use strict;
use utf8;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.08';
=head1 NAME
Labyrinth::Plugin::Survey::API - YAPC Surveys' API plugin via Labyrinth framework
Provides all the interfaces needed by external event instances to access data
from the current YAPC Surveys.
# -------------------------------------
# Library Modules
# Variables
# -------------------------------------
# The Subs
=head2 User Methods
=over 4
=item GetUserLink
Returns the login link for a specific user.
=item DisableUser
Disables the user login and any communication via announcements for a specific
sub GetUserLink {
my @users = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindUserByAct',$cgiparams{actuserid});
return unless(@users); # act user not registered
return unless($users[0]->{code}); # if no code, not a logged in user
$tvars{act}{link} = sprintf "", $settings{icode}, $users[0]->{code}, $users[0]->{userid};
sub DisableUser {
my @users = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindUserByAct',$cgiparams{actuserid});
return unless(@users); # act user not registered
$tvars{act}{disabled} = 1;
=head2 Talk Methods
=over 4
=item GetTalkLink
Returns the talk link for a specific talk/course.
For an open user, i.e. for anyone watching the video stream, these users will
need to register and login. Feedback from these users is stored separately.
=item DisableTalk
Disables the ability to receive evaluations for the given talk.
sub GetTalkLink {
my @talks = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindCourseByAct',$cgiparams{acttalkid});
return unless(@talks); # act talk not registered
$tvars{act}{link} = sprintf "", $settings{icode}, $talks[0]->{talkid};
sub DisableTalk {
my @talks = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','FindCourseByAct',$cgiparams{acttalkid});
return unless(@talks); # act talk not registered
$tvars{act}{disabled} = 1;
=head1 SEE ALSO
There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a
bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD
documentation, please submit a bug report and/or patch via RT [1], or raise
an issue or submit a pull request via GitHub [2]. Note that it helps
immensely if you are able to pinpoint problems with examples, or supply a
Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not
be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.
=head1 AUTHOR
Barbie, <>
Miss Barbell Productions, L<>
Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
All Rights Reserved.
This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.