=head1 NAME
Rose::Planter::DB -- base db class for Rose-Planter planted objects.
This is derived from Rose::DB, but adds a few class methods as
described below. Also, it allows database to be registered
based on configuration files.
=head1 METHODS
use Log::Log4perl qw /:easy/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/mesh/;
use base 'Rose::DB';
use strict;
our %Registered; # hash from app names to db class names.
=item DateTime::Duration::TO_JSON
This is defined here to serialize durations as postgres intervals.
sub DateTime::Duration::TO_JSON {
my $d = shift;
return DateTime::Format::Pg->format_duration($d);
=item dbi_connect
Connect and retain the db handle. Also, set the time zone to UTC.
my %connections;
sub dbi_connect {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
# This causes a "set time zone" command, so we only get utc times.
$connections{$class} ||= DBIx::Connector->new(@_);
$connections{$class}->dbh->{pg_server_prepare} = 0;
return $connections{$class}->dbh;
=item release_dbh
Overridden to hold onto dbh's.
sub release_dbh {
# probably there's a better way to do this, but I couldn't stop the handles
# from being released :(
return 0;
=item register_databases
Register all the rose databases for this class.
Arguments :
module_name: The name of the perl module for which we are registering
databases. This will be used to check for an environment variable
named (uc $module_name)."_LIVE" to see if the live database configuration
should be used. Also, if a unit test suite is running, the current
Module::Build object will indicate that this module is being tested
and hence a test database should be used.
register_params: A hash of parameters to be sent verbatim to Rose::DB::register_db.
conf: a configuration object which will be queried as follows :
$conf->db : parameters for the database.
This should return a hash with keys such as "database", "schema", and "host"
which correspond to the parameters sent to Rose::DB::register_db.
If L<Module::Build::Database> is being used, the "test" database will be
determined using information stored in the _build directory. This allows
the same database to be re-used during an entire './Build test'.
When HARNESS_ACTIVE is true, conf should not be passed.
sub register_databases {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $module_name = $args{module_name} or die "no module name passed";
my $conf = $args{conf};
my $register_params = $args{register_params} || {};
&& Module::Build::Database->can('current')
&& -d './_build'
? Module::Build::Database->current : undef;
my $we_are_testing = ( $mbd && $mbd->module_name eq $module_name );
my $live_env_var = ( uc $module_name ) . '_LIVE';
my $we_are_live = $ENV{$live_env_var} ? 1 : 0;
die "no conf argument passed" if !$conf && !$we_are_testing;
$Registered{$module_name} = (ref $class || $class);
my %default = (
type => "main",
driver => "Pg",
connect_options => {
PrintError => 1,
RaiseError => 0,
if ($we_are_testing) {
# If register_params was sent, this may be a configuration for the test.
# (Once we have a Module::Build::Database::SQlite, this may not be necessary)
die "ERROR: no test db instance found. Please run ./Build dbtest --leave-running=1\n\n "
unless $mbd->notes("dbtest_host") || $register_params;
my %opts = %{ $mbd->can('database_options') ? $mbd->database_options : {} };
if ($opts{name}) {
$opts{database} = delete $opts{name};
$opts{host} = $mbd->notes("dbtest_host") if $mbd->notes("dbtest_host");
# sanitize these, since MBD sanitizes when it starts a database
delete $ENV{PGPORT};
delete $ENV{PGUSER};
$class->register_db( %default, %opts, domain => "test" );
# Just use "db" for the settings.
if ($conf->db(default => '')) {
my $domain = $we_are_live ? "live" : "dev";
eval {
$class->register_db( %default, domain => $domain, $conf->db );
warn "Error registering database : $@" if $@;
warn "'db' may now be used instead of 'databases->dev' in the configuration file.";
# Old way, for backwards compatibility.
unless ($conf->databases(is_defined => 1)) {
warn "No databases defined in configuration file.";
$conf->databases(default => {});
warn "No dev database was defined in the configuration file.\n" unless $conf->databases->dev(is_defined => 1);
$conf->databases->dev(default => {});
$class->register_db( %default, domain => "dev", $conf->databases->dev ) if $conf->databases->dev(is_defined => 1);
$class->register_db( %default, domain => "live", $conf->databases->live ) if $conf->databases->live(is_defined => 1);
$class->default_domain( $we_are_live ? "live" : "dev" );
=item registered_by
Given a module name, return the name of the Rose::DB-derived
class which called register_databases.
sub registered_by {
my $class = shift;
my $module_name = shift or die "missing required parameter module_name";
return $Registered{$module_name};
=item load_golden
Load a golden dataset into the database.
sub load_golden {
my $class = shift;
LOGDIE "Will not load golden dataset unless the database domain is test or dev"
unless $class->domain =~ /^(dev|test)$/;
INFO "Loading golden dataset, domain : ".$class->domain;
LOGDIE "not yet implemented";
=item has_primary_key [ TABLE | PARAMS ]
Just like the overridden method in Rose::DB.pm except that
it ignores database objects that begin with 'v_'. This
provides a naming convention to avoid warnings for missing
keys when loading views.
sub has_primary_key {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift;
return 1 if $table =~ /^v_/;
=item do_sql
Do some sql and return the result as an arrayref of hashrefs.
sub do_sql {
my $class = shift;
my $sql = shift;
my @bind = @_;
my $obj = (ref $class ? $class : $class->new_or_cached);
my $sth = $obj->dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@bind) or die $sth->errstr;
my $types = $sth->{'pg_type'};
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
return $res unless ref $names && ref $types;
# Force all bigints into numeric context for JSON. (see JSON::XS)
my %name2type = mesh @$names, @$types;
return $res unless grep /int8/, @$types;
my @nums;
for (@$names) {
push @nums, $_ if $name2type{$_} eq 'int8';
for my $row (@$res) {
for my $col (@nums) {
next unless defined($row->{$col});
$row->{$col} += 0;
return $res;