use v5.14;
package Jasonify v0.20.045;
# ABSTRACT: Just Another Serialized Object Notation library.
use Carp (); #qw( carp );
use Scalar::Util (); #qw( blessed looks_like_number reftype );
use String::Tools qw( subst ); #qw( );
use parent 'Datify';
### Accessor ###
### Setter ###
# Varify/Encode options
#name => '',
#assign => undef,
#list => undef,
list_sep => ', ',
beautify => undef,
# Undefify options
null => 'null',
# Booleanify options
false => 'false',
true => 'true',
# Stringify options
quote => '"',
#quote1 => undef,
quote2 => '"',
#q1 => undef,
#q2 => undef,
#sigils => undef,
longstr => -1,
#encode1 => undef,
encode2 => {
map( { $_ => sprintf( '\\u%04x', $_ ) }
0x00 .. 0x1f, 0x7f, # Control characters (C0)
0x80 .. 0x9f, # Control characters (C1)
0x2028, 0x2029, # Characters not allowed by Javascript
# Special cases
map( { ord( eval qq!"$_"! ) => $_ } qw( \b \t \n \r \" \\\\ ) ),
utf => 16,
byte => '\\u00%02x',
wide => '\\u%04x',
#qpairs => undef,
#qquotes => undef,
# Numify options
infinite => '"Infinity"',
-infinite => '"-Infinity"',
nonnumber => '"NaN"',
#num_sep => undef,
# Lvalueify options
lvalue => '$lvalue',
# Vstringify options
vformat => '"\\u%0*v4x"',
vsep => '\\u',
#=option Regexpify options
#=item ...
# # Regexpify options
# #quote3 => undef,
# #q3 => undef,
# #encode3 => undef,
# Arrayify options
array_ref => '[$_]',
# Hashify options
hash_ref => '{$_}',
pair => '$key : $value',
keysort => \&Datify::keysort,
keyfilter => undef,
keyfilterdefault => 1,
#keywords => undef,
# Objectify options
json_method => 'TO_JSON',
object => '$data',
#object => '{$class_str : $data}',
overloads => [qw( "" 0+ )],
tag => undef,
#tag => '($class_str)$data',
tag_method => 'FREEZE',
# Ioify options
io => 'null',
# Codeify options
code => 'null',
#codename => undef,
#body => undef,
# Refify options
reference => '$_',
dereference => '$referent$place',
#nested => undef,
# Formatify options
format => 'null',
# Override Datify::booleanify() for SCALAR refs
sub booleanify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
local $_ = shift if @_;
return $self->undefify unless defined;
return $self->booleanify($$_) if 'SCALAR' eq ref;
return $_ ? $Jasonify::Boolean::true : $Jasonify::Boolean::false;
# Override Datify::keyify() to appropriately stringify all keys
sub keyify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
local $_ = shift if @_;
return Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)
? (
defined( $_ <=> 0 )
? (
$_ == "Infinity" ? $Jasonify::Number::inf
: $_ == "-Infinity" ? $Jasonify::Number::ninf
: $self->stringify($_)
: $Jasonify::Number::nan
: $self->stringify($_);
sub _objectify_via {
my $self = shift;
my $object = shift;
if ( my $method_name = shift ) {
return $object->can($method_name);
sub _objectify_via_tag {
my $self = shift;
my $object = shift;
my $tag_method = $self->get('tag') && $self->get('tag_method');
return $self->_objectify_via( $object => $tag_method );
sub _objectify_via_json {
my $self = shift;
my $object = shift;
return $self->_objectify_via( $object => $self->get('json_method') );
# Override Datify::objectify() to appropriately stringify objects
sub objectify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
my $object = shift;
return $self->scalarify($object)
unless defined( my $class = Scalar::Util::blessed($object) );
my $object_str = $self->get('object');
my $data;
if (0) {
} elsif ( my $code = $self->_find_handler($class) ) {
return $self->$code($object);
} elsif ( my $tag = $self->_objectify_via_tag($object) ) {
$object_str = $self->get('tag');
$data = $self->arrayify( $object->$tag('JSON') );
} elsif ( my $to_json = $self->_objectify_via_json($object) ) {
$data = $self->scalarify( $object->$to_json() );
} elsif ( my $method = $self->overloaded($object) ) {
$data = $self->scalarify( $object->$method() );
