To install the OpenGL::Image modules, please follow these instructions:
1. Install the OpenGL module first - you need at least version 0.55_03
See the Perl OpenGL (POGL) Developer's Site:
2. Optionally install one or more supported imaging library.
At this time, OpenGL::Image supports:
* Targa - Pure Perl uncompressed RGBA files (installed with OpenGL::Image)
* Magick - PerlMagick required; version 6.3.5 or newer is recommended:
If you've installed multiple OpenGL::Image engines, you can define
the priority of the engines selected by OpenGL::Image by creating a
Engines.lst file in the OpenGL/Image folder - separate each engine
name by a newline, with no whitespace.
3. Run 'perl Makefile.PL'
4. Run 'make' ('nmake' on Windows).
5. Run 'make test' ('nmake test' on Windows).
6. If all is well, run 'sudo make install' ('nmake install on Windows')
to intall the OpenGL::Image modules onto your system.