use Test::More tests => 21;
use strict;
use_ok( 'Object::Boolean::YesNo' );
my $a = Object::Boolean::YesNo->new('No');
my $b = Object::Boolean::YesNo->new('Yes');
ok($b, 'Yes is true');
ok("$a" eq "No", "Stringify false");
ok("$b" eq "Yes", "Stringify true");
ok($b ? 1 : 0, "Test ?: operator");
if ($b and !$a) {
ok(1,"Boolean expression");
} else {
ok(0,"Boolean expression");
my $true = 0;
$true = 1 if not $a;
my $c = Object::Boolean::YesNo->new("yes");
ok($c==$b ? 1 : 0, "comparison ==");
ok($c!=$a ? 1 : 0, "comparison !=");
ok($c ne $a ? 1 : 0, "comparison ne");
ok(($a xor $b) ? 1 : 0, "xor okay");
ok(($c xor $b) ? 0 : 1, "xor okay");
ok ($b.", sir" eq 'Yes, sir', "stringify");
ok ($a eq $a ? 1 : 0, "a variable is equal to itself");
my $d = Object::Boolean::YesNo->new(0);
ok ($d eq $d ? 1 : 0, "ditto");
ok ($d == $a, "numeric equality between two Boolean's");
ok ($d eq $a ? 1 : 0, "string equality between two Boolean's");
ok ($a eq 'No' ? 1 : 0, "string equality between a Boolean and a string");
ok ($a eq 'something' ? 0 : 1, "string inequality between a Boolean and a string");
my $e = Object::Boolean::YesNo->new('No');
my $no = "$e";
cmp_ok $no, 'eq',"No", "no means no";
my $yes = !$e;
$yes = "$yes";
cmp_ok $yes, 'eq', 'Yes', 'yes means yes';