package Net::ParSCP;
use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our $VERSION = '0.07';
our $VERBOSE = 0;
# Create methods for each defined machine or cluster
sub create_machine_alias {
my %cluster = @_;
my %method; # keys: machine addresses. Values: the unique name of the associated method
no strict 'refs';
for my $m (keys(%cluster)) {
my $name = uniquename($m);
*{__PACKAGE__.'::'.$name} = sub {
$method{$m} = $name;
return \%method;
sub read_configfile {
my $configfile = $_[0];
if (-r $configfile) {
open(my $f, $configfile);
my @desc = <$f>;
return @desc;
# Configuration file not found. Try with ~/.csshrc of cssh
$configfile = $_[0] = "$ENV{HOME}/.csshrc";
if (-r $configfile) {
open(my $f, $configfile);
# We are interested in lines matching 'option = values'
my @desc = grep { m{^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*} } <$f>;
my %config = map { m{^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*} } @desc;
# Get the clusters. It starts 'cluster = ... '
my $regexp = $config{clusters};
# create regexp (^beo\s*=)|(^be\s*=)
$regexp =~ s/\s*(\S+)\s*/(^$1\\s*=)|/g;
$regexp =~ s/[|]\s*$//;
# Select the lines that correspond to clusters
return grep { m{$regexp}x } @desc;
usage('Error. Configuration file not found!') unless -r $configfile;
sub parse_configfile {
my $configfile = $_[0];
my %cluster;
my @desc = read_configfile($_[0]);
for (@desc) {
next if /^\s*(#.*)?$/;
my ($cluster, $members) = split /\s*=\s*/;
die "Error in configuration file $configfile invalid cluster name $cluster" unless $cluster =~ /^[\w.]+$/;
my @members = split /\s+/, $members;
for my $m (@members) {
die "Error in configuration file $configfile invalid name $m" unless $m =~ /^[\@\w.]+$/;
$cluster{$m} = Set::Scalar->new($m) unless exists $cluster{$m};
$cluster{$cluster} = Set::Scalar->new(@members);
# keys: machine and cluster names; values: name of the associated method
my $method = create_machine_alias(%cluster);
return (\%cluster, $method);
sub version {
my $errmsg = shift;
print "$VERSION\n";
sub usage {
my $errmsg = shift;
warn "$errmsg\n";
sub help {
warn << "HELPMSG";
$0 [ options ] sourcefile clusterexp1:/path1 clusterexp2:/path2 ...
Cluster expressions like:
$0 file 'cluster1-machine2:/tmp'
$0 file 'cluster1-machine2:/tmp/file_@=.txt'
$0 -s '-v' dir/ cluster1+cluster2:/tmp cluster3:/scratch/
are accepted. The macro C<@=> inside a path expands to the name of the machine.
To transfer several files, protect them with quotes:
$0 'file1 machine3:file2' cluster1%cluster2:
it transfer file1 in the local machine and file2 in machine3
to the machines in the symmetric difference of clusters cluster1
and cluster2.
Valid options:
--configfile file : Configuration file
--scpoptions : A string with the options for scp.
The default is no options and '-r' if
sourcefile is adirectory
--program : A string with the name of the program to use for secure copy
by default is 'scp'
--processes : Maximum number of concurrent processes
--xterm : runs cssh to the target machines
--help : this help
my $pc = 0;
sub uniquename {
my $m = shift;
$m =~ s/\W/_/g;
return "_$pc"."_$m";
sub exec_cssh {
my @machines = @_;
my $csshcommand = 'cssh ';
$csshcommand .= "$_ " for @machines;
warn "Executing system command:\n\t$csshcommand\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $pid;
exec("$csshcommand &");
die "Can't execute cssh\n";
sub warnundefined {
my ($configfile, @errors) = @_;
local $" = ", ";
my $prefix = (@errors > 1) ?
"Machine identifiers (@errors) do"
: "Machine identifier (@errors) does";
warn "$prefix not correspond to any cluster or machine defined in ".
