# Test various sorts of command-line options
eval "use CLI::Startup 'startup'";
plan skip_all => "Can't load CLI::Startup" if $@;
no warnings 'qw';
# Test list-y options
local @ARGV = qw/ --x=a,b --x=c --x="d,1" --x "e,2","f,3",g /;
my $options = startup({ 'x=s@' => 'listy x option' });
is_deeply $options->{x},
[qw/a b c d,1 e,2 f,3 g/],
"Listy options";
# Invalid list-y options should fail
local @ARGV = ( "--x=b,\0", "--x=a" );
trap { startup({ 'x=s@' => 'listy x option' }) };
like $trap->stderr, qr/FATAL.*Can't parse/, "Parse dies on invalid CSV";
ok $trap->stdout eq '', "Nothing printed to stdout";
ok $trap->exit == 1, "Correct exit status";
# Test hash-y options
local @ARGV = qw/ --x=a=1 --x b=2 --x c=3=2+1 /;
my $options = startup({ 'x=s%' => 'hashy x option' });
is_deeply $options->{x},
{ a => 1, b => 2, c => '3=2+1' },
"Hashy options";
# Do it again, grouping multiple hash elements together
local @ARGV = qw/ --x=a=1,b=2,c=3=2+1,"d=a,b" /;
my $options = startup({ 'x=s%' => 'hashy x option' });
is_deeply $options->{x},
{ a => 1, b => 2, c => '3=2+1', d => 'a,b' },
"Hashy options combined using commas";
# Test incremental options
local @ARGV = ('--x')x10;
my $options = startup({ 'x+' => 'incremental x option' });
ok $options->{x} == 10, "Incremental options";
# Negatable options
local @ARGV = ( '--no-x' );
my $options = startup({ 'x!' => 'negatable x option' });
ok $options->{x} == 0, "Negatable options";
# Option with an alias
local @ARGV = ( map { "--x$_" } 0..9 );
my $optspec = join("|", map {"x$_"} 0..9 ) . "+";
my $options = startup({ $optspec => 'Option with aliases' });
ok $options->{x0} == 10, "Option with aliases";