} elsif ( my $attrkeyvals = $object->can('_attrkeyvals') ) {
# TODO: Look this up via meta-objects and such.
$data = $self->hashify( $object->$attrkeyvals() );
} else {
$data = Scalar::Util::reftype $object;
= $data eq 'ARRAY' ? $self->arrayify( @$object )
: $data eq 'CODE' ? $self->codeify( $object )
: $data eq 'FORMAT' ? $self->formatify( $object )
: $data eq 'GLOB' ? $self->globify( $object )
: $data eq 'HASH' ? $self->hashify( $object )
: $data eq 'IO' ? $self->ioify( $object )
: $data eq 'REF' ? $self->scalarify( $$object )
: $data eq 'REGEXP' ? $self->regexpify( $object )
: $data eq 'SCALAR' ? $self->scalarify( $$object )
: $self->undefify;
return subst(
class_str => $self->stringify($class),
class => $class,
data => $data,
# Override Datify::regexpify() to appropriately stringify regular expressions
sub regexpify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
local $_ = shift if @_;
return $self->stringify($_);
# Override Datify::varify so that it throws an error
sub varify;
# Override Datify::vstringify so that it encodes a vstring as appropriate
sub vstringify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
local $_ = shift if @_;
# Encode as a vstring if vformat has been specified
# or as a regular string if vformat has not been specified
return $self->get('vformat')
? $self->SUPER::vstringify($_)
: $self->stringify($_);
# Override Datify::scalarify to properly handle all of the various types
sub _scalarify {
my $self = &Datify::self;
local $_ = shift if @_;
return $self->undefify unless defined $_;
if ( defined( my $blessed = Scalar::Util::blessed($_) ) ) {
$blessed eq 'Regexp' ? $self->regexpify($_)
: $self->objectify($_);
my $ref = Scalar::Util::reftype $_;
if ( not $ref ) {
my $ref2 = ref \$_;
$ref2 eq 'GLOB' ? $self->globify($_)
: $ref2 eq 'LVALUE' ? $self->lvalueify($_)
: $ref2 eq 'VSTRING' ? $self->vstringify($_)
: $ref2 eq 'SCALAR' && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)
? $self->numify($_)
: $self->stringify($_)
$ref eq 'ARRAY' ? $self->arrayify(@$_)
: $ref eq 'CODE' ? $self->codeify($_)
: $ref eq 'FORMAT' ? $self->formatify($_)
: $ref eq 'GLOB' ? $self->globify($$_)
: $ref eq 'HASH' ? $self->hashify($_)
: $ref eq 'IO' ? $self->ioify($_)
: $ref eq 'LVALUE' ? $self->booleanify($$_)
: $ref eq 'REF' ? $self->refify($$_)
: $ref eq 'REGEXP' ? $self->regexpify($_) # ???
: $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? $self->booleanify($$_)
: $ref eq 'VSTRING' ? $self->booleanify($$_)
: $self->objectify($_) # ???
sub decode;
sub encode {
my $self = &Datify::self;
return unless @_;
my @return = map { $self->scalarify($_) } @_;
return @_ == 1 ? $return[0] : @return;
sub boolean {
return @_ ? Jasonify::Boolean::bool( $_[-1] ) : 'Jasonify::Boolean';
*bool = \&boolean;
sub literal {
return @_ ? Jasonify::Literal->new( $_[-1] ) : 'Jasonify::Literal';
sub number {
my $count = scalar @_;
$count >= 2 ? Jasonify::Number->formatted(@_)
: $count == 1 ? Jasonify::Number->number(shift)
: 'Jasonify::Number'
sub string {
return @_ ? Jasonify::Literal->string( $_[-1] ) : 'Jasonify::Literal';