" cluster description file '$configfile'.\n";
sub non_declared_machines {
my $configfile = shift;
my $clusterexp = shift;
my %cluster = @_;
my @unknown;
my @clusterexp = $clusterexp =~ m{([a-zA-Z_][\w.\@]*)}g;
if (@unknown = grep { !exists($cluster{$_}) } @clusterexp) {
warnundefined($configfile, @unknown) if $VERBOSE;
return @unknown;
sub wait_for_answers {
my $readset = shift;
my %proc = %{shift()};
my $np = keys %proc; # number of processes
my %output;
my @ready;
my %result;
for (my $count = 0; $count < $np; ) {
push @ready, $readset->can_read unless @ready;
my $handle = shift @ready;
my $name = $proc{0+$handle};
unless (defined($name) && $name) {
warn "Error. Received message from unknown handle\n";
$name = 'unknown';
my $partial = '';
my $numBytesRead;
$numBytesRead = sysread($handle, $partial, 65535, length($partial));
$output{$name} .= $partial;
if (defined($numBytesRead) && !$numBytesRead) {
# eof
if ($VERBOSE) {
print "$name output:\n";
$output{$name} =~ s/^/$name:/gm if length($output{$name});
print "$output{$name}\n";
$count ++;
if (close($handle)) {
$result{$name} = 1;
else {
warn $! ? "Error closing scp to $name $!\n"
: "Exit status $? from scp to $name\n";
print "$output{$name}\n" unless $VERBOSE;
$result{$name} = 0;
return \%result;
sub spawn_secure_copies {
my %arg = @_;
my $readset = $arg{readset};
my $configfile = $arg{configfile};
my $destination = $arg{destination};
my @destination = ref($destination)? @$destination : $destination;
my %cluster = %{$arg{cluster}};
my %method = %{$arg{method}};
my $scp = $arg{scp} || 'scp';
my $scpoptions = $arg{scpoptions} || '';
my $sourcefile = $arg{sourcefile};
my (%pid, %proc);
for (@destination) {
my ($clusterexp, $path);
unless (/^([^:]*):([^:]*)$/) {
warn "Error. Destination '$_' must have no more than one colon (:). Skipping transfer.\n";
if ($1) {
($clusterexp, $path) = split /\s*:\s*/;
else {
($clusterexp, $path) = ('', $2);
$scpoptions .= '-r';
$pid{localhost} = open(my $p, "$scp $scpoptions $sourcefile $path 2>&1 |");
unless (length($clusterexp)) {
warn "Error. Destination '$_' must have a cluster specification. Skipping transfer.\n";
# Autodeclare unknown machine identifiers
my @unknown = non_declared_machines($configfile, $clusterexp, %cluster);
my %unknown = map { $_ => Set::Scalar->new($_)} @unknown;
%cluster = (%cluster, %unknown); # union
%method = (%method, %{create_machine_alias(%unknown)});
$clusterexp =~ s/(\w[\w.\@]*)/$method{$1}()/g;
my $set = eval $clusterexp;
unless (defined($set) && ref($set) && $set->isa('Set::Scalar')) {
$clusterexp =~ s/_\d+_//g;
$clusterexp =~ s/[()]//g;
warn "Error. Expression '$clusterexp' has errors. Skipping.\n";
for my $m ($set->members) {
# @ is a macro and means "the name of the machine"
my $cp = $path;
$cp =~ s/@=/$m/g;
warn "Executing system command:\n\t$scp $scpoptions $sourcefile $m:$cp\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $pid;
$pid{$m} = $pid = open(my $p, "$scp $scpoptions $sourcefile $m:$cp 2>&1 |");
warn "Can't execute scp $scpoptions $sourcefile $m:$cp", next unless defined($pid);
$proc{0+$p} = $m;
return (\%pid, \%proc);
sub parpush {
my %arg = @_;
my ($cluster, $method) = parse_configfile($arg{configfile});
my $readset = IO::Select->new();
# $proc is a hash ref. keys: memory address of some IO stream.
# Values the name of the assoc. machine.
# $pid is a hash ref
# keys: machine names. Values: process Ids
my ($pid, $proc) = spawn_secure_copies(
readset => $readset,
cluster => $cluster,
method => $method,
my $okh = wait_for_answers($readset, $proc);
return wantarray? ($okh, $pid) : $okh;