### 04-memory.t #############################################################################
# This file tests the process retrying to get sufficient memory allocation
### Includes ######################################################################################
# Safe Perl
use strict;
use Carp;
use HPCI;
# use Test::More tests => 6;
(qx(which qsub))
? (tests => 6)
: (skip_all => "SGE not available on this system");
use FindBin;
$ENV{PATH} = "$FindBin::Bin/../bin:$ENV{PATH}";
my $group = HPCI->group( cluster => 'SGE', base_dir => 'scratch', name => 'T_Memory' );
ok($group, "Group created.");
my $workdir = "scratch/TEST.MEM.REMOVE.ME";
if ( -e $workdir ) {
die "file exists where work directory was going to be used ($workdir)"
if -f _;
system("rm -rf $workdir") if -d _;
die "cannot remove old work directory $workdir" if -d $workdir;
mkdir $workdir or die "cannot create directory $workdir: $!";
open my $fd, '>', "$workdir/script" or die "cannot open $workdir/script to write: $!";
print $fd <<'EOF';
print "Creating an array with 100000000 numbers\n";
my @array;
push @array, $_ for 1 .. 100000000;
print "Last one was: $array[-1]\n";
close $fd or die "error writing $workdir/script: $!";
my $stage1 = $group->stage(
name => 'mem1',
resources_required => {
h_vmem => '3G'
retry_resources_required => {
h_vmem => [ qw( 1G 3G 5G ) ]
command => "perl $workdir/script",
ok($stage1, "Stage 1 created.");
my $result = $group->execute();
is( ref($result), 'HASH', 'Result must be a hash' );
is_deeply( [ keys %$result ], [ qw(mem1) ], '... with one stage (mem1)' );
my $stats = $result->{mem1};
is( ref($stats), 'ARRAY', '... stats must be an array' );
is( scalar(@$stats), 2, '... with 2 elements' );