use Moo;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw/ blessed /;
use JSON 'to_json';
use Encode 'encode';
has 'helper', is => 'ro';
has 'wrapper', is => 'ro';
has 'template', is => 'ro', required => 1;
has 'encoding', is => 'ro', default => 'UTF-8';
has 'loop_var', is => 'ro', default => 'loop';
has 'metadata_key', is => 'ro', default => 'meta';
has 'handlers', is => 'ro', default => sub { [] };
has 'active_handlers', is => 'rw';
has 'inactive_handlers', is => 'rw';
has 'internal_id_attribute', is => 'ro', default => 'data-plift-id';
has '_load_template', is => 'ro', required => 1, init_arg => 'load_template';
has '_load_snippet', is => 'ro', required => 1, init_arg => 'load_snippet';
has 'document', is => 'rw', init_arg => undef;
has 'is_rendering', is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, default => 0;
has '_data_stack', is => 'ro', init_arg => undef, default => sub { [] };
has '_directive_stack', is => 'ro', init_arg => undef, default => sub { [] };
my $self = shift;
my ($package, $method) = our $AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.+)::(.+)$/;
Carp::croak "Undefined subroutine &${package}::$method called"
unless Scalar::Util::blessed $self && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__);
return if $method eq 'DESTROY';
Carp::croak qq{Can't locate object method "$method" via package "$package"}
unless $self->helper && $self->helper->can($method);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
# coerse array indo hash
foreach my $attr (qw/ active_handlers inactive_handlers/) {
$self->$attr({ map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->$attr } })
if $self->$attr;
sub metadata {
my $self = shift;
my $key = $self->metadata_key;
my $data = $self->data;
$data->{$key} = {} unless exists $data->{$key};
sub data {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->_data_stack;
push @$stack, +{} if @$stack == 0;
sub _push_stack {
my ($self, $data_point) = @_;
my $data = $self->get($data_point) || {};
push @{$self->_data_stack}, $data;
sub _pop_stack {
my ($self) = @_;
pop @{$self->_data_stack};
sub directives {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->_directive_stack;
push @$stack, +{
directives => [],
selector => '',
} if @$stack == 0;
sub rewind_directive_stack {
my ($self, $element) = @_;
# rewind all
unless (defined $element) {
my $directive_stack = $self->_directive_stack;
pop @$directive_stack while (@$directive_stack > 1);
# rewind until parent is found
# pop stack until we find a parent or reach the root of stack
my $stack = $self->_directive_stack;
while (@$stack > 1) {
my $parent = $element->parent;
my $parent_selector = $stack->[-1]->{selector};
# remove modifiers
while ($parent->get(0)->nodeType != 9) {
return if $parent->filter($parent_selector)->size == 1;
$parent = $parent->parent;
pop @$stack;
sub push_at {
my ($self, $selector, $data_point) = @_;
my $inner_directives = [];
$self->at($selector => { $data_point => $inner_directives });
push @{$self->_directive_stack}, {
selector => $selector,
directives => $inner_directives
# p $self->_directive_stack;
sub pop_at {
my $self = shift;
pop @{$self->_directive_stack};
my $internal_id = 1;
sub internal_id {
my ($self, $node) = @_;
$node = $node->get(0)
if $node->isa('XML::LibXML::jQuery');
unless ($node->hasAttribute($self->internal_id_attribute)) {
$node->setAttribute($self->internal_id_attribute, $internal_id++);
return $node->getAttribute($self->internal_id_attribute);
sub at {
my $self = shift;
my $directives = $self->directives->{directives};
if (my $reftype = ref $_[0]) {
push @$directives, @{$_[0]}
if $reftype eq 'ARRAY';
push @$directives, %{$_[0]}
if $reftype eq 'HASH';
else {
push @$directives, @_;
sub set {
my $self = shift;
confess "set() what?"
unless defined $_[0];
my $data = $self->data;
# set(hashref)
if (my $reftype = ref $_[0]) {
confess "Invalid parameter given to set(data): data must be a hashref."