### Private Methods & Settings ###
### Do not use these methods & settings outside of this package,
### they are subject to change or disappear at any time.
sub _settings() { \state %SETTINGS }
_cache_hit => 1, # Sets the caching to use the final representation
# or die if that doesn't exist
use Scalar::Util (); #qw( blessed looks_like_number );
'bool' => 'bool',
'""' => 'as_string',
#'cmp' => \&compare,
our $null = bless \do { my $null = Jasonify->get('null') }, __PACKAGE__;
our $false = bless \do { my $false = Jasonify->get('false') }, __PACKAGE__;
our $true = bless \do { my $true = Jasonify->get('true') }, __PACKAGE__;
sub Jasonify::jasonify_literalify { $_[1]->as_string }
# OR
#Jasonify->add_handler( sub { $_[1]->as_string } );
sub null() { $null }
sub false() { $false }
sub true() { $true }
sub new {
my $class = &Datify::class;
my $literal = shift;
return $null unless defined($literal);
return $false unless length( $literal);
return bless \$literal, $class;
sub string {
@_ = ( shift, Jasonify->stringify(@_) );
goto &new;
#sub comment {
# $_[0]->new(
# "# " . join( "\n# ", map { split /\n/ } @_[ 1 .. $#_ ] ) . "\n" );
sub as_string { ${ $_[0] } }
sub bool {
my $literal = ${ $_[0] };
$literal ne $$null
&& $literal ne $$false
&& $literal ne '""'
&& $literal ne '"0"'
&& !( Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($literal) && $literal == 0 );
use Scalar::Util (); #qw( looks_like_number );
'0+' => 'as_num',
'neg' => 'negate',
#'<=>' => \&compare,
use parent -norequire => 'Jasonify::Literal';
our $nan = bless \do { my $nan = Jasonify->get('nonnumber') }, __PACKAGE__;
our $inf = bless \do { my $inf = Jasonify->get( 'infinite') }, __PACKAGE__;
our $ninf = bless \do { my $ninf = Jasonify->get('-infinite') }, __PACKAGE__;
sub Jasonify::jasonify_numberify { $_[1]->as_string }
# OR
#Jasonify->add_handler( sub { $_[1]->as_string } );
sub nan() { $nan }
sub inf() { $inf }
sub ninf() { $ninf }
my $number_regex = do {
my $digit09 = '[0123456789]';
my $digit19 = '[123456789]';
my $integer = "(?:0|$digit19+$digit09*)";
my $decimal = "(?:\.$digit09+)";
sub as_num { eval ${ $_[0] } }
sub negate {
my $num = ${$_[0]};
$num eq $$nan ? $nan
: $num eq $$inf ? $ninf
: $num eq $$ninf ? $inf
: $_[0]->number( $num =~ s/\A(-?)/$1 ? '' : '-'/er )
sub number {
my $class = &Datify::class;
my $num = shift;
Carp::croak( "Not a number ", $num )
unless ( Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($num) );
not( defined( $num <=> 0 ) ) ? $nan
: $num == 'Infinity' ? $inf
: $num == '-Infinity' ? $ninf
: $num =~ /\A$number_regex\z/ ? $class->new($num)
: Carp::croak( "Malformed number ", $num );
sub formatted { return shift()->number( sprintf( shift(), @_ ) ) }
sub integer { return shift()->formatted( '%d', shift() ) }
sub float { return shift()->formatted( '%f', shift() ) }
use Scalar::Util (); #qw( blessed );
'bool' => 'value',
'0+' => 'value',
'""' => 'as_string',
'<=>' => 'compare',
'cmp' => 'compare',
'!' => 'negate',
our $false = bless \do { my $false = 0 }, __PACKAGE__;
our $true = bless \do { my $true = 1 }, __PACKAGE__;
sub Jasonify::jasonify_booleanify { $_[1]->as_string }
# OR
#Jasonify->add_handler( sub { $_[1]->as_string } );
sub false() { $false }
sub true() { $true }
sub value { ${ $_[0] } }
sub as_string {
${ $_[0] } ? $Jasonify::Literal::true : $Jasonify::Literal::false;
sub compare { ( $_[2] ? -1 : +1 ) * ( ${ $_[0] } <=> ${ bool( $_[1] ) } ) }
sub negate { bool($_[0]) ? $false : $true }
sub bool($) {
is_bool( $_[0] )
? $_[0]
: ref( $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR'
? ${ $_[0] } ? $true : $false
: $_[0] ? $true : $false
sub is_bool($) { Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__) }
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Jasonify - Just Another Serialized Object Notation library.
use Jasonify;
my $jasonify = Jasonify->new( ... ); # See OPTIONS below
$jasonify = $jasonify->set( ... ); # See OPTIONS below
print $jasonify->encode( ... ); # ...
