use strict;
use Test::More 0.98;
use FindBin;
use Plift;
my $engine = Plift->new(
paths => ["$FindBin::Bin/templates", "$FindBin::Bin/other_templates"],
subtest 'set()' => sub {
my $ctx = $engine->template('index');
$ctx->set('name', 'Carlos Fernando')
foo => 'foo value',
bar => 'bar value',
->set('items', [
{ name => 'Item 1', description => 'Item 1 description' },
{ name => 'Item 2', description => 'Item 2 description' },
{ name => 'Item 3', description => 'Item 3 description' },
is_deeply $ctx->data, {
name => 'Carlos Fernando',
foo => 'foo value',
bar => 'bar value',
items => [
{ name => 'Item 1', description => 'Item 1 description' },
{ name => 'Item 2', description => 'Item 2 description' },
{ name => 'Item 3', description => 'Item 3 description' },
}, 'data';
subtest 'get()' => sub {
my $ctx = $engine->template('index');
my $object = Some::Class->new;
value => 'foo',
hash => { value => 'foo' },
deep => { hash => { value => 'foo' } },
array => [qw/ foo bar baz /],
complex => {
array_of_hash => [{ value => 'foo' }],
hash_of_array => { items => ['foo']},
object => $object,
code => sub { 'foo' },
user => {
name => sub { "$_[1]->{first_name} $_[1]->{last_name}"},
alt_name => sub { $_[0]->get('user.first_name') .' '. $_[0]->get('user.last_name') },
first_name => 'First',
last_name => 'Last',
hash_from_code => sub { +{ value => 'foo' } },
object_from_code => sub { $object }
is $ctx->get('value'), 'foo', 'value';
is $ctx->get('hash.value'), 'foo', 'hash.value';
is $ctx->get('deep.hash.value'), 'foo', 'deep.hash.value';
is $ctx->get('array.0'), 'foo', 'array.0';
is $ctx->get('array.1'), 'bar', 'array.1';
is $ctx->get('complex.array_of_hash.0.value'), 'foo', 'complex.array_of_hash.0.value';
is $ctx->get('complex.hash_of_array.items.0'), 'foo', 'complex.hash_of_array.items.0.value';
is $ctx->get('object.foo_method'), $object->foo_method, 'object.method';
is $ctx->get('code'), 'foo', 'code';
dies_ok { $ctx->get('') } 'traverse thru code';
is $ctx->get(''), 'First Last', 'code with data args';
is $ctx->get('user.alt_name'), 'First Last', 'code with data args';
is $ctx->get('hash_from_code.value'), 'foo', 'hash_from_code.value';
is $ctx->get('object_from_code.foo_method'), $object->foo_method, 'object_from_code.method';
subtest 'at' => sub {
my $c = $engine->template('index');
$c->at(one => '1')
->at([ two => 2, three => 3 ])
->push_at('article', 'posts')
->at('.title' => 'title')
->at(['.content' => 'content', '.author' => 'author'])
->at(four => 4);
is_deeply $c->directives->{directives}, [
one => 1,
two => 2,
three => 3,
article => {
posts => [
'.title' => 'title',
'.content' => 'content',
'.author' => 'author'
four => 4
subtest 'selector_for' => sub {
my $c = $engine->template('index');
my $div = j('<div />');
is $c->selector_for($div), sprintf('*[%s="%s"]', $c->internal_id_attribute, $div->get(0)->unique_key);
subtest 'render' => sub {
my $c = $engine->template('index');
my $doc = $c->render;
isa_ok $doc->get(0), 'XML::LibXML::Document';
is $doc->find('h1')->size, 1;
subtest 'active_handlers' => sub {
my $c = $engine->template('wrap/wrap', {
active_handlers => ['include']
my $doc = $c->render;
is $doc->find('x-wrap')->size, 1;
is $doc->find('section')->size, 1;
subtest 'inactive_handlers' => sub {
my $c = $engine->template('wrap/wrap', {
inactive_handlers => ['wrap']
my $doc = $c->render;
is $doc->find('x-wrap')->size, 1;
is $doc->find('section')->size, 1;
subtest 'helper' => sub {
my $engine = Plift->new(
paths => ["$FindBin::Bin/templates"],
helper => Some::Class->new
name => 'test_helper',
tag => 'section',
handler => sub {
my ($el, $ctx) = @_;
my $ctx = $engine->template('section');
my $doc = $ctx->render;
is $doc->find('section')->text, 'foo', 'context helper';
package Some::Class;
use Moo;
sub foo_method { 'foo' }