package App::Nrepo;
use Moo;
use strictures 2;
use Carp;
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use Params::Validate qw(:all);
our $VERSION = '0.1'; # VERSION
has config => ( is => 'ro' );
has logger => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { App::Nrepo::Logger->new() } );
=head1 NAME
App::Nrepo - An application to handle management of various software repositories
This module is purely to designed to be used with the accompanying script bin/nrepo
Please look at its pod for instantiating of this Module
=head2 Methods
=over 4
=item C<go>
Entry point for this object
my $o = App::Nrepo->new(config => $hashref, logger => Log::Dispatch->new());
$o->go($action, %options);
Valid actions:
=over 4
=item C<add-file>
=item C<del-file>
=item C<clean>
=item C<init>
=item C<list>
=item C<mirror>
=item C<tag>
For each actions required options see its appropriate method below
sub go {
my ( $self, $action, @args ) = @_;
my $dispatch = {
'add-file' => \&add_file,
'del-file' => \&del_file,
'clean' => \&clean,
'init' => \&init,
'list' => \&list,
'mirror' => \&mirror,
'tag' => \&tag,
exists $dispatch->{$action}
|| $self->logger->log_and_croak(
level => 'error',
message => "ERROR: ${action} not supported."
$dispatch->{$action}->( $self, @args );
sub _validate_config {
my $self = shift;
# If data_dir is relative, lets expand it based on cwd
$self->config->{'data_dir'} =
File::Spec->rel2abs( $self->config->{data_dir} );
level => 'error',
message => sprintf "datadir does not exist: %s",
) unless -d $self->config->{data_dir};
level => 'error',
message => sprintf "Unknown tag_style %s, must be topdir or bottomdir\n",
) unless $self->config->{tag_style} =~ m/^(?:top|bottom)dir$/;
# required params for reposrc-tag
for my $repo ( sort keys %{ $self->config->{'repo'} } ) {
for my $param (qw/type local arch/) {
level => 'error',
message => sprintf "repo: %s missing param: %s",
$repo, $param,
) unless $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{$param};
# Data validation for specific type
if ( $param eq 'arch' ) {
# We allow identical options which we use for arch, lets end up with an array regardless
my $arch = $self->config->{'repo'}->{$repo}->{'arch'};
my $arches = ref($arch) eq 'ARRAY' ? $arch : [$arch];
$self->config->{'repo'}->{$repo}->{'arch'} = $arches;
elsif ( $param eq 'type' ) {
unless (
$self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{$param} eq 'Yum'
|| $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{$param} eq 'Apt'
|| $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{$param} eq 'Plain',
level => 'error',
message => sprintf "repo: %s param: %s value: %s is not supported",
$repo, $param, $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{$param},
sub _get_plugin {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
type => { type => SCALAR, },
options => { options => HASHREF, },
my $plugin;
for my $p (
instantiate => 'new',
search_path => ['App::Nrepo::Plugin'],
except => ['App::Nrepo::Plugin::Base'],
)->plugins( %{ $o{'options'} } )
$plugin = $p if $p->type() eq $o{'type'};
level => 'error',
message => "Failed to find a plugin for type: $o{'type'}"
) unless $plugin;
return $plugin;
sub _get_repo_dir {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
repo => { type => SCALAR },
tag => { type => SCALAR, default => 'head', },
my $data_dir = $self->config->{data_dir};
my $tag_style = $self->config->{tag_style};
my $repo = $o{'repo'};
my $tag = $o{'tag'};
my $local = $self->config->{'repo'}->{$repo}->{'local'};
if ( $tag_style eq 'topdir' ) {
return File::Spec->catdir( $data_dir, $tag, $local );
elsif ( $tag_style eq 'bottomdir' ) {
return File::Spec->catdir( $data_dir, $local, $tag );
else {
level => 'error',
message => '_get_repo_dir: Unknown tag_style: ' . $tag_style
=item C<add_file>
Action: add-file
Description: Adds a file to a local repository and updates the related metadata
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
=item C<arch>
The arch this package should be added to as reflected in the config
=item C<file>
The path of the file to be added to the repository
=item C<force>
Boolean to enable force overwriting an existing file in the repository
sub add_file {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
'repo' => { type => SCALAR },
'arch' => { type => SCALAR },
'file' => { type => SCALAR | ARRAYREF },
'force' => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
force => $o{'force'},
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options,
$plugin->add_file( $o{'arch'}, $o{'file'} );
=item C<del_file>
Action: del-file
Description: Removes a file to a local repository and updates the related metadata
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
=item C<arch>
The arch this package should be removed from as reflected in the config
=item C<file>
The filename to be removed to the repository
sub del_file {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
