package VSS;
$VERSION = '1.0.2';
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# This is my first module ever, so if it
# sucks then blame that.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
require Exporter;
require Win32::OLE;
require Carp;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
sub new {
my $invocant = shift();
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
$class = bless {
db_path => undef,
username => "",
password => "",
vss_base => undef,
debug => 0,
_vssdb => undef
}, $class;
return $class;
sub init {
my $self = shift();
my %args = @_;
foreach (keys %args) {
if (exists $self->{$_}) {
$self->{$_} = $args{$_};
else {
Carp::croak ("unrecognized vss option $_");
if (!defined($self->{db_path}))
my $Registry;
require Win32::TieRegistry;
import Win32::TieRegistry ( Delimiter => "/", TiedRef => \$Registry );
# Work out the DB path from the registry
$self->{'db_path'} = $Registry->{"CUser/Software/Microsoft/SourceSafe/Current Database"};
Carp::croak ("No VSS DB path provided and none found in registry. If you have the VSS Shell installed, use the " .
"'File->Open SourceSafe Database' menu option with the " .
"'Open this database next time...' option to set a default")
if (!defined($self->{'db_path'}));
$self->{'db_path'} .= "\\srcsafe.ini";
$self->{'_vssdb'} = Win32::OLE->new('SourceSafe');
$self->{'_vssdb'}->Open($self->{'db_path'}, $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'});
sub _itemize {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
if (!(UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'Win32::OLE'))) {
if ($item !~ m/^\$/) {
$item = $self->{'vss_base'}.$item;
$item = $self->{'_vssdb'}->VSSItem($item);
return ($item);
if (!(UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'Win32::OLE'))) {
return undef;
return ($item);
sub _itemize_name {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'Win32::OLE')) {
return ($item->Spec());
if ($item !~ m/^\$/) {
$item = $self->{'vss_base'}.$item;
return ($item);
sub _debug {
my ($self, $val, $name) = @_;
return if (!$self->{'debug'});
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'Win32::OLE')) {
print "debug $name is a VSS::Item or similar\n";
else {
print "debug: $name is $val\n";
sub item_exists {
my ($self, $named_item) = @_;
$named_item = $self->_itemize_name($named_item);
my $err;
$named_item = $self->{'_vssdb'}->VSSItem($named_item);
$err = Win32::OLE->LastError();
if ($err) {
if ($err =~ m/0x8004d68f/ && $err =~ m/File or project not found/) {
return 0;
return $named_item;
sub checkin {
my ($self, $vss_item, $comment) = @_;
$vss_item = $self->_itemize($vss_item);
if (!$vss_item) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::checkin} don't know what $vss_item is"); }
return ($vss_item);
sub checkout {
my ($self, $vss_item, $comment) = @_;
$vss_item = $self->_itemize($vss_item);
if (!$vss_item) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::checkout} don't know what $vss_item is"); }
if ($vss_item->IsCheckedOut()) { return undef; }
return ($vss_item);
# does this work?
sub local_file {
my ($self, $vss_item) = @_;
my $local_spec;
$vss_item = $self->_itemize($vss_item);
if (!$vss_item) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::local_file} don't know what $vss_item is"); }
$local_spec = $vss_item->LocalSpec();
return ($local_spec);
# no news is good news
sub share_and_branch {
my ($self, $from, $to, $autocheckin) = @_;
my $from = $self->_itemize($from);
my $to = $self->_itemize($to);
if (!$from) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::share_and_branch} don't know what $from is"); }
if (!$to) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::share_and_branch} don't know what $to is"); }
if ($from->IsCheckedOut()) {
if ($autocheckin) {
else {
return($self->_itemize_name($from).' is checked out');
$self->share($from, $to, 1); # delete if exists
# refresh $to item
return 0;
sub branch {
my ($self, $file_item) = @_;
$file_item = $self->_itemize($file_item);
if (!$file_item->isa('Win32::OLE')) {
Carp::croak("{VSS::branch} $file_item is not a valid VSSItem!!");
$file_item->Branch(); $self->oleerr();
sub share {
my ($self, $from, $to, $delete_if_exists) = @_;
$from = $self->_itemize($from);
$to = $self->_itemize_name($to);
if (!$from->isa('Win32::OLE')) {
Carp::croak("{VSS::share} $from is not a valid VSSItem!!");
if ($self->item_exists($to)) {
if ($delete_if_exists) {
else {
return "$to exists";
# get the parent directory name
$to =~ s|^(.+)/(?:.*?)?$|$1/|;
$to = $self->_itemize($to);
if (!$to->isa('Win32::OLE')) {
Carp::croak("{VSS::share} $to is not a valid VSSItem!!");
$to->Share($from); $self->oleerr();
return 0;
sub destroy {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
$item = $self->_itemize($item);
if (!$item->isa('Win32::OLE')) { Carp::croak ("Cannot destory $item!"); }
sub add {
my ($self, $vss_dir, $local_file) = @_;
$vss_dir = $self->_itemize_name($vss_dir);
if (!-e $local_file) {
Carp::croak("{VSS::add} $local_file does not exist!");
$vss_dir = $self->add_directories($vss_dir)->Add($local_file);
return ($vss_dir); #it's actually an item.
