use strict;
use NEXT;
our $VERSION = '0.01000_04';
=head1 NAME
Catalyst::Plugin::C3 - Catalyst Plugin to subvert NEXT to use Class::C3
Use it in an application:
package MyCatApp;
use Catalyst qw/ -Debug C3 Static::Simple /;
Use it in another plugin:
package Catalyst::Plugin::FooBar;
use base qw/ Catalyst::Plugin::C3 /;
This module is related to the possible transition of Catalyst from NEXT
to Class::C3. This module is a developer release only, and is not intended
for any sort of production use by anyone at this time. This module will
be upgraded to 0.02 and released if/when it seems like a good idea for
people other than Catalyst module developers to look at it and/or use it.
This module makes the use of the following idiom:
use NEXT;
sub foo {
my $self = shift->NEXT::foo(@_);
actually accomplish something more like:
use Class::C3;
sub foo {
my $self = shift->next::method(@_);
It does this by essentially pre-pending some functionality to
L<NEXT/AUTOLOAD> which transforms the call into L<Class::C3>'s
C<next::method> call, but only when certain specific conditions
are met.
Those conditions are that the object C<-E<gt>NEXT> is being
used on is a Catalyst-related object of some sort, and that the
inheritance heirarchy of the object's class is C3-compatible.
If either of those conditions do not hold true, the C<-E<gt>NEXT>
call should do things the normal L<NEXT> way.
If you are going to place this module in your plugins list for
a Catalyst app, it is best placed at the top of the list, above
all other plugins. A good reason to stick this in your plugins
list is that it can give a noticeable performance boost in the
case that you're using lots of Plugins and other Catalyst
components which still use L<NEXT> rather than L<Class::C3>.
Some other plugins that have real end-user functionality may
require this plugin as a base-class in order to transition themselves
to L<Class::C3> without worrying about being broken by other plugins
which haven't made the transition. Most plugins will *not* need
to do so. Any that do would have wierd hacks involving C<*{NEXT::NEXT}>
in them prior to their C3 conversion, so you'd know it.
Or in other words, a plugin should only base on this plugin if it
needed L<NEXT> hacks to work right under L<NEXT>, and you're
transitioning it to use L<Class::C3>.
=head1 METHODS
# Hack NEXT::AUTOLOAD to use C3's ->next::method iff the object
# ->isa Catalyst object of some sort AND the object has a C3-valid
# inheritance heirarchy.
my %__c3_mro_warn_once;
my $__saved_next_autoload = \&NEXT::AUTOLOAD;
sub __hacked_next_autoload {
# $class is the class of the object ->NEXT::methodname was used on
my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
my $wanted = $Catalyst::Plugin::C3::AUTOLOAD || 'NEXT::AUTOLOAD';
my ($wanted_class, $wanted_method) = $wanted =~ m{(.*)::(.*)}g;
goto &__saved_next_autoload if ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Component')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Action')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Request')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Response')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Engine')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Dispatcher')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::DispatchType')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Exception')
&& ! $class->isa('Catalyst::Log');
eval { Class::C3::calculateMRO($class) };
if($@) {
warn "Class::C3::calculateMRO('$class') Error: $@; Falling"
. ' back to plain behavior for this class'
if ! $__c3_mro_warn_once{$class}++;
goto &$__saved_next_autoload;
goto &next::method if $wanted_class =~ /^NEXT:.*:ACTUAL/;
goto &next::method_ifcan; # XXX See Below
# XXX This makes ->next::method_ifcan, which we need for goto/caller reasons
# TODO: get a convenience method like this into the real Class::C3
package # hide me from PAUSE
sub method_ifcan {
return if ! _find($_[0], 0);
goto &{_find($_[0], 1)};
=head2 handle_request
This plugin hooks into the C<handle_request> method, sets up a C<local>
override of the standard version of L<NEXT/AUTOLOAD> for the entire
request, and then calls up the chain to the next class on the list.
sub handle_request {
no warnings 'redefine';
local *NEXT::AUTOLOAD = \&__hacked_next_autoload;
=head1 AUTHOR
Brandon Black C<>
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.