'repo' => { type => SCALAR },
'arch' => { type => SCALAR },
'file' => { type => SCALAR | ARRAYREF },
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
force => $o{'force'},
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options,
$plugin->del_file( $o{'arch'}, $o{'file'} );
=item C<clean>
Action: clean
Description: Removes files from a repository that are not referenced in the metadata
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
If 'all' is supplied it will perform this action on all repositories in config
sub clean {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
repo => { type => SCALAR, },
arch => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
force => { type => BOOLEAN, optional => 1, },
if ( $o{'repo'} eq 'all' ) {
my %options = %o;
for my $repo ( keys %{ $self->config->{'repo'} } ) {
$options{'repo'} = $repo;
else {
sub _clean {
my ( $self, %o ) = @_;
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
force => $o{'force'},
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options,
=item C<init>
Action: init
Description: Initialises a custom repository by generating the appropriate metadata files
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
repo => { type => SCALAR, },
arch => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options,
$plugin->init( $o{'arch'} );
=item C<list>
Action: list
Description: Lists the repositories as reflected in the config
sub list {
my $self = shift;
print "Repository list:\n";
print sprintf "|%8s|%8s|%50s|\n", 'Type', 'Mirrored', 'Name';
for my $repo ( sort keys %{ $self->config->{repo} } ) {
my $type = $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{type};
my $mirrored = $self->config->{repo}->{$repo}->{url} ? 'Yes' : 'No';
print sprintf "|%8s|%8s|%50s|\n", $type, $mirrored, $repo;
=item C<mirror>
Action: mirror
Description: Mirrors repository from upstream provider into the head tag
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
If 'all' is supplied it will perform this action on all repositories in config
=item C<checksums>
By default we just use the manifests information about size of packages to determine if the local file
is valid. If you want to have checksums used enable this boolean flag.
With this enabled updating a mirror can take quite a long time
sub mirror {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
'repo' => { type => SCALAR },
'force' => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },
'arch' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
'checksums' => { type => SCALAR, optional => 1 },
if ( $o{'repo'} eq 'all' ) {
my %options = %o;
for my $repo ( keys %{ $self->config->{'repo'} } ) {
$options{'repo'} = $repo;
else {
sub _mirror {
my ( $self, %o ) = @_;
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
url => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'url'},
checksums => $o{'checksums'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
ssl_ca => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'ca'} || undef,
ssl_cert => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'cert'} || undef,
ssl_key => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'key'} || undef,
force => $o{'force'},
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options
=item C<tag>
Action: tag
Description: Tags a repository at a particular state
=over 4
=item C<repo>
The name of the repository as reflected in the config
=item C<src-tag>
The source tag to use for this operation, by default this is 'head'
The source tag must pre exist.
=item C<dest-tag>
The destination tag to use for this operation.
=item C<symlink>
This will make the link operation use a symlink instead of hardlinking
For example you may tag every time you update from upstream but you move a production tag around...provides easy roll back
for your clients package configuration
=item C<force>
Force will overwrite a pre existing dest-tag location
sub tag {
my $self = shift;
my %o = validate(
'repo' => { type => SCALAR },
'tag' => { type => SCALAR },
'src-tag' => { type => SCALAR, default => 'head' },
'symlink' => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },
'force' => { type => BOOLEAN, default => 0 },
my $options = {
repo => $o{'repo'},
arches => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'arch'},
backend => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'} ),
force => $o{'force'},
my $plugin = $self->_get_plugin(
type => $self->config->{'repo'}->{ $o{'repo'} }->{'type'},
options => $options,
src_dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'}, tag => $o{'src-tag'} ),
src_tag => $o{'src-tag'},
dest_dir => $self->_get_repo_dir( repo => $o{'repo'}, tag => $o{'tag'} ),
dest_tag => $o{'tag'},
symlink => $o{'symlink'},
hard_tag_regex => $self->config->{'repo'}->{'hard_tag_regex'}
|| $self->config->{'hard_tag_regex'},
# ABSTRACT: nrepo is a tool to manage linux repositories.