=begin metadata
Name: tac
Description: concatenate and print files in reverse
Author: Tim Gim Yee, tim.gim.yee@gmail.com
License: perl
=end metadata
# tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
use strict;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Getopt::Std qw(getopts);
use constant EX_SUCCESS => 0;
use constant EX_FAILURE => 1;
my $Program = basename($0);
my $VERSION = '0.18';
my %opts;
getopts('bBrs:S:', \%opts) or usage();
my %long = qw/
b before
B binary
r regex
s separator
S size
%opts = map {$long{$_}, $opts{$_}} keys %opts;
if (defined $opts{separator} && $opts{regex}) {
for ($opts{separator}) {
$_ = qr/$_/;
if (defined $opts{'size'}) {
if ($opts{'size'} !~ m/\A[0-9]+\Z/ || $opts{'size'} == 0) {
warn "$Program: option -S expects a number >= 1\n";
$opts{files} = \@ARGV;
my $fh = IO::Tac->new(%opts);
unless ($fh) {
print while <$fh>;
sub usage {
warn "$Program version $VERSION\n";
warn "usage: $Program [-br] [-s separator] [-B] [-S bytes] [file...]\n";
close STDOUT || die "$Program: can't close stdout: $!\n";
$? = 1 if $? == 255; # from die
IO::Tac; # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use Carp;
use Symbol;
use Fcntl;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $fh = gensym;
tie *$fh, $class, $fh, @_;
my $class = shift;
my $self = shift;
my (%opts, @files);
if (@_ > 1) { # Construct with name/value pairs.
%opts = @_;
%opts = map {lc, $opts{$_}} keys %opts;
@files = @{$opts{files}} if $opts{files};
} else { # Construct with one filename.
@files = @_;
*$self = {
lines => [], # Lines in memory.
scrap => '', # Incomplete line.
EOF => 0, # Finished reading current file.
count => 0, # Current line number.
ends => [], # Array of ORS for 'autoline'.
# Set mode for opening file.
my $mode = O_RDONLY;
$mode |= O_BINARY if *$self->{binary};
# Open files for reading.
if (scalar(@files) == 0 && scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
*$self->{'files'} = [['-', *STDIN]];
} else {
if (scalar(@files) == 0) {
@files = @ARGV;
*$self->{'files'} = [];
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (-d $file) {
warn "$Program: '$file' is a directory\n";
my $fh;
unless (sysopen $fh, $file, $mode) {
warn "$Program: failed to open '$file': $!\n";
unless (sysseek $fh, 0, 2) {
warn "$Program: seek failed for '$file': $!\n";
push @{ *$self->{'files'} }, [$file, $fh];
return if (scalar @{ *$self->{'files'} } == 0);
# Keep track of current file.
$ARGV = *$self->{files}[0][0];
# Save $\ in case 'autoline' changes it.
*$self->{ORS} = $\;
# Process record separator.
my ($RS) = map {
! defined $_ ? '\n' : # Default to newline.
ref $_ ? $_ : # Regular expression.
! length && ++*$self->{paragraph} ? '\n\n+' : # Paragraph mode.
quotemeta # Literal string.
} defined $opts{separator} ? $opts{separator} : $/;
if (ref $RS eq 'SCALAR') { # Record mode.
*$self->{record} = 1;
*$self->{binary} = 1;
*$self->{size} = $$RS;
*$self->{RE} = {
broken => qr/\Z-\A/, # Never match.
RS => qr/^/, # Always match.
} else { # Line mode.
*$self->{size} ||= 8192;
*$self->{RE} = {
broken => qr/\A$RS/, # RS broken at chunk boundary.
RS => qr/$RS/, # Match RS.
capture => qr/($RS)/, # Capture RS.
line => qr/((?s:.*?)$RS|(?s:.+))/, # Match whole line.
# autoline => boolean to indicate if option was set
# autoline_ors => output record separator
# chomp => separate from rest of autoline
@{*$self}{qw/autoline_ors autoline/} = (*$self->{autoline}, 1)
if exists *$self->{autoline};
*$self->{chomp} = *$self->{autoline} && defined $_ && ! length $_
for *$self->{autoline_ors};
*$self->{chomp} and undef *$self->{autoline};
*$self->{autoline_ors} = "\n\n"
if *$self->{paragraph} && ! defined *$self->{autoline};
bless $self, $class;
my $self = shift;
@{*$self->{lines}} or *$self->{lines} = $self->get_lines or return;
$. = ++*$self->{count} if *$self->{autocount};
$\ = pop @{*$self->{ends}} if *$self->{autoline};
pop @{*$self->{lines}};
sub get_lines {
my $self = shift;
# Start on next file.
if (*$self->{EOF}) {
shift @{*$self->{files}};
unless (@{*$self->{files}}) {
$\ = *$self->{ORS} if *$self->{autoline};
*$self->{autoline} = 0;
$ARGV = *$self->{files}[0][0];
*$self->{EOF} = 0;
local $_ = '';
my %re = %{*$self->{RE}};
my $size = *$self->{size};
my $fh = *$self->{files}[0][1];
my (@lines, @ends);
if (*$self->{files}[0][0] eq '-') {
# Next chunk of data comes from STDIN.
local $/;
$_ = <$fh>;
if (*$self->{record}) {
unshift @lines, substr $_, -$size, $size, '' while length;
return \@lines;
