name = Convert-TBX-Basic
author = BYU Translation Research Group <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Alan K. Melby
copyright_year = 2014
[ReportPhase / Phase_Begins] ; report on everything
; -- start off by bumping the version
; find the last tag, and bump to next version via Version::Next;
; if you need a different version number, set the V env. variable
first_version = 0.01 ; start with this version
version_regexp = ^v(.+)$ ; this is the default
; -- basic dist skeleton
[GatherDir] ; we start with everything in the dist dir
[PruneCruft] ; automatically prune cruft defined by RJBS
[AutoPrereqs] ; automatically find our prereqs
[Prereqs::AuthorDeps] ; add author prereqs to meta files as develop prereqs
[GenerateFile / MANIFEST.SKIP] ; make our default MANIFEST.SKIP
filename = MANIFEST.SKIP
content =
content = #contents of #!include_default
content = #have to put this here until Module::Manifest understands #!include_default
content = # Avoid version control files.
content = \bRCS\b
content = \bCVS\b
content = \bSCCS\b
content = ,v$
content = \B\.svn\b
content = \B\.git\b
content = \B\.gitignore\b
content = \b_darcs\b
content = \B\.cvsignore$
content =
content = # Avoid VMS specific MakeMaker generated files
content = \bDescrip.MMS$
content = \bDESCRIP.MMS$
content = \bdescrip.mms$
content =
content = # Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files.
content = \bMANIFEST\.bak
content = \bMakefile$
content = \bblib/
content = \bMakeMaker-\d
content = \bpm_to_blib\.ts$
content = \bpm_to_blib$
content = \bblibdirs\.ts$ # 6.18 through 6.25 generated this
content =
content = # Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.
content = \bBuild$
content = \b_build/
content = \bBuild.bat$
content = \bBuild.COM$
content = \bBUILD.COM$
content = \$
content =
content = # Avoid temp and backup files.
content = ~$
content = \.old$
content = \#$
content = \b\.#
content = \.bak$
content = \.tmp$
content = \.#
content = \.rej$
content =
content = # Avoid OS-specific files/dirs
content = # Mac OSX metadata
content = \B\.DS_Store
content = # Mac OSX SMB mount metadata files
content = \B\._
content =
content = # Avoid Devel::Cover and Devel::CoverX::Covered files.
content = \bcover_db\b
content = \bcovered\b
content =
content = # Avoid MYMETA files
content = ^MYMETA\.
content =
content =
content = # sublime project
content = \.sublime-project
content = \.sublime-workspace
content =
content = #Eclipse project
content = \.includepath$
content = \.project$
content = \.settings/
content =
content = # our tarballs
content = \.tar\.gz$
content = ^releases/
content = ^TODO\.txt
content =
content = \b_Inline
[ManifestSkip] ; don't put anything in MANIFEST.SKIP in the build
skipfile = MANIFEST.SKIP
; -- Generate tons of tests
[ReportVersions::Tiny] ; report module versions used during installation
[Test::Compile] ; Create a t/00-compile.t file that auto-compiles every module in the dist
fake_home = 1 ; fakes $ENV{HOME} just in case (for cpan smoke testers)
critic_config = t/perlcriticrc
[Test::DistManifest] ; tests correctness of the manifest
[Test::Version] ; makes sure there's a version
is_strict = 0
has_version = 1
[MetaTests] ; test meta.yml
[Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON] ; test meta.json
[Test::MinimumVersion] ; tests for a minimum version
[MojibakeTests] ; test file encodings
[PodCoverageTests] ; test pod coverage
[PodSyntaxTests] ; test pod syntax
[Test::Portability] ; test portability of file names
[Test::Synopsis] ; make sure the synopsis is compilable ;doesn't work with heredocs
; comment out for unused $twig in _log_missed
; [Test::UnusedVars] ; find unused variables
[Test::Pod::LinkCheck] ; find broken links
[Test::CPAN::Changes] ; test changelog conformance to CPAN standards
; [Test::EOL] ; Bad for Windows. TODO: find something else for trailing space
[Test::Kwalitee] ; check kwalitee metric
; -- munge files
[Prepender] ; automatically add lines following the shebang in modules
copyright = 1
[OurPkgVersion] ; "our $VERSION = $version" in main module
[PodWeaver] ; weave our POD and add useful boilerplate
; config_plugin = @Apocalyptic
; [LocaleMsgfmt] ; compile .po files to .mo files in share/locale
; locale = share/locale
; update the Changelog
time_zone = local
filename = Changes
; -- generate/process meta-information
[ExecDir] ; automatically install files from bin/ directory as executables ( if it exists )
dir = bin
[ShareDir] ; automatically install File::ShareDir files from share/ ( if it exists )
dir = share
[MinimumPerl] ; automatically find the minimum perl version required and add it to prereqs
[Bugtracker] ; set bugtracker to$dist
[Homepage] ; set homepage to$dist/
[MetaConfig] ; dump dzil config into metadata
[MetaData::BuiltWith] ; dump entire perl modules we used to build into metadata
[Repository] ; set git repository path by looking at git configs
git_remote = origin
[MetaResources] ; add arbitrary resources to metadata
; generate meta files
[MetaNoIndex] ; tell PAUSE to not index those directories
directory = inc t xt examples share eg mylib
[MetaProvides::Package] ; get provides from package definitions in files
meta_noindex = 1
[License] ; create LICENSE file
[MakeMaker] ; create Makefile.PL file
[ModuleBuild] ; create Build.PL file
[DualBuilders] ; have M::B and EU::MM but select only M::B as prereq
prefer = build
[MetaYAML] ; create META.yml file
; need to do `git config --global github.user USERNAME`
[GithubMeta] ; include Git info in Meta.yml
[MetaJSON] ; create META.json file
[ReadmeFromPod] ; create README file in build
[ReadmeAnyFromPod / ReadmeMkdnInRoot] ; create markdown README file in the project root
type = markdown
location = root
[InstallGuide] ; create INSTALL file
; Windows: install gpg4win
; [Signature] ; create SIGNATURE file whenever we create an archive
sign = archive
[Manifest] ; create the MANIFEST file
; -- pre-release
; Perform Git operations after a release or build
; [Git::Check] ; check for a clean state before release; always fails because build adds new files
[CheckChangesHasContent] ; make sure you explained your changes :)
changelog = Changes
[TestRelease] ; make sure that we won't release a FAIL distro
[CheckPrereqsIndexed] ; make sure that our prereqs actually exist on CPAN
[ConfirmRelease] ; double-check that we ACTUALLY want a release
; -- test
[RunExtraTests] ; run the xt/ tests when `dzil test --release` is run
; -- release
[UploadToCPAN] ; upload your dist to CPAN using CPAN::Uploader
; -- post-release
[ArchiveRelease] ; archive our tarballs under releases/
directory = releases
[Clean] ; run dzil clean so we have/commit no cruft
[Git::Commit] ; commit the dzil-generated stuff (allow_dirty means commit it)
allow_dirty = README.mkdn
allow_dirty = Changes
allow_dirty = dist.ini
allow_dirty = README.mkdn
commit_msg = New CPAN release of %N - v%v%n%n%c
add_files_in = releases ; add our release tarballs to the repo
; commit released build to "build" branch
release_branch = build/%b
message = Build of release v%v (%h on %b)
[Git::Tag] ; tag our new release
tag_format = v%v
; branch = releases
tag_message = Tagged release %v
;NOTE: you'll have to tag the build manually
[Git::Push] ; automatically push to the "origin" defined in .git/config
push_to = origin
;NOTE: you'll have to push the build manually
[ReportPhase / Phase_Ends]