use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.08';
=head1 NAME
Template::Plugin::WikiFormat - TT wrapper for Text::WikiFormat
[% USE WikiFormat %]
[% FILTER $WikiFormat %]
[% END %]
This is a plugin used for wiki rendering inside Template Toolkit.
Parameters may be passed in through the USE directive, e.g.
[% USE WikiFormat prefix = "" %]
This provides the 4 options supported by L<Text::WikiFormat>, i.e.
C<prefix, extended, implicit_links, absolute_links>, and the special option
global_replace, which takes an array of arrays of from and to strings. The
output from Text::WikiFormat is post processed by replacing each from regexp
with the to regexp. Anything else passed in is interpreted as a tag (see the
Gory Details section).
=head2 filter
Accepts the wiki text to be rendered, and context. The tags and options are
passed in through the context. See L<Template::Plugin::Filter>.
#Library Modules #
#Interface Methods #
sub filter {
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
my $conf = $self->{_CONFIG};
$conf ||= {};
my %tags = %$conf;
my %opts;
my %default = (
prefix => '',
extended => 0,
implicit_links => 1,
absolute_links => 0,
for ( keys %default ) {
$opts{$_} = $tags{$_} || $default{$_};
delete $tags{$_};
my $replace;
if ( exists $tags{global_replace} ) {
$replace = $tags{global_replace};
delete $tags{global_replace};
my $output = Text::WikiFormat::format( $text, \%tags, \%opts );
for my $rep (@$replace) {
my ( $from, $to ) = @$rep;
eval("\$output =~ s($from)($to)sg");
return $output;
=head1 SEE ALSO
There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a
bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD
documentation, please send an email to or submit a bug to the
RT system (see link below). However, it would help greatly if you are able to
pinpoint problems or even supply a patch.
Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not
be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.
=head1 AUTHOR
Original Author: Ivor Williams (RIP) 2008-2009
Current Maintainer: Barbie <> 2009-2017
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ivor Williams
Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Barbie
This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.