use strict;
my $class = require './bin/rm';
is( $class, 'PerlPowerTools::rm' );
my $dir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
chdir $dir or BAIL_OUT( "Could not change to $dir: $!" );
# These are the elements in each row of the table
my $n; BEGIN { $n = 0 }
use constant FILES => $n++;
use constant OPTIONS => $n++;
use constant ARGS => $n++;
use constant EXIT => $n++;
use constant REMAINS => $n++;
use constant WARNINGS => $n++;
use constant LABEL => $n++;
unlink 't/x/y/bn/6/7/8/goo/txt/$$';
my $no_such_error = "$!"; # No such file
diag( "Missing file error text is <$no_such_error>" );
my @table = (
[qw(foo bar)],
"files don't exist, with -f"
[qw(foo bar)],
qr/cannot remove 'foo': \Q$no_such_error\E/,
qr/cannot remove 'bar': \Q$no_such_error\E/,
"files don't exist"
foo => { mode => 0755, type => 'file' },
bar => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
[qw(foo bar)],
"foo and bar"
foo => { mode => 0755, type => 'file' },
bar => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
"foo but not bar"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'dir' },
'a/b' => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
[qw(a a/b)],
qr/'a': is a directory/,
"directory without -r or -R"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'dir' },
'a/b' => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
[qw(a a/b)],
"directory without -r or -R, with -f"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'dir' },
'a/b' => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
"file in a directory"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'dir' },
'a/b' => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
"recursive with -R"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'dir' },
'a/b' => { mode => 0444, type => 'file' },
"recursive with -r"
'a' => { mode => 0755, type => 'file' },
[qr/-P ignored/],
"with -P"
subtest 'table' => sub {
foreach my $row ( @table ) {
my $label = $row->[LABEL];
subtest $label => sub {
my $spec = $row->[FILES];
prepare_files( $spec );
foreach my $file ( sort keys %{ $spec } ) {
ok( -e $file, "$file exists as expected" );
my @run_args = ( @{ $row->[OPTIONS] }, @{ $row->[ARGS] } );
my $error = '';
open my $error_fh, '>:utf8', \$error;
my $exit = do {
no warnings qw(once redefine);
local *PerlPowerTools::rm::exit = sub { return $_[1] };
$class->run( args => \@run_args, error_fh => $error_fh );
is $exit, $row->[EXIT], "Exit code is " . $row->[EXIT];
subtest 'what remains' => sub {
pass() if @{ $row->[REMAINS] } == 0;
foreach my $file ( @{ $row->[REMAINS] } ) {
ok( -e $file, "$file exists after rm, as expected" );
subtest 'warnings' => sub {
if( @{ $row->[WARNINGS] } == 0 ) {
is $error, '', 'There were no warnings';
else {
foreach my $pattern ( @{ $row->[WARNINGS] } ) {
like $error, $pattern, "Warnings match $pattern";
cleanup_files( $spec );
sub prepare_files {
my( $spec ) = @_;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %$spec ) {
if( $spec->{$key}{type} and $spec->{$key}{type} eq 'dir' ) {
my $error = '';
my @created = File::Path::make_path( $key, { mode => ($spec->{$key}{mode} || 0755), error => \$error } );
else {
open my $fh, '>', $key or warn qq(Could not create file "$key": $!\n);
print $fh $$;
close $fh;
chmod $spec->{$key}{mode} if exists $spec->{$key}{mode};
sub cleanup_files {
my( $spec ) = @_;
foreach my $key ( sort keys %$spec ) {
next unless -e $key; # as long as it's gone we don't care
if( -d $key ) {
eval { remove_tree $key };
else {
chmod 0777, $key;
unlink $key or warn "Could not unlink <$key>: $!\n";
chmod $spec->{$key}{mode} if exists $spec->{$key}{mode};