# Or
Jasonify->set( ... ); # See OPTIONS below
print Jasonify->encode( ... ); # ...
C<Jasonify> is very similar to L<JSON>,
except that it's easier to use, has better defaults and options.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 Encode options
=item I<list_sep> => B<', '>
=item I<beautify> => B<undef>
=head2 Undefify options
=item I<null> => B<'null'>
How C<undef> is encoded.
=head2 Booleanify options
=item I<false> => B<'false'>
=item I<true> => B<'true'>
How the boolean values are encoded.
=head2 Stringify options
=item I<quote> => B<'"'>
Use double-quoted strings in all cases.
=item I<longstr> => B<-1>
All strings are to be considered long, and encoded accordingly.
=item I<econde2> => { ... }
=item I<[[:cntrl:]]> => sprintf( '\\u00%02x', ord($_) )
=item I<"\x{2028}", "\x{2029}"> => sprintf( '\\u%04x', ord($_) )
=item I<"\b"> => B<'\b'>
=item I<"\t"> => B<'\t'>
=item I<"\n"> => B<'\n'>
=item I<"\r"> => B<'\r'>
=item I<'"'> => B<'\"'>
=item I<'\\'> => B<'\\\\'>
=item I<byte> => B<'\\u00%02x'>
=item I<utf> => B<16>
=item I<wide> => B<'\\u%04x'>
Special characters, and how they are encoded.
=head2 Numify options
=item I<infinite> => B<"Infinifty">,
=item I<-infinite> => B<"-Infinifty">,
=item I<nonnumber> => B<"NaN">,
How to encode the values for infinity, negative infinity, and not-a-number.
=head2 Lvalueify options
=item I<lvalue> => B<'$lvalue'>
Encode C<lvalue>s as simple strings.
=head2 Vstringify options
=item I<vformat> => B<'\\u%0*v4x'>
=item I<vsep> => B<'\\u'>
Encode vstrings as a series of 4-character hex digits separated by C<'\u'>.
=head2 Arraryify options
=item I<array_ref> => B<'[$_]'>
A reference to an C<ARRAY> is encoded in this manner.
=head2 Hashify options
=item I<hash_ref> => B<'{$_}'>
A reference to a C<HASH> is encoded in this manner.
=item I<pair> => B<'$key : $value'>
Pairs are encoded in this manner.
=item I<keysort> => B<\&Datify::keysort>
The function used to sort entries in a hash.
=item I<keyfilter> => B<undef>
How to filter items in a C<HASH>.
=item I<keyfilterdefault> => B<1>
How to interpret filtered items in a C<HASH>.
=head2 Objectify options
=item I<json_method> => B<'TO_JSON'>
The method to search for to see if an object has a specific representation
for itself.
=item I<object> => B<'$data'>
Objects are decomposed using this.
If you wanted to decompose objects with the class name in addition to
the internal representation of the data, then you may want to use
C<'{$class_str : $data}'>.
=item I<overloads> => B<[ '""', '0+' ]>
If objects have overloaded these, use them to decompose the object.
=item I<tag> => B<undef>
To enable tag output, set this to C<'($class_str)$data'>.
=item I<tag_method> => B<'FREEZE'>
The method to search for to see if an object should be represented in the
tag format.
=head2 Ioify options
=item I<io> => B<'null'>
How IO objects will be decomposed.
=head2 Codeify options
=item I<code> => B<'null'>
How C<CODE> references will be decomposed.
=head2 Refify options
=item I<reference> => B<'$_'>
References will be ignored, and the actual value will be encoded.
