# Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
# The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
use 5.014;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Perl::OSType qw( :all );
use constant CAPTURE_TINY => eval { require Capture::Tiny };
use if CAPTURE_TINY, 'Capture::Tiny', qw( capture_stdout );
use_ok 'Win32::Console::DotNet';
use_ok 'System';
use_ok 'ConsoleColor';
use constant Esc => chr 0x1b;
SKIP: { skip 'Not supported iOS, MacCatalyst, or tvOS.', 1 if
os_type eq 'iphoneos';
subtest 'InvalidColors' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
throws_ok { Console->BackgroundColor(42) } qr/ArgumentException/;
throws_ok { Console->BackgroundColor(42) } qr/ArgumentException/;
SKIP: { skip 'Not supported iOS, MacCatalyst, or tvOS.', 1 if
os_type eq 'iphoneos';
subtest 'RoundtrippingColor' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
lives_ok { Console->BackgroundColor( Console->BackgroundColor ) };
lives_ok { Console->ForegroundColor( Console->ForegroundColor ) };
# Changing color on Windows doesn't have effect in some testing environments
# when there is no associated console, such as when run under a profiler like
# our code coverage tools, so we don't assert that the change took place and
# simply ensure that getting/setting doesn't throw.
subtest 'ForegroundColor' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
lives_ok { Console->ForegroundColor };
lives_ok { Console->ForegroundColor( ConsoleColor->Red ) };
subtest 'BackgroundColor' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
lives_ok { Console->BackgroundColor };
lives_ok { Console->BackgroundColor( ConsoleColor->Red ) };
SKIP: { skip 'Not supported iOS, MacCatalyst, or tvOS.', 1 if
os_type eq 'iphoneos';
skip 'Capture::Tiny not installed', 1 unless CAPTURE_TINY;
subtest 'RedirectedOutputDoesNotUseAnsiSequences' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
# Make sure that redirecting to a memory stream causes Console not to write
# out the ANSI sequences
my $data = capture_stdout( sub {
lives_ok {
Console->ForegroundColor( ConsoleColor->Blue );
Console->BackgroundColor( ConsoleColor->Red );
is index($data, Esc), -1;
is $data, "1234";
use constant TermIsSetAndRemoteExecutorIsSupported => !!$ENV{"TERM"};
SKIP: { skip 'Platform specific', 1 unless is_os_type('Unix');
skip 'Not supported iOS, MacCatalyst, or tvOS.', 1 if os_type eq 'iphoneos';
skip 'TERM is not set', 1 unless TermIsSetAndRemoteExecutorIsSupported;
subtest 'RedirectedOutput_EnvVarSet_EmitsAnsiCodes' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
for my $envVar (undef, '1', 'true', 'tRuE', '0', 'false') {
local $TODO = 'Action not implemented';