use v5.10;
use strict;
subtest 'testing mocking a method to return undef (no argument)' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
is $spy->object->meth, undef, 'method return value ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to return a scalar (method 1)' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
$spy->add_method('meth', 'scalar');
is $spy->object->meth, 'scalar', 'method return value ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to return a scalar (method 2)' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
is $spy->object->meth, 'scalar', 'method return value ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to return a list (method 1)' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
$spy->add_method('meth', 2, 3);
is_deeply [$spy->object->meth], [2, 3], 'method return value ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to return a list (method 2)' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
$spy->add_method('meth')->should_return(2, 3);
is_deeply [$spy->object->meth], [2, 3], 'method return value ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to call custom code' => sub {
my $called;
my @arguments;
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
$spy->add_method('meth')->should_call(sub { @arguments = @_; $called = 1 });
$spy->object->meth(2, 3);
ok $called, 'custom code was called ok';
is_deeply [@arguments], [$spy->object, 2, 3], 'custom code arguments ok';
subtest 'testing mocking a method to throw an exception' => sub {
my $exception = \'a custom error';
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
my $result = eval {
ok !$result, 'exception thrown ok';
is $@, $exception, 'exception ok';