Private Interface Functions
=head1 Private Methods
=over 4
=item check_oncpan
Check whether a given distribution/version is on CPAN or in BACKPAN.
=item mklist_perls
Provides a list of the perl versions currently in the system.
sub check_oncpan {
my ($self,$dist,$vers) = @_;
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('array','OnCPAN',$dist,$vers);
my $type = @rows ? $rows[0]->[0] : undef;
return 1 unless($type); # assume it's a new release
return 0 if($type eq 'backpan'); # on backpan only
return 1; # on cpan or new upload
sub mklist_perls {
my $self = shift;
my @perls;
my $perls = $self->perls;
return $perls if($perls);
my @rows = $dbi->GetQuery('array','GetPerls');
for my $row (@rows) {
push @perls, $row->[0] if($row->[0] && $row->[0] !~ /patch|RC/i);
@perls = sort { versioncmp($b,$a) } @perls;
return \@perls;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Barbie, <> for
Miss Barbell Productions, L<>
Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
All Rights Reserved.
This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.