package Gcis::Client;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use YAML::XS qw/LoadFile/;
use Path::Class qw/file/;
use v5.14;
our $VERSION = 0.05;
has url => 'http://localhost:3000';
has 'key';
has 'error';
has 'delay' => $ENV{GCIS_API_DELAY};
has ua => sub {
my $c = shift;
state $ua;
return $ua if $ua;
$ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new();
start => sub {
my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
$tx->req->headers->header($c->auth_hdr) if $c->auth_hdr;
$tx->req->headers->header(Accept => $c->accept);
has logger => sub { state $log ||= Mojo::Log->new(); };
has json => sub { state $json ||= JSON::XS->new(); };
has accept => "application/json";
has 'tx';
sub auth_hdr { ($a = shift->key) ? ("Authorization" => "Basic $a") : () }
sub get {
my $s = shift;
my $path = shift;
if (defined($s->delay)) {
sleep $s->delay;
my $tx = $s->ua->get($s->url."$path");
my $res = $tx->success;
unless ($res) {
if ($tx->res->code && $tx->res->code == 404) {
# $s->logger->debug("not found : $path");
$s->error("not found : $path");
my $json = $res->json or do {
$s->logger->debug("no json from $path : ".$res->to_string);
$s->error("No JSON returned from $path : ".$res->to_string);
return wantarray && ref($json) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$json : $json;
sub post {
my $s = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $tx = $s->ua->post($s->url."$path" => json => $data );
my $res = $tx->success or do {
$s->logger->error("$path : ".$tx->error.$tx->res->body);
return unless $res;
my $json = $res->json or return $res->body;
return $res->json;
sub delete {
my $s = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $tx = $s->ua->delete($s->url."$path");
my $res = $tx->success;
unless ($res) {
if ($tx->res->code && $tx->res->code == 404) {
$s->error("not found : $path");
return $res->body;
sub put_file {
my $s = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $data = file($file)->slurp;
my $tx = $s->ua->put($s->url."$path" => $data );
my $res = $tx->success or do {
$s->logger->error("$path : ".$tx->error.$tx->res->body);
return unless $res;
my $json = $res->json or return $res->body;
return $res->json;
sub post_quiet {
my $s = shift;
my $path = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $tx = $s->ua->post($s->url."$path" => json => $data );
my $res = $tx->success or do {
$s->logger->error("$path : ".$tx->error.$tx->res->body) unless $tx->res->code == 404;
return unless $res;
my $json = $res->json or return $res->body;
return $res->json;
sub find_credentials {
my $s = shift;
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
die "need url to find credentials" unless $s->url;
my $conf_file = "$home/etc/Gcis.conf";
-e $conf_file or die "Missing $conf_file";
my $conf = LoadFile($conf_file);
my @found = grep { $_->{url} eq $s->url } @$conf;
die "Multiple matches for ".$s->url." in $conf_file." if @found > 1;
die "No matches for ".$s->url." in $conf_file." if @found < 1;
my $key = $found[0]->{key} or die "no key for ".$s->url." in $conf_file";
$s->logger->info("Loaded configuration from $conf_file");
return $s;
sub login {
my $c = shift;
my $got = $c->get('/login') or return;
$c->get('/login')->{login} eq 'ok' or return;
return $c;
sub use_env {
my $c = shift;
my $url = $ENV{GCIS_API_URL} or die "please set GCIS_API_URL";
return $c;
sub get_chapter_map {
my $c = shift;
my $report = shift or die "no report";
my $all = $c->get("/report/$report/chapter?all=1") or die $c->url.' : '.$c->error;
my %map = map { $_->{number} // $_->{identifier} => $_->{identifier} } @$all;
return wantarray ? %map : \%map;
sub tables {
my $c = shift;
my %a = @_;
my $report = $a{report} or die "no report";
if (my $chapter_number = $a{chapter_number}) {
$c->{_chapter_map}->{$report} //= $c->get_chapter_map($report);
$a{chapter} = $c->{_chapter_map}->{$report}->{$chapter_number};
my $tables;
if (my $chapter = $a{chapter}) {