unless $reftype eq 'HASH';
# copy data
$data->{$_} = $_[0]->{$_}
for keys %{$_[0]};
return $self;
# set(key, value)
$data->{$_[0]} = $_[1];
sub get {
my ($self, $reference) = @_;
my $data = $self->data;
my @keys = split /\./, $reference;
# empty key
die "invalid reference '$reference'"
if grep { !defined } @keys;
# traverse data, valid reference formats:
# - foo
# -
# - foo.0
# -
my $current_path = '';
while (defined (my $key = shift @keys)) {
# undefined data
confess "get('$reference') error: '$current_path' is undefined."
unless defined $data;
# cant traverse non-ref data
die "get('$reference') error: can't traverse key '$key': '$current_path' is a non-ref value."
unless ref $data;
# append path
$current_path .= length $current_path ? ".$key" : $key;
my $next_data;
# hash key
if (ref $data eq 'HASH') {
$next_data = $data->{$key};
# array: numeric keys only
elsif (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') {
confess "get('$reference') error: '$current_path' is an array and '$key' is not a numeric index."
unless $key =~ /^\-?\d+$/;
$next_data = $data->[$key];
elsif (blessed $data) {
die sprintf("get('%s') error: '%s' is an '%s' instance and '%s' is not a existing method.",
$reference, $current_path, ref $data, $key) unless $data->can($key);
$next_data = $data->$key;
elsif (ref $data) {
die sprintf "get('%s') error: can't traverse key '%s': '%s' is a unsupported ref value (%s).",
$reference, $key, $current_path, ref $data;
# next data is code, replace by its rv
$next_data = $next_data->($self, $data)
if ref $next_data eq 'CODE';
$data = $next_data;
$data = '' unless defined $data;
return $data;
sub process_template {
my ($self, $template_name) = @_;
# TODO this is an action at a distance... find a better solution
# localize current_file and current_path
# load_template sets it, process_element can recurse into load_template
# thats for related paths to work
local $self->{current_file} = $self->{current_file};
local $self->{current_path} = $self->{current_path};
my $element = $self->load_template($template_name);
# load a template from the paths contained in the _load_template closure
sub load_template {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
$self->_load_template->($self, $name);
sub process_element {
my ($self, $element) = @_;
# match elements
my $callback = sub {
$self->_dispatch_handlers(@_, $element->_new_nodes([$_[1]]));
# get handlers
my @handlers = @{ $self->handlers };
@handlers = grep { exists $self->active_handlers->{$_->{name}} } @handlers
if defined $self->active_handlers;
@handlers = grep { !exists $self->inactive_handlers->{$_->{name}} } @handlers
if defined $self->inactive_handlers;
# build xpath
my $find_xpath = join ' | ', map { $_->{xpath} } @handlers;
my $filter_xpath = $find_xpath;
$filter_xpath =~ s{\.//}{./}g;
foreach my $node (
@{ $element->xfilter($filter_xpath)->{nodes} },
@{ $element->xfind($find_xpath)->{nodes} }
) {
$self->_dispatch_handlers($node, $element->_new_nodes([$node]));
# printf STDERR "# afer filter: %s\n", $element->as_html;
sub _dispatch_handlers {
my ($self, $node, $el) = @_;
my $tagname = $node->localname;
foreach my $handler (@{ $self->handlers }) {
# dispatch by tagname
my $handler_match = 0;
if ($handler->{tag} && scalar grep { $_ eq $tagname } @{$handler->{tag}}) {
$handler_match = 1;
# dispatch by attribute
elsif ($handler->{attribute}) {
foreach my $attr (@{$handler->{attribute}}) {
if ($node->hasAttribute($attr)) {
$handler_match = 1;
# dispatch
$handler->{sub}->($el, $self)
if $handler_match;
sub render {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
@{ $self->_data_stack } = ( $data )
if defined $data;
# already rendering
die "Can't call render() now. We are already rendering."
