# t/003_cart - test the server-side of the shopping cart. TODO: test the browser-side too.
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Mojo::File qw(path tempdir);
use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode);
unless ($ENV{TEST_AUTHOR}) {
plan( skip_all => 'Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value.'
. $/
. 'Set SLOVO_PRODAN_SHOP_ID to your shop id, generated for you on https://delivery.econt.com'
. $/
. 'Set SLOVO_PRODAN_PRIVATE_KEY for your shop, generated also there.');
$ENV{MOJO_CONFIG} = path(__FILE__)->dirname->to_abs->child('slovo.conf');
note 'using ' . $ENV{MOJO_CONFIG};
my $install_root = tempdir('slovoXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
my $t = Test::Mojo->with_roles('+Slovo')->install(
# from => to
undef() => $install_root,
# 0777
my $app = $t->app;
my $shop = $app->config->{shop};
is $shop->{shop_id} => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_SHOP_ID}, 'right shop id';
is $shop->{private_key} => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_PRIVATE_KEY}, 'right private key';
is $app->config->{consents}{phone_url} => $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_PHONE_URL}, 'right phone';
# /api/shop endpoind is accessed by function get_set_shop_data() in cart.js
{map { $_ eq 'private_key' ? () : ($_ => $shop->{$_}) } keys %$shop} =>
'no private key for the browser');
# The user collects product items. Opens the Econt form which is shown in a
# iframe similarly to as described in Econt integration documentation and
# clicks on OK of the confirm dialog. The JavaScript form of the cart makes
# the following request. The order data structure comes from the econt iframe
# and is slightly modified by our cart.js
# POST /api/poruchki
# Body of the request from jQuery cart.js to /api/poruchki:
my $json_request_body = <<'JSON';
{"Poruchka":{"name":"Перко Наумов","face":null,"phone":"0700111222333","email":"",
"id_country":"1033","country_name":"България","city_name":"Бяла Слатина","post_code":"3200",
"office_code":"3201","office_name":"3201 - Бяла Слатина","zip":"","address":"3201 - Бяла Слатина",
"items":[{"sku":9786199169001,"title":"Житие на света Петка Българска от свети патриарх Евтимий"
"title":"Лечителката и рунтавата ѝ котка","quantity":1,"weight":0.3,"price":"14.00"}],
# The response from Econt REST API contains the way bill id. We only have to
# bring the product items packed together to the Econt office, configured in
# our virtual shop.
my $json_response_body = <<'JSON';
{"address":"3201 - Бяла Слатина","city_name":"Бяла Слатина","country_code":"BGR","country_name":"България",
"sku":"9786199169001","title":"Житие на света Петка Българска от свети патриарх Евтимий","weight":0.050},
{"price":14,"quantity":1,"sku":"9786199169025","title":"Лечителката и рунтавата ѝ котка","weight":0.3}],
"name":"Перко Наумов","office_code":"3201","office_name":"3201 - Бяла Слатина","phone":"0700111222333",
my $json_struct = Mojo::JSON::from_json($json_response_body);
my $json_res
= $t->post_ok('/api/poruchki' => {} => encode(UTF8 => $json_request_body))
->status_is(201)->json_is('/office_name' => $json_struct->{office_name})
->json_is('/shipping_price' => $json_struct->{shipping_price})
->json_like('/way_bill_id' => qr/^\d{13}$/)->tx->res->json;
# these values are stored in the database and in the orders for $ENV{SLOVO_PRODAN_SHOP_ID}
my $order
= $app->dbx->db->select(orders => '*', {deliverer_id => $json_res->{deliverer_id}})
is $order->{deliverer_id} => $json_res->{deliverer_id} => 'right deliverer_id '
. $order->{deliverer_id};
is $order->{way_bill_id} => $json_res->{way_bill_id} => 'right way_bill_id '
. $order->{way_bill_id};