use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.06';
my %VIEWER = (
qr/^modules?$/i => sub { $_[0]->_view_module($_[1]) },
qr/^methods?$/i => sub { $_[0]->_view_methods($_[1]) },
qr/^cc$/i => sub { $_[0]->_view_cc_lines($_[1], 'cc') },
qr/^lines?$/i => sub { $_[0]->_view_cc_lines($_[1], 'lines') },
qr/^files?$/i => sub { $_[0]->_view_files($_[1]) },
sub new {
my ($class, $opt) = @_;
bless +{ opt => $opt } => $class;
sub opt { $_[0]->{opt} }
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my ($targets, $base_path) = $self->_get_targets;
my $stats = $self->_get_stats($targets, $base_path);
sub _view {
my ($self, $stats) = @_;
my $result_opt = $self->opt->{'--result'} || 'module';
for my $regex (keys %VIEWER) {
if ($result_opt =~ $regex) {
$VIEWER{$regex}->($self, $stats);
print STDERR "wrong option: --result $result_opt\nsee the --help\n";
sub _view_cc_lines {
my ($self, $stats, $label) = @_;
print "$label\n";
my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new;
my @metrics_keys = keys %{$stats};
for my $pl ( $self->opt->{'--sort'} ? sort @metrics_keys : @metrics_keys ) {
$t->addRow( $pl, $self->_row($stats->{$pl}{$label}) );
print $t. "\n";
sub _header { ('', qw/avg max min range sum methods/) }
sub _row {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my $stats = Statistics::Swoop->new($list);
return( $self->_round($stats->avg), $stats->max, $stats->min,
$stats->range, $stats->sum, $stats->count );
sub _view_module {
my ($self, $stats) = @_;
my @metrics_keys = keys %{$stats};
for my $pl ( $self->opt->{'--sort'} ? sort @metrics_keys : @metrics_keys ) {
print "$pl\n";
my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new;
$t->addRow( 'cc', $self->_row($stats->{$pl}{cc}) );
$t->addRow( 'lines', $self->_row($stats->{$pl}{lines}) );
print $t. "\n";
sub _view_files {
my ($self, $stats) = @_;
print "files\n";
my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new;
$t->setCols(qw/file lines methods packages/);
my @metrics_keys = keys %{$stats};
for my $pl ( $self->opt->{'--sort'} ? sort @metrics_keys : @metrics_keys ) {
print $t. "\n";
sub _round { sprintf("%.2f", $_[1]) }
sub _view_methods {
my ($self, $stats) = @_;
my @metrics_keys = keys %{$stats};
for my $pl ( $self->opt->{'--sort'} ? sort @metrics_keys : @metrics_keys ) {
print "$pl\n";
my $t = Text::ASCIITable->new;
$t->setCols('', 'cc', 'lines');
my $ref = $stats->{$pl}{method};
my @methods_keys = keys %{$ref};
for my $method ( $self->opt->{'--sort'} ? sort @methods_keys : @methods_keys ) {
$t->addRow($method, $ref->{$method}{cc}, $ref->{$method}{lines});
print $t. "\n";
sub _get_stats {
my ($self, $targets, $base_path) = @_;
my $m = Perl::Metrics::Lite->new;
my $analysis = $m->analyze_files(@{$targets});
my $stats = ( ($self->opt->{'--result'} || '') =~ m!^files?$!i )
? $self->_get_file_stats($analysis, $base_path)
: $self->_get_sub_stats($analysis, $base_path);
return $stats;
sub _get_sub_stats {
my ($self, $analysis, $base_path) = @_;
my %stats;
for my $full_path (keys %{($analysis->sub_stats)}) {
for my $sub (@{$analysis->sub_stats->{$full_path}}) {
$sub->{path} =~ s!$base_path/!! if $base_path;
my $cc = $sub->{mccabe_complexity};
my $lines = $sub->{lines};
$stats{$sub->{path}}->{method}{$sub->{name}} = +{
cc => $cc,
lines => $lines,
push @{ $stats{$sub->{path}}->{cc} }, $cc;
push @{ $stats{$sub->{path}}->{lines} }, $lines;
return \%stats;
sub _get_file_stats {
my ($self, $analysis, $base_path) = @_;
my %stats;
for my $f (@{$analysis->file_stats}) {
$f->{path} =~ s!$base_path/!! if $base_path;
$stats{$f->{path}}->{file_stats} = +{
packages => $f->{main_stats}{packages},
lines => $f->{main_stats}{lines},
methods => $f->{main_stats}{number_of_methods},
return \%stats;
sub _get_targets {
my $self = shift;
return $self->opt->{'--dir'} ? $self->_target_dir
: $self->opt->{'--tar'} ? $self->_target_tar
: $self->opt->{'--git'} ? $self->_target_git
: $self->opt->{'--file'} ? $self->_target_file
: $self->opt->{'--module'} ? $self->_target_module : [];
sub _target_module {
my $self = shift;
my $path = Module::Path::module_path($self->opt->{'--module'});
my @targets;
if ($path) {
push @targets, $path;
else {
print STDERR "No such module: ". $self->opt->{'--module'}. "\n";
return(\@targets, '');
sub _target_file {
my $self = shift;
my @targets;
push @targets, $self->opt->{'--file'} if -f $self->opt->{'--file'};
return(\@targets, '');
sub _target_dir {
my $self = shift;
my @targets;
my $dir = $self->opt->{'--dir'};
push @targets, $dir if -d $dir;
return(\@targets, $dir);
sub _target_git {
my $self = shift;
my $work_dir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
my $repo_dir = Path::Class::dir($work_dir);
clone => $self->opt->{'--git'},
my @targets;
for my $dir (qw/lib script bin/) {
my $dir_path = "$repo_dir/$dir";
push @targets, $dir_path if -d $dir_path;
return(\@targets, $repo_dir);
sub _target_tar {
my $self = shift;
my $work_dir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile(
DIR => $work_dir,
SUFFIX => '.tar.gz',
my $tar_url = $self->opt->{'--tar'};
my ($module_dir) = ($tar_url =~ m!/([^/]+)\.tar\.gz!);
LWP::Simple::getstore($tar_url => $filename);
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
my @targets;
for my $dir (qw/lib script bin/) {
my $dir_path = "$work_dir/$module_dir/$dir";
push @targets, $dir_path if -d $dir_path;
return(\@targets, "$work_dir/$module_dir");
sub _load_or_recommend {
my ($self, @modules) = @_;
for my $module (@modules) {
eval {
my $file = $module;
$file =~ s!::!/!g;
require "$"; ## no critic
if (my $e = $@) {
die <<"_MESSAGE_";
ERROR: This system does NOT have [$module] for executing this task.
Would you mind installing $module?
\$ cpanm $module
else {
=head1 NAME
App::plmetrics - show the Perl metrics
use App::plmetrics;
my $plm = App::plmetrics->new->run;
App::plmetrics is ths module for checking metrics.
See L<plmetrics> command.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
=head2 opt
getter for command options
=head2 run
App::plmetrics is hosted on github
Welcome your patches and issues :D
=head1 AUTHOR
Dai Okabayashi E<lt>bayashi@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.