use strict;
use Test::More tests => 10;
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(years => 5)->pack(), '==',
5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(leapyears => 1)->pack(), '==',
1 * 366 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(months => 10)->pack(), '==',
10 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(weeks => 20)->pack(), '==',
20 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(days => 120)->pack(), '==',
120 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(hours => 5)->pack(), '==',
5 * 60 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(minutes => 15)->pack(), '==',
15 * 60,
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval(seconds => 150)->pack(), '==',
'... the correct time interval in seconds');
cmp_ok(Date::Formatter->createTimeInterval()->pack(), '==',
'... the correct time interval in seconds');