sub add_directories { # ... unless they exist
my ($self, $dir_path) = @_;
$dir_path = $self->_itemize_name($dir_path);
my @all_dirs = split('/', $dir_path);
my $dir_base = splice (@all_dirs, 0, 1).'/'; # should be $/
my $tmp_dir = $dir_base;
foreach my $dir (@all_dirs) {
$tmp_dir .= "$dir/";
if (!$self->item_exists($tmp_dir)) {
$self->_debug($dir_base, 'dir_base');
$dir_base = $tmp_dir;
return ($self->_itemize($dir_base));
sub update {
my ($self, $vss_dir, $local_file_name, $local_file_path) = @_;
($vss_dir = $self->_itemize_name($vss_dir)) =~ s|([^/])$|$1/|;
my $vss_name = $vss_dir.$local_file_name;
if (!-e $local_file_path) { Carp::croak ("{VSS::update} $local_file_path does not exist"); }
if ($local_file_path !~ m/${local_file_name}$/i) {
Carp::croak ("{VSS::update} $local_file_path does not end with $local_file_name");
if ($self->item_exists($vss_name)) {
my $item = $self->checkout($vss_name) || $self->_itemize($vss_name);
if (!$item) {
Carp::croak ("{VSS::update} can't use item $item");
my $localspec = $self->local_file($item);
if (!$localspec) {
Carp::croak ("{VSS::update} can't get LocalSpec. All I got was $localspec!");
require File::Copy;
File::Copy::copy($local_file_path, $localspec) or
Carp::croak ("{VSS::update} can't copy $local_file_path to $localspec. $!");
return 1;
return ($self->add($vss_dir, $local_file_path));
sub oleerr {
my $cache;
if ($cache = Win32::OLE->LastError()) { Carp::confess("$cache\n"); }
=head1 NAME
VSS - Visual Source Safe Class
use VSS;
my $vss = VSS->new(db_path => 'L:/',
username => 'foo',
password => 'bar',
vss_base => '$/Development/');
my $item = $vss->checkout('src/main.c');
$item = $vss->checkin($item);
$vss->share_and_branch('cmvdbc.htm.xml', '$/Production/cmvdbc.htm.xml');
=head1 WARNING
It is horrible software and pcvs or cvs or anything else is recommended.
If you are so unlucky as to have to use this all you need to know is what's
outlined below. You might also want to check out
The following arguments can be passed to this module:
=head2 db_path
The path to your srcsafe.ini file. In some versions of VSS you may need to pass the
name of the directory that contains the srcsafe.ini file.
=head2 username
The username you use to log into VSS.
=head2 password
The password you use to log into VSS.
=head2 vss_base
This is an optional, but recommended parameter. The function of such is for the _itemize and
_itemize_name functions allowing you to say things like 'project/file.c' instead of
'$/Development/project/file.c'. In that case you would set vss_base to '$Development/'.
Simple, huh? ;)
=head2 debug
Set to 1 to debug.
=head1 METHODS
Before we begin I should tell you that all parameters that are supposed to be a VSS item will
do its best to become a VSS item. What I mean is that every time you pass an argument that
requires an item or item name, it will be run through one of the functions _itemize or _itemize_name.
These are meant to be called only from the module, but I feel free to use them in your scripts
(though I won't document it here, for simplicity's sake). The functions do thier best to turn
a [full|partial] textual description into a VSS item or VSS item name.
=head2 item_exists
Pretty self-explanatory. If the function can obtain an item from the item name passed, it returns
1 otherwise 0.
=head2 checkin
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name [required]
=item 2
Comment [optional]
Returns: VSS Item
=head2 checkout
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name [required]
=item 2
Comment [optional]
Returns: VSS Item or undef if checked out
=head2 local_file
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name [required]
Returns: Local file name
I'm not sure this function works X(.
=head2 share_and_branch
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the FROM item [required]
=item 2
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the TO item [required]
=item 3
AutoCheckIn 1 or 0. Determines if the function should checkin checked-out files. [optional] [default:0]
Returns: 0 upon success; error string upon failure.
=head2 branch
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the file or project that was shared into. [required]
Returns: nothing
=head2 share
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the FROM item [required]
=item 2
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the TO item [required]
=item 3
DeleteIfExists 1 or 0. Determines if the function should delete existing TO items. [optional] [default:0]
Returns: 0 upon success; error string upon failure.
=head2 destroy
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the item to be destroyed [required]
Returns: nothing
=head2 add
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the directory to add into. [required]
=item 2
Local file (full path, windows convention - use backslashes) to add. [required]
If the director(y|ies) you're adding to don't exists, don't worry. This will call add_directories
to add them into VSS.
=head2 add_directories
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the director(y|ies) to create. [required]
This function will create all the directories named, or none if they already exist.
=head2 update
=item 1
VSS item or [full|partial] item name representing the directory to add into. [required]
=item 2
Local file name only (not the path name). Must match the end of the next parameter. [required]
=item 3
Local file (full path/file name, windows convention - use backslashes) to add. [required]
This function will check out the file if it exists and copy the specified local file to in
before checking it back in, thus updating it. If the item does not exist, it simply calls
the add method.
=head1 BUGS
Plenty, but they're all within MS VSS itself so they'll never get resolved :).
If you do find a bug, let me know.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 CREDITS
Thanks to Shaun for the update from Version 1.0.2 to Version 1.0.3. He removed the hardcoded defaults and instead
searched the registry for the values that the shell uses via L<Win32::TieRegistry>. Very cool!
=head1 AUTHOR
BPrudent (Brandon Prudent)