=item I<dereference> => B<'$referent$place'>
When referring to a location in the reference, decompose with this.
=head2 Formatify options
=item I<format> => B<'null'>
How a C<FORMAT> will be encoded.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<< new( ... ) >>
Create a C<Jasonify> object with the following options.
See L</OPTIONS> for a description of the options and their default values.
=head2 exists( name, name, ... )
Determine if values exists for one or more settings.
Can be called as a class method or an object method.
=head2 C<get( name, name, ... )>
Get one or more existing values for one or more settings.
If passed no names, returns all parameters and values.
Can be called as a class method or an object method.
=head2 C<< set( name => value, name => value, ... ) >>
Change the L</OPTIONS> settings.
When called as a class method, changes default options.
When called as an object method, changes the settings and returns a
new object.
See L</OPTIONS> for a description of the options and their default values.
B<NOTE:> When called as a object method, this returns a new instance
with the values set, so you will need to capture the return if you'd like to
persist the change:
$jasonify = $jasonify->set( ... );
=head2 C<booleanify( value )>
Returns the string that represents the C<true> or C<false> interpretation
of C<value>.
If C<value> is a scalar reference, calls itself with C<value> dereferenced.
Will return the value for C<undefify> if C<value> is not defined.
=head2 C<keyify( value )>
Returns value as a key.
NOTE: Numbers are always quoted when used as keys.
=head2 C<objectify( value )>
Returns value as an object.
Goes through a series of checks to format the object appropriately:
If a handler has been defined for the object with
L</C<< add_handler( $class => \&code_ref ) >>>, then use that.
If L</tag> has been enabled, and the object has a method that corresponds
to L</tag_method>, then that is used.
If the object has a method that corresponds to L</json_method>,
then that is used.
If the object has overloaded any of
L<< /I<overloads> => B<[ '""', '0+' ]> >>, then use that to represent
the C<$data> portion of the object.
If the object has an C<_attrkeyvals> method,
then that will be used to gather the elements of the object.
If the object has none of those things, then the object is inspected
and handled appropriately.
=head2 C<regexpify( value, delimiters )>
Simply calls out to L</stringify>.
=head2 C<vstringify( value )>
A representation of the VString.
If L</vformat> is specified, as a series of four digit hex values
separated by C<'\\u'>.
If L</vformat> is false, as a regular via L</stringify>.
=head2 C<scalarify( value )>
This is the method called by L</encode( value, ... )>
Returns value as a scalar. If value is not a reference, performs some magic
to correctly print vstrings and numbers, otherwise assumes it's a string.
If value is a reference, hands off to the correct function to create
the string.
Handles reference loops.
=head2 C<decode( value, ... )>
Decode one or more string representations of C<JSON>.
B<NOTE:> This method is not implemented yet,
it is a placehold for future implementations.
=head2 C<encode( value, ... )>
Encode one or more values to C<JSON> formatted strings.
Can be called as a class or object method.
=head2 C<boolean( value )>
If passed a C<value>, returns the boolean for that value.
If passed no C<value>, retunrs the name of the class representing booleans.
Also aliased as C<bool( value )>.
See L</Jasonify::Boolean>.
=head2 C<literal( value )>
If passed a C<value>, returns a representation of that value that,
when encoded, will be exactly that C<value>.
If passed no C<value>, returns the name of the class representing literals.
See L</Jasonify::Literal>.
=head2 C<number( value, ... )>
If passed in a single C<value>, returns a representation of that value that,
when encoded, will be exactly that C<value>.
If passed in two or more C<value>s, returns a representation of that value
when passed through to C<sprintf()>.
If passed no C<value>, returns the name of the class representing numbers.
See L</Jasonify::Number>.
=head2 C<string( value )>
If passed a C<value>, returns a representation of that value that,
when encoded, will be exactly that C<value> as a string.
See L</Jasonify::Literal>.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=head1 TODO
=item *
Implement C<decode()>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<JSON>, L<Datify>
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version v0.20.045 of this module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Bob Kleemann <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Bob Kleemann.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)