use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib qq($Bin/lib);
my $class = 'Text::MultiMarkdown';
my @methods = qw(markdown to_html);
subtest 'sanity' => sub {
use_ok($class) or BAIL_OUT( "Could not compile $class: Stopping" );
can_ok $class, @methods;
subtest 'files' => sub {
my $m = Text::MultiMarkdown->new(
use_metadata => 0,
heading_ids => 0, # Remove MultiMarkdown behavior change in <hX> tags.
img_ids => 0, # Remove MultiMarkdown behavior change in <img> tags.
my $docsdir = "$Bin/docs-pythonmarkdown2-tm-cases-pass";
my @files = get_files($docsdir);
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
subtest $file => sub {
local $TODO = 'Not many of the python markdown tests pass, but they ran off and did their own thing';
run_tests( $m, $docsdir, $file );