$tables = $c->get("/report/$report/chapter/$chapter/table?all=1") or die $c->error;
} else {
$tables = $c->get("/report/$report/table?all=1") or die $c->error;
return wantarray ? @$tables : $tables;
sub figures {
my $c = shift;
my %a = @_;
my $report = $a{report} or die "no report";
if (my $chapter_number = $a{chapter_number}) {
$c->{_chapter_map}->{$report} //= $c->get_chapter_map($report);
$a{chapter} = $c->{_chapter_map}->{$report}->{$chapter_number};
my $figures;
if (my $chapter = $a{chapter}) {
$figures = $c->get("/report/$report/chapter/$chapter/figure?all=1") or die $c->error;
} else {
$figures = $c->get("/report/$report/figure?all=1") or die $c->error;
return wantarray ? @$figures : $figures;
sub findings {
my $c = shift;
my %a = @_;
my $report = $a{report} or die "no report";
if (my $chapter_number = $a{chapter_number}) {
$c->{_chapter_map}->{$report} //= $c->get_chapter_map($report);
$a{chapter} = $c->{_chapter_map}->{$report}->{$chapter_number};
my $findings;
if (my $chapter = $a{chapter}) {
$findings = $c->get("/report/$report/chapter/$chapter/finding?all=1") or die $c->error;
} else {
$findings = $c->get("/report/$report/finding?all=1") or die $c->error;
return wantarray ? @$findings : $findings;
sub get_form {
my $c = shift;
my $obj = shift;
my $uri = $obj->{uri} or die "no uri in ".Dumper($obj);
if ($uri =~ m[/article]) {
$uri =~ s[article][article/form/update];
} else {
# The last backslash becomes /form/update
$uri =~ s[/([^/]+)$][/form/update/$1];
return $c->get($uri);
sub connect {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $url = $args{url} or die "missing url";
my $c = $class->new;
$c->find_credentials->login or die "Failed to log in to $url";
return $c;
=head1 NAME
Gcis::Client -- Perl client for interacting with the Global Change Information System
use Gcis::Client;
my $c = Gcis::Client->new(url => '');
print $c->get('/report');
my $c = Gcis::Client->connect(url => $ARGV[0]);
identifier => 'my-new-report',
title => "awesome report",
frequency => "1 year",
summary => "this is a great report",
report_type_identifier => "report",
publication_year => '2000',
) or die $c->error;
# Add a chapter
report_identifier => "my-new-report",
identifier => "my-chapter-identifier",
title => "Some Title",
number => 12,
sort_key => 100,
doi => '10.1234/567',
) or die $c->error;
my $c = Gcis::Client->new
This is a simple client for the GCIS API, based on L<Mojo::UserAgent>.
=head2 delay
A delay between requests.
=head2 url
The base url for the API.
=head2 key
An access key for the API.
=head2 error
An error from the most recent reqeust.
=head2 ua
The Mojo::UserAgent object.
=head2 logger
A logger (defaults to a Mojo::Log object).
=head2 accept
An accept header to send with every request (defaults to "application/json");
=head2 tx
The Mojo::Transaction object from the most recent request.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 connect
my $c = Gcis::Client->connect(url => $url);
Shorthand for Gcis::Client->new->url($url)->find_credentials->login or die "Failed to log in to $url";
=head2 find_credentials
Matches a URL with one in the configuration file. See CONFIGURATION below.
=head2 login
Verify that a get request to /login succeeds.
Returns the client object if and only if it succeeds.
=head2 get_chapter_map
Get a map from chapter number to identifer.
my $identifier = $c->get_chapter_map('nca3')->{1}
=head2 use_env
Get the URL from the GCIS_API_URL environment variable.
Also get an optional delay (in seconds) from GCIS_API_DELAY.
=head2 get
Get a URL, requesting JSON, converting an arrayref to an array if called in an array context.
Credentials can be stored in a YAML file called ~/etc/Gcis.conf.
This contains URLs and keys, in this format :
userinfo :
key : M2FiLTg2N2QtYjhiZTVhM5ZWEtYjNkM5ZWEtYjNkMS00LTgS00LTg2N2QtYZDFhzQyNGUxCg==
userinfo : username:pass
key : key
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojo::UserAgent>, L<Mojo::Log>