if $self->is_rendering;
# process template
my $element = $self->process_template($self->template);
# apply wrapper
if ($self->wrapper) {
my $wrapper = $self->process_template($self->wrapper);
$element = $wrapper;
# rewind directive stack, then render
$self->_render_directives($element, $self->directives->{directives});
# TODO output filters
# remove internal id attribute
$element->xfind(sprintf '//*[@%s]', $self->internal_id_attribute)
# return the document
sub _render_directives {
my ($self, $el, $directives) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$directives; $i += 2) {
my $match_spec = $directives->[$i];
# modifiers
my $mod = $self->_parse_matchspec_modifiers($match_spec);
my ($selector, $attribute) = split '@', $match_spec;
my $action = $directives->[$i+1];
my $target_element = $el->find($selector);
$target_element = $el->filter($selector) if $target_element->size == 0;
next unless $target_element->size > 0;
# Scalar
if (!ref $action) {
my $value = $self->get($action);
$target_element->remove unless defined $value;
# to_json
$value = to_json($value) if ref $value eq 'HASH';
# encode
$value = encode 'UTF-8', $value;
if (defined $attribute && $attribute ne 'HTML') {
# TODO append prepend attribute
$target_element->attr($attribute, $value);
else {
# render Text by default (i.e. escaped HTML)
$value = [$target_element->{document}->createTextNode($value)]
unless defined $attribute && $attribute eq 'HTML';
# replace contents by default
unless $mod->{prepend} || $mod->{append};
$mod->{prepend} ? $target_element->prepend($value)
: $target_element->append($value);
# ArrayRef
elsif (ref $action eq 'ARRAY') {
$self->_render_directives($target_element, $action);
# HashRef
elsif (ref $action eq 'HASH') {
my ($new_data_root, $new_directives) = %$action;
my $new_data = $self->get($new_data_root);
# loop render
if (defined $new_data && ref $new_data eq 'ARRAY') {
my $total = @$new_data;
my $item_tpl = $mod->{replace} ? $target_element->contents
: $target_element;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$new_data; $i++) {
# temporary loop var
local $self->data->{$self->loop_var} = {
index => $i + 1,
total => $total
my $new_item = $item_tpl->clone;
$self->_render_directives($new_item, $new_directives);
else {
$self->_render_directives($target_element, $new_directives);
# CodeRef
elsif (ref $action eq 'CODE') {
# Template::Pure used this coderef to receive a value.
# our coderef is used to perform custom element rendering,
# We support evaluating a value from a coderef when a datapoint is a coderef.
$action->($target_element, $self);
# replace
if $mod->{replace};
sub _parse_matchspec_modifiers {
my %mod;
# ^<match_spec>
$mod{replace} = $_[1] =~ /^\+?\^\+?/;
# +<match_spec>
$mod{prepend} = $_[1] =~ /^\^?\+\^?/;
# <match_spec>+
$mod{append} = $_[1] =~ /\+$/;
# remove modifier characters
$_[1] =~ s/^[+^]+(?=[\w\.\[\*\#])//g;
$_[1] =~ s/(?<=[\w\.\#\*\]])[+]+$//g;
sub run_snippet {
my ($self, $name, $element, $params, $args) = @_;
# instantiate
($name, my $action) = split /\//, $name;
my $snippet = $self->snippet($name, $params);
# action
$action ||= 'process';
my $method = $snippet->can($action);
die "Invalid action '$action' for snippet '$name'."
unless $method;
# run
$snippet->$method($element, $args && ref $args eq 'ARRAY'? @$args : ());
sub snippet {
my ($self, $name, $params) = @_;
$params ||= {};
$params->{context} = $self;
$self->_load_snippet->($name, $params);
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Plift::Context - Template data and instructions to be rendered.
use Plift;
my $plift = Plift->new(
path => \@paths, # default ['.']
plugins => [qw/ Script Blog Gallery GoogleMap /], # plugins not included
my $tpl = $plift->template("index");
# set render directives
'#name' => 'fullname',
'#contact' => [
'.phone' => '',
'.email' => ''
# render render with data
my $document = $tpl->render({
fullname => 'Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz',
contact => {
phone => '+55 27 1234-5678',
email => ''
=head1 METHODS
=head2 at
Adds on or more render directives.
=head2 set
Set data to be rendered.
=head2 get
Get data via a dotted data-point string.
$context->set(posts => [
{ title => 'Post 01', ... },
{ title => 'Post 02', ... },
{ title => 'Post 03', ... },
print $context->get('posts.0.title'); # Post 01
=head2 render
Renders the template. Returns a XML::LibXML::jQuery object containing the
XML::LibXML::Document node.
print $context->render(\%data)->as_html;
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz E<lt><gt>