use v5.10;
use strict;
subtest 'testing context value' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
is $spy->context, 'meth', 'context ok';
ok $spy->has_context, 'has context ok';
ok !$spy->has_context, 'cleared context ok';
subtest 'testing context in constructor' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new(context => 'meth');
$spy->object->meth(qw(a b c));
is_deeply $spy->called_with, [qw(a b c)], 'context ok';
subtest 'testing context with a method' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
$spy->object->meth(qw(a b c));
is_deeply $spy->called_with, [qw(a b c)], 'context ok';
subtest 'testing no context' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
my $result = eval {
ok !$result, 'call_history died ok';
like $@, qr/no context was set/, 'call_history error message ok';
subtest 'testing clear context method' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
ok $spy->was_called_once, 'call history 1 ok';
ok $spy->was_called(0), 'call history 2 ok';
subtest 'testing clearing with clear_all' => sub {
my $spy = Test::Spy->new;
my $method = $spy->add_method('test');
my $method2 = $spy->add_method('test2');
ok $method->wasnt_called, 'method 1 ok';
ok $method2->wasnt_called, 'method 2 ok';
ok !$spy->has_context, 'context ok';