} else {
# Get next chunk of data. Make sure that it contains at least
# one record separator (hence, at least one line) and that no
# record separator has been broken across two chunks.
my $file = *$self->{files}[0];
my $tell = sysseek $fh, 0, 1;
unless ($tell > $size) {
sysseek $fh, 0, 0 or confess "Bad seek on [$file]: $!";
sysread $fh, $_, $tell or confess "Bad read on [$file]: $!";
*$self->{EOF}++, last CHUNK;
sysseek $fh, -$size, 1 or confess "Bad seek on [$file]: $!";
sysread $fh, $_, $size or confess "Bad read on [$file]: $!";
/$re{broken}/ and $size += 10, redo CHUNK;
not /$re{RS}/ and $size += *$self->{size}, redo CHUNK;
unless (*$self->{EOF}) {
sysseek $fh, -$size, 1 or confess "Bad seek on [$file]: $!";
return [$_] if *$self->{record};
# Append incomplete line from last chunk.
$_ .= *$self->{scrap};
# Parse chunk for records (a..c) and separators (1..3). The last
# record of a chunk may be missing its separator.
# Full chunk: a1b2c3
# Half chunk: a1b2c
if (*$self->{chomp}) {
@lines = split /$re{RS}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a b c ''
# Half: a b c
*$self->{scrap} = *$self->{EOF} ? '' : shift @lines;
length $lines[-1] or pop @lines;
# Full: b c
# Half: b c
} elsif (*$self->{autoline}) {
if (defined *$self->{autoline_ors}) {
@lines = split /$re{RS}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a b c ''
# Half: a b c
*$self->{scrap} = *$self->{EOF} ? '' : shift @lines;
my $last = pop @lines;
@ends = (*$self->{autoline_ors}) x @lines;
push @lines, $last and push @ends, '' if length $last;
# Full: [a] b c + ors ors
# Half: [a] b c + ors ''
} else {
my @array = split /$re{capture}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a 1 b 2 c 3 ''
# Half: a 1 b 2 c
*$self->{scrap} = *$self->{EOF} ? '' : join '', splice @array, 0, 2;
length $array[-1] ? push @array, '' : pop @array;
push @lines, shift @array and push @ends, shift @array while @array;
# Full: [a1] b c + 2 3
# Half: [a1] b c + 2 ''
} elsif (*$self->{before}) {
if (*$self->{paragraph}) {
@lines = split /$re{RS}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a b c ''
# Half: a b c
if (*$self->{EOF}) {
*$self->{scrap} = '';
my $first = shift @lines;
@lines = map "\n\n$_", @lines;
unshift @lines, $first;
} else {
*$self->{scrap} = shift @lines;
@lines = map "\n\n$_", @lines;
# Full: [a] \n\nb \n\nc \n\n
# Half: [a] \n\nb \n\nc
} else {
my @array = split /$re{capture}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a 1 b 2 c 3 ''
# Half: a 1 b 2 c
if (*$self->{EOF}) {
*$self->{scrap} = '';
my $first = shift @array;
push @lines, join '', splice @array, 0, 2 while @array;
unshift @lines, $first;
} else {
*$self->{scrap} = shift @array;
push @lines, join '', splice @array, 0, 2 while @array;
# Full: [a] 1b 2c 3
# Half: [a] 1b 2c
} else {
if (*$self->{paragraph}) {
@lines = split /$re{RS}/, $_, -1;
# Full: a b c ''
# Half: a b c
*$self->{scrap} = *$self->{EOF} ? '' : shift @lines;
my $last = pop @lines;
@lines = map "$_\n\n", @lines;
push @lines, $last if length $last;
# Full: [a] b\n\n c\n\n
# Half: [a] b\n\n c
} else {
@lines = /$re{line}/g;
*$self->{scrap} = *$self->{EOF} ? '' : shift @lines;
# Full: [a1] b2 c3
# Half: [a1] b2 c
# For autoline mode.
*$self->{ends} = \@ends;
sub CLOSE {
my $self = shift;
$. = *$self->{count} = 0;
$\ = *$self->{ORS} if *$self->{autoline};
# *readline = \&READLINE;
# *close = \&CLOSE;
sub eof {
my $self = shift;
*$self->{EOF} && ! @{*$self->{lines}};
=head1 NAME
tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
B<tac> [-br] [-s separator] [-B] [-S bytes] [file...]
B<tac> copies files or standard input to standard output with the order of
records reversed.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -b
Attach separator to the beginning of the record that it precedes in the file.
=item -B
Read files in binary mode.
=item -r
The separator is a regular expression.
=item -s STRING
Use STRING as record separator. Set to C<''> for paragraph mode. Defaults to
=item -S BYTES
Number of bytes to read at a time. Defaults to 8192.
=head1 NOTES
=item 1
B<-B> and B<-S> are peculiar to this implementation of B<tac>.
=item 2
Regular expressions are as in Perl with some caveats:
=item 3
Do not use capturing parenthesis. They will conflict with B<tac>'s internal use
of them.
=item 4
Alternation may match out of sequence, because matches are made against chunks
of files rather than whole files. Set B<-S> to a suitably large number to avoid
=head1 AUTHOR
The Perl implementation of I<tac> was written by Tim Gim Yee,
This program is copyright (c) Tim Gim Yee 1999.
This program is free and open software. You may use, modify, distribute,
and sell this program (and any modified variants) in any way you wish,
provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.