# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Tie-Judy.t'
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
use Test::More tests => 96;
BEGIN { use_ok('Tie::Judy') };
# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.
# do everything with both tied and object interface
my %judy;
my $tied = tie(%judy, 'Tie::Judy');
my $obj = Tie::Judy->new();
isa_ok($tied, 'Tie::Judy');
isa_ok $obj, 'Tie::Judy';
isa_ok($$tied, 'judySLPtr');
isa_ok $$obj, 'judySLPtr';
# can store 1 key
is($judy{foo} = 2, 2);
is($judy{foo}, 2);
$obj->insert('foo', 2);
is $obj->retrieve('foo')->[0], 2;
is(%judy, 1);
is $obj->count, 1;
# can change value
my $one = 1;
is($judy{foo} = 1, 1);
is($judy{foo}, 1);
$obj->insert('foo', 1);
is $obj->retrieve('foo')->[0], 1;
is(%judy, 1);
is $obj->count, 1;
# can store a different key
is($judy{bar} = 3, 3);
is($judy{bar}, 3);
$obj->insert('bar', 3);
is $obj->retrieve('bar')->[0], 3;
is(%judy, 2);
is $obj->count, 2;
# defined
ok(defined $judy{foo});
ok defined $obj->retrieve('foo')->[0];
# not defined
ok(! defined $judy{baz});
ok ! defined $obj->retrieve('baz')->[0];
# value not def
is($judy{baz}, undef);
is $obj->retrieve('baz')->[0], undef;
my $bigkey = "0123456789" x 100000;
is($judy{$bigkey} = 4, 4);
is($judy{$bigkey}, 4);
$obj->insert($bigkey, 4);
is $obj->retrieve($bigkey)->[0], 4;
is(%judy, 3);
is $obj->count, 3;
# check that keys works (and they're in order!)
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ];
# check that it works twice
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ];
# check values
is_deeply([values %judy], [ 4, 3, 1 ]);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [ 4, 3, 1 ];
# add another key, then try again
$judy{'fop'} = 5;
$obj->insert('fop', 5);
is(%judy, 4);
is $obj->count, 4;
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo', 'fop' ]);
is_deeply([$obj->keys], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo', 'fop' ]);
# check that each works
my $j = 0;
while (my($k, $v) = each %judy) {
is($k, $j == 0 ? $bigkey : $j == 1 ? 'bar' : $j == 2 ? 'foo' : 'fop');
is($v, $j == 0 ? 4 : $j == 1 ? 3 : $j == 2 ? 1 : 5 );
# check object version in scalar context
for ($bigkey, qw(bar foo)) {
is $obj->keys, $_;
# check out delete
is(delete $judy{'fop'}, 5);
is $obj->remove('fop')->[0], 5;
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ];
is_deeply([values %judy], [ 4, 3, 1 ]);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [ 4, 3, 1 ];
is(%judy, 3);
is $obj->count, 3;
# check bogus delete
is(delete $judy{'nope'}, undef);
is $obj->remove('nope')->[0], undef;
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys], [ $bigkey, 'bar', 'foo' ];
is_deeply([values %judy], [ 4, 3, 1 ]);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [ 4, 3, 1 ];
is(%judy, 3);
is $obj->count, 3;
is(delete $judy{$bigkey}, 4);
is $obj->remove($bigkey)->[0], 4;
is_deeply([keys %judy], [ 'bar', 'foo' ]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys], [ 'bar', 'foo' ];
is_deeply([values %judy], [ 3, 1 ]);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [ 3, 1 ];
is(%judy, 2);
is $obj->count, 2;
# check that value can go out of scope
my $val = 1;
$judy{'foo'} = $val;
$obj->insert('foo', $val);
is($judy{'foo'}, 1);
is $obj->retrieve('foo')->[0], 1;
# check hash clearing
%judy = ();
is_deeply([keys %judy], []);
is_deeply [$obj->keys ], [];
is_deeply([values %judy], []);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [];
is(%judy, 0);
is $obj->count, 0;
# check that insert() and retrieve() methods work
$tied->insert( { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 } );
$obj->insert ( { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 } );
is_deeply([keys %judy], [qw(a b c)]);
is_deeply [$obj->keys ], [qw(a b c)];
is_deeply([values %judy], [qw(1 2 3)]);
is_deeply [$obj->values], [qw(1 2 3)];
is(%judy, 3);
is $obj->count, 3;
is_deeply([$tied->retrieve(qw(a b c))], [qw(1 2 3)]);
is_deeply [$obj->retrieve( qw(a b c))], [qw(1 2 3)];
# check non-hashref insert
$tied->insert( a => 4, b => 5, c => 6 );
$obj->insert ( a => 4, b => 5, c => 6 );
is_deeply([$tied->retrieve(qw(a b c))], [qw(4 5 6)]);
is_deeply [$obj->retrieve(qw(a b c))], [qw(4 5 6)];
# check multiple remove
$tied->remove(qw(a b c));
$obj->remove(qw(a b c));
is(%judy, 0);
is $